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 Does everybody get wisdom teeth?
I heard some people only get 2 or instead of all 4 but I don't have any. I'm almost 20 years old, there's no sign of anything coming in, and there's not really a space for them in ...

 How many times a day u brush your teeth?

 Ive got a toothache,i cant get it seen to till monday,does anyone know anything i can do 2 ease it a bit?

 Why have brits got such messed up teeth?
tooth brush, now that is a word that limeys should be proud of inventing. never thought of teethbrush did you. god bless the US....

 I know its not wise to do but whats the best way..?
.. to remove a tooth without going to the dentist?...

 (Guys only) Do you think braces are hot?
I recently got braces and so I wanted to know what guys think....

 HELP HELP HELP URGENT i just got a cavity and my teeth really hurt, i dont want to take pill,anyother options?
i just got a filling this morning
i dont like taking tylonal or ibprofen or anything like that unless it's serious

my tooth hurts pretty bad, any suggestions on how to make it ...

 Is it safe to use household bleach to whiten teeth?

 Anyone stick toothbrushes up there nose ?
I was brushing my teeth on Saturday morning and a friend arrived at my house. I began brushing my teeth faster so that my friend didn't have to wait. My wrist was like a blur as I frantically ...

 Will getting my Wisdom teeth removed hurt?
Do they give you General anesthetic for the removal of 4 wisdom teeth? Also, Does anybody know what kind of pain killers will be prescribed when the surgery is over?...

 I'm gonna get braces soon? ?
How do they put the braces on and does it hurt?
I hate when dentist dig deep into your mouth it's yucky.
Is there anything yucky about braces?

All braces info is welcome.<...

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 Should I get anthesisa(sleep) while taking wisdom teeth out or be awake? Have you got it done before?
Have you taken wisdom teeth out? Does it hurt the process? They gave me option of sleeping or being awake.. I was thinking sleeping but I mite get ride after an hour of the surgery being done. I ...

 Since my kids teeth are gonna fall out anyway, do I have to let them brush daily?
Those Dora, Sponge Bob, and Diego toothbrushes are VERY expensive.
Additional Details
does it HAVE to be listerine? Or can I use ...

 Daughter has toothache with severe jaw pain?
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 My mouth is a bloody mess!?
Is got some bleedin gums...my choppers are perfect otherwise.What ch'all reckon I dew?...

Okay so I went to the orthodontist on Saturday and he applied a chain to my 4 front teeth, IT KILLS. Please is there anything I can do to stop the pain. My gap is closing but it hurts so bad i feel ...

 How often do you visit your dentist?
I go every six months or so, I had a check up this morning and everything was fine again and I don't need any treatment. Do you think it'll be okay to go once a year or should I keep up ...

I'm getting braces do they ...

 Is it ok to chew sugar free chewing gum with braces?
I know you aren't supposed to chew gum with braces, but what about sugar free gum? Some people have told me that its ok with sugar free though. If anyone has any good or bad experiences please ...

Braces HELP!!?
Does it hurt when they put braces on???
And what can you not eat when you have braces on??
Can you eat Fast food?
I am getting braces~

it does not hurt when you get braces, but after you had them for at least a week, it hurts.

you can eat fast food, but the first week of getting your braces, i wouldnt recommend eating solid foods at all, since you're probably going to be in pain. try eating soft foods when you get your braces first, then work on eating solid foods like fast food.

i know i was told not to drink soda, eat sticky foods like caramel and gum or really hard food like corn nuts, eating a whole apple, when i had my braces.

good luck !

it may hurt, depending on how bad your teeth hurt. maybe take advil befor u get them on. some peoples ive heard didnt hurt. most of the time it is a couple hours or the next day when the pain really kicks in, eat really soft food, prob not soft food. good luck. im hoping to get mine of in 4 weeks

Leah g
yes it hurts reeally bad when they put them on but you can get orajel that numbs the pain.
your not supposed to eat hard candy and only DIET soda.
yeah you can eat fast food but the 2 days after all i ate was smoothies and soup because it hurt to chew/:

1. Not right when they are putting them on, no. Just some pressue.

2. Anything except candy, gum, sticky things, etc. They will give you a list.

3. Well technically yes, but why are you eating fast food anyway? It is SO very bad for you.

it dosnt hurt.
and when you first get them on for like the first week you should eat soft foods and then after that you can't chew sugar gum only sugar free, don't eat carmel, or bite into apples or anything like that.

