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 Does this sound normal or do i need to see a doctorr.?
i'm 14 and i've lost 7 pounds in the last 2 weeks unintentionally, i've also been feeling really tired all the time and idk why.
i've checked my bmi and it says i'm ...

does loosing weight help u get taller?...

 Do you really think they use rats for chinese food?
I mean i have heard for many years to be cautious of Chinese food. and many years of jokes about chinese people feeding us rats as chicken. I have even seen photos in china of them skinning the rats ...

 What r the best ways to lose weight fast?
i'm 5'3, 137, and i want to get down to 125 maybe 120.
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my family and i r health nuts. we never have junk ...

 I'm a 15 year old girl on a 680 calorie a day diet to lose 15 lbs from 132 how healthy is this and any tips?
Hi, I’m Maggie and I’m a 15 year old, 5'6" girl from Iowa. My basketball coach wants me to lose 15 more pounds down from 132 pounds. I'm in great shape and run about a 6 min mile ...

 Is driniking daily plenty of water heathy?

 Im sick of hearing about fat people!?
.i have a metabolism which prevents me from gaining weight. all these people who are over weight ,its simple stop eating ! put the chocolate bar down and get out the chair and exercise!no ...

 How can i give up smoking cigarettes?
Anyone give any sound tips?
I desperately want to give up, but it is tremendously ...

 Im 5''3 (5 feet 3 inches) and 13 years old how much am i supposed to weigh??

 Has Anyone ever tried the....?
curves 6 week solution??

myh moms making me do it with her so that i can make her stick to it.... but i was wondering if i sdont go to the place and excersise and what not, how much would ...

 Am I too fat to become a model?
I'm 5'7 and I weigh 129lbs....

 Am i overweight?
im 13, 5'3 and i weigh about 114 lbs. am i an ok weight or do i need to loose some ...

 Is it possible to lose 15lbs a month?
I want to lose 15lbs a month to eventually weigh in at 150lbs. I currently weigh 221lbs and I hope to lose 71lbs by the end of the summer which is approximatly 15lbs a month. How can I do this? I ...

 Am I overweight?
I am 116 lb. I think I am overweight, and I'd like to be 100.
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I am 170 ...

 I am a 13 year old boy who weighs 130 lbs. and I am 5 ft. Am I overweight for an average 13 year old boy?
I would like to know I'm not fat compared to the other boy in the 7th grade. I wan't to know if I am over weight....

 Why am I so fat?!?
I am 84 pounds, and 5"3, and I'm a girl, and I'm 13. Why am I so fat?!...

 What's a little snack I can eat before I go to sleep, Something healthy?
should I eat 2 peices of bread and butter or thats bad
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I'm on a high protein low carb diet to lose ...

 How can i loose 20-30 pounds over the summer?
how can i loose 20-30 pounds over the summer instead of joining a ...

 Am i overweight?
i'm 5 foot 4 and i weight 82 pounds. is that too much?...

 Is this girl fat??
shes 5'7 or 5'8 and about 170

is she fat??

shes my sister....

Am i a fatty?
okay i am a twlve year old girl with a six pack but i feel like a total fatty sometimes. is is possible to have a six pack and be fat??

okay well im 125 lbs and 5ft 7

i play sports alot but i was wonderingif my weight is fat
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does muscle really weigh more tahn fat

uhhh with u being 5''7. you perfect, Love ur selft. and every one will 2

Kirstin xO
your no where near to be being fat your actully underweight

Angel Winters
You aren't fat at all! Thats on the small side.

You shouldn't worry about being fat. If your strong and feel healthy then weight should not be a major concern for you. People nowadays feel like they need to look like that superstar on television or in magazines. You are who you are and with time you will love your body.

You're perfect the way you are, it sounds as though you are mostly mustle which is a very good thing.

The more mustle you have, the easier it is to burn calories and maintain a high metabolism.

Though you're 125 pounds and only 5'7 keep in mind that that is a very good weight, the fact that you're active definitely will keep you on balance.

You're not fat.
Feel free to email me.

Sweetie...muscle does weight more than fat!
You are far from fat and if you have a six-pack be grateful. You are young and for you to worry about whether or not you are fat at your dimensions is beyond me.

The average woman in America is 5'4" and weight 164lbs. You are 12 years old and 5'7" Honey, puberty for females ends at 15 years of age. You are still growing. Keep playing sports, eat healthy and you will have the majority of females around you being jealous.

b down
no actually you are just right. check out this site.

My two cents
you sound like one of those not to far from throwing up everything you eat if you find other friends do it. be happy with yourself. you cant be in sports if you were too fat anyway.

Listen to me--you are not fat! Not even close!

Sounds like you are very healthy and totally in shape! Keep up the good work and have lots of FUN playing sports! The sooner you become more comfortable about who you are the less you'll think you're fat (because you are totally NOT fat). Trust me- it's in your head.

nope u sound fine

Not at all, your BMI indicates that your weight is at a healthy, normal weight. and No you cant have 6 pack abs and be fatty

naw u aint fat! u sound average....above average. Stop thinking that way.

The One Who Was
Does not sound fat to me as long as you are healthy.

Tokyo Dreamer ツ
Honestly, you are underweight.

Huggles [mozzafan]
Your perfect don't worry

some days i laugh about it
shut up girl u are a stick.
if u have a 6-pk and ur only 12 and u keep doing whatever ur doing to keep it, u won't need to start worrying about weight until ur at least 25 or u have kids, so dont be anorexic ok? 12 is too young to be worrying about weight.

no youre not fat. if youre really concerned, then ask your doctor. but youre 12, you shouldnt be worrying about weight unless it relates to being healthy

No you arent. that is a perfect size for your height. 6packs are very difficult to achieve. Want proof? Go to your Doctor or personal trainer and get a body fat annalysis done, anything under 25% but above 10% body fat is acceptable. If you go less than 10% you are actually doing harm to your body

You're fine,honey:)
Girls your age shouldn't worry about their weight anyway.
You're active and plus that you've got a six pack!

no your not a fatty . remember muscle weighs more than fat . keep doing what you are doing your fine.

If someone calls you fat, you can kick their *** with your toned six-pack body! (LOL...that's a joke)
Seriously, 125 is probably labled underweight...for your height. Don't let image status control you. What's important is that you feel well and are happy. Happiness is the most beautiful of all traits, it eminates from within.
Have a good one! (and stop worrying about what other people think!)
Heck yeah, muscle weighs more than fat.

Katie L
stop obsessing over nicole richie and go eat some chocolate because your under weight

At your height that's skinny

oh wow your skinny.Im 23 5'8 and 137 lbs i can't keep the guys off of me. your fine trust me.

pierre c
muscle weights more then fat...
so if you have six pack and muscular then you will weight more then the fat guy in your class it's normal

you're fine.

No, sounds like you are fishing for complements.

you are actually underweight! If you are 5'7 you are supposed to weigh 145lbs. As long as you do sports and are excercisng then you are fine! I am older than you are and weigh a little bit more than you........128 to be exact so dont worry about it you are fine. You should be worried when you dont do sports and way 300lbs. lol

Miss Kitty
No. Sorry honey but it sounds like you are just fishing for compliments.

No. You sound muscular and in great shape. Most boys your age haven't hit puberty yet and might feel threatened by you. Keep at the athletics!

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