It hurts when they have to tighten them for like a couple days after but generally not to much pain when they put them on. Oh now that I think about the rings they put on the very back teeth hurt cause you have to bite down on a stick that pops it in around the tooth.
Soda, Candy, Gum, Junk Food, I'm not sure if pop - corn is in there but they will give you instructions.
You can eat Fast Food but especially with burgers the bun can get stuck in between the wires and you need to constantly floss and brush or your teeth will be stained.

The pain isn't that bad, it's just really really tight the first few times then the monthly tightenings, but once you get used to them, they aren't that bad

Honestly, you can eat anything, just be careful of things getting caught in them like popcorn kernels and apples and things like that
If you do intend on eating these kinds of things, just be sure you can clean them out clearly so they won't get stuck

Fast food is fine

And good luck!

it doesn't hurt when they put then on. it might be sore the next day because your not use to it but it goes away. you can eat pretty much everything. They saw not to chew gum and stuff but i did and was fine.

Man untd. & Chivas for life♥
calm down!!!
in my opinion getting braces was not painful...it was js=ust a feeling of soreness for 2-3 days..it doesn hurt bad..u just have to eat soft foods for then..
u could eat EVERYTHING..they say not to eat gum but i still do and nothing happens...
yes u can eat fast food:)
good luck!!

your teeth will be sensitive for about a week when you first put on your braces, but it doesn't hurt that bad.
when you have braces, you need to eat bite-sized fruits, nothing chewy like caramel, and no gum. but you can still eat fast foods.

no it doesnt hurt when they put em on.
it hurts the next day you got braces for like a week
so you cant really eat stuff for a week.
take pills if it really hurt bad. or chew gum.

and dont eat sticky and chewy stuff. like caramel or something.

and it will hurt a lil after you get them tightened

I just got them yesterday.

-They don't hurt when they put it on
-EVERYTHING you cant shew or bite for crap
-NO. Stick to liquid stuff
TRUST ME i just got them and im just starting to feel it.

It doesn't really hurt when they put them on. There's only one thingI know for a fact you can't chew bubble gum.

when they put them on it dosen't hurt, but after they ache, so take a pain killer before you go. they give u big long list of food that you cant eat, but the only foods that i had problems with were un-cut apples and carmal. and yes you can eat fast food

i got braces recently
they dont hurt when u get them on.
the glue is nasty.
u cant eat pop corn tortilla chips pizza crust sticky candy ect.
and u can eat fast food just when u get them the first 3 or so days is hell.
the first day u get them they dont hurt just feel weird now i am so used to them i dont even feel them.

Your teeth may be a little sore, especially when the wires are changed or adjusted. You shouldn't eat ice or caramel apples and other things like that. Hang in there! The outcome is worth it. You will be glad you went through a little soreness when you go to job interviews and meet new people when you're older. It's one of those things you grow to appreciate.

braces don't hurt
u cannot eat
hard food or candy
i usually cut up my
apples when i wanna
eat them [[if u like apples]]
Yes you can eat fast food
: ]]

putting the braces on doesnt hurt, but you will be in a little pain for a few days because of your teeth moving. i suggest taking some advil for that. when you have braces they tell you not to chew gum, eat sticky things like caramel, eat popcorn because of the kernels. i still chewed gum but i tried to stay away from sticky things like caramel because they really did get stuck in my braces. yes, you can eat fast food.
hope your teeth come out nice and straight :]

No it doesn't hurt but if you like have a gap they will pull the thingy in the middle of the gap and mand you will bleed but it doesn't hurt so no worries and remember don't get like yellow or it'll compare you teeth color to your braces and best of luck! Oh you just can't chew gum, eat like apples or any other fruits without cutting it and they said something like pizza so good luck!

i had braces!! it does hurt but tis bearable... it just feels like your teeth are wiggly but the pain goes away till you get them tightened.. and you can eat everything except for like corn on the cob and apples.. you have to cut them you cant just bite into them.. popcorn kernels get stuck in them too and steak is a little hard to eat.... sometimes really sticky chewy stuff can pop a bracket but if youre careful you should be fine! (:

It doesn't hurt WHEN they put the braces on,
but It does hurt A BIT for about 3 days.

I got my braces on and right after I went to Tony Romas and ate and they didn't hurt.
It started hurting about 3 hours after I got it on.

When they start to hurt, you can't eat ANYTHING that requires chewing. Good things to during this time are...
Mash Potatoes
Baked Potatoes
Anything soft is good :]

The things you can't eat are while you have your braces are...
Gum [it can get stuck in your brackets, but if you're careful you can anyways]

Nuts [BAD, they can BREAK your brackets and get stuck in them and it will HURT]

Hard Candy [you can but be careful, it can break brackets]

Anything Hard [the breaking of the brackets]

Popcorn [it can get stuck and it's HELL to get it out]

Ribs [if you DO eat ribs, don't let the brackets touch the bone]

Corn [you CAN eat it but it gets stuck EVERYWHERE and it's hard to get out.]

Now that's what the dentist told me I can't eat but I also learn that if you eat Mangos, it's a mess you get out of your teeth, just like corn.

I hope I helped ^^

Simply AhDorable (Dudett)
You just can't eat anything ultra hard and chewy....Fast food is okee dokee...Just depending on the type.

no, it does not hurt. i got mine last year and the first time your get it, it just feels like you got a tiny table glued to you teeth. You cant eat anything for 3 hours after you first get it and after every time you get your braces tighten. for like 2 days after you get it for the first time your teeth will hurt a little when you bit and it will be the same pain you get when you have a loose tooth. The dentist will tell you that you cant chew gum you can eat ice or anything hard but its a lie. i eat absolutely everything i used to eat before i got braces (including gum) and not one bracket has fell off and not one time has my wire broke since i got my braces the 22 of august of 2007. the only thing i dont recommend is to drink tea because it will stain your teeth and also change the color of your bands. also, research on what color you should get because some look horrible. For example: pink= looks like you got gum in your teeth Brown= looks like poop white or clear= looks like the color of anything you eat.....etc.

wishing well xP
Hey i'm getting braces too.
they say you can't eat-
-gum (cause it will get stuck)
-soft drinks and cordial (it will stain your teeth, and if you realy wanna drink soft drink your better off using a starw)
oh and after you get braces the first few weeks you won't be able to eat alot so EAT up.
the injections will hurt if your going to get teeth pulled our if you have really bad teeth.
but at least you can choose the colors ><"

oh and you can eat fast food.

it hurts when you first get them but after the first 5 or so appointments it never hurts. you can eat pretty much anything but just not straight away. the first thing i ate when i got braces was subway and it was fine, just try to eat more with your front teeth. it might look silly but it will save you a LOT of pain!

The process of puttin them on won't hurt

but you will most likely be in pain for a few days after getting them put on
just because your teeth won't be used to the tightness
and you will also get this whenever they are tightened
in this time your teeth will be very sensitive so you might not want to eat much

in general with braces, whatever food you are eating (because it doesn't make that much difference) be sure to brush your teeth properly as advised by your orthodontsit.

It's harder to see food stuck in your teeth and also harder to get it out so brush brush brush!

Good Luck
No it doesn't hurt when you get them on. You can't eat hard things that could break your brackets or bend the wires. It will be pretty easy to figure out what you can't eat. Just think before you put it in your mouth. You can eat fast food. (Don't worry there.)
When they tighten your braces, that's when it hurts. It doesn't hurt while they do it but later or the next day it really hurts. I would take Advil before those appointment. Ask your mom if she agrees. This way the Advil in you before the pain starts. You'll be fine. My 10 year old needs them and she was to start this month but I am waiting until she is a little older. Maybe 13/14 years old.
Good Luck

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