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 Should i sell my daughters Hockey Sticks on ebay because she is fat?
I feel as though her recent weight gain has made her undeserving of her hockey sticks of whicxh i bough her after she succeeded at the Jenny Craig bread and water diet.
ALSO she wets the bed ...

 Does smoking help you lose weight?
just wondering.....

 Anorexia? How do they do it?
OMG, how do they do it? How do anorexic people starve themselves, I tried to see how it is and i have no iea how they could do it?

How do they starve themselves? 3:S...

 Would i look weird if i went jogging at 12 am???

 Am i chubby? pics.?
im 5"8" and around 135 pounds, i hate it when i look bloated, am i bloated? my hips are big, how do i make them smaller?


 How much weight will i lose if i don't eat anything for 30 days?

 Im feeling weird....please help!!!please!!?
It was my holidays so my mum was frequently making fried stuff like french fries and other fried stuff...on wednesday she made fries and i ate them and then she made them on friday and then she made ...

 I want to learn to be bulimic...?
i really want to be skiny. and i need some help. i want to be bulimic. but the only problem is...i have tried and its hard to get use to sticking your finger or toothbrush down your throat. i really ...

 Do I look anorexic? How much do you think I weigh?

yes, I am tucking in my stomach, but not very much. I'm only around 5'1, keep in mind. How much does it look like I ...

 Is it possible to drink so much water that you die?

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To those you say it's called drowning: I said DRINK water, not inhale it! LOL....

 What do you do when you feel fat and ugly?
Do you have any coping mechanisms for when you feel fat and ugly? What do you do to deal? Work out? Eat less? Meditate? How do you handle it? I feel like a blimp and no amount of eating right or ...

 Poll: Do you like your body?
what do/don't you like about it?

asking this because a lot of people posting questions here seem to not.......

 Am i considered overweight?
im 14 and 5'8 and i weigh about 149-150?...

 How Much Do You Think I Weigh??
Im 5'9
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I Weigh 112 ...

 Am i overweight? fat???
im 5 foot 8 and 121 pounds. im 13 years old. and i feel like im kinda fat but everybody tells me im not. HELP....

 OMG! I totally need your help!!!!?
Okay, i wanna go on a diet.
i have a plan, i dont really care if i have to starve myself, i can control my appetite...but i mean, i wanna lose weight though. Okay please tell me if it will work, ...

 I felt depressed so i just ate 6 bags of crisps. now i feel even worse because mega CALORIES. what shall i do?

 What are some foods that can make u gain weight?

 Should fat girls be allowed on the beach......?

 Fat? please be honest.?
im a 15 year old girl. 5'9"ish and i weight 123 lbs.
is that fat? please tell the truth,...

What if your 102 pounds and you lose 50 pounds is that good or bad?
Is it good or bad

Close to death if not already THERE bad.

InkyBob The Magnificent
Bad if you're older than fifth grade or so. You need to eat! And if you're eating regularly, go to the emergency room!

it `ld be good if u`ve worked on it but it`s definitely bad if it is automatic !!!

you'd probably die. at 102, you don't need to be losing weight anyway. You probably already look anorexic. That's not attractive. Eat a cheeseburger!

You're luck if you are still alive!!!

you're dead so it doesn't matter.

Rock Ave
a 50 pound person is a 7 yr old

Just ME

really bad unless you are some obese 1st grader


it depens were u on a diet ?
if not and if so gain some pounds back like 45
but go see a doctor


My goodness! IT'S VERY BAD, especially if you lost the weight on purpose. See your doctor right away as this is not good at all.

That is very very bad

It's gross, unless you are 8 years old and under 5 feet tall.

It really depends on your age if you like 8 that's a good thing but if your older than that's just being crackhead skinny and is very bad


Lady Death
That's a good thing if you are 50lbs overweight..

it depends on how fast that you lose the weight. I heard somewhere that you're only really supposed to lose a pound a week. also, being 54 pounds doesnt seem like a very healthy position also.

Depends on your age and height. If you are an adult or over 5 feet tall then it is not good.

Are you really asking this question????

Please call and get into some help. It is not a healthy weight at all. My mom is a tiny person and weighs barely 98 pounds. Her doctor had a fit when she lost 3 pounds! Please consult someone if you are feeling like this. It is not your fault that you feel like this and there could be a lot of reason contributing to you feeling like this. Even if you have a help hotline in your area give them a call just to be able to talk to someone who could point you in the direction of some help. Be brave to ask for help. It is a good start by placing your question here because that also means that you are concerned yourself with your feelings.

How old and how tall are you?50 pounds is a lot of weight!!!

Poser, Scene, Emo Kid
very bad

depends on who you are

It depends how old you are. 7 year old girls weigh an averge of 52 lbs. 10 year old girls weigh an average of 72 lbs. For a slender person, 52 lbs would be in the lowest three percent of
all girls 10 years old. So if you are over 10 years old, you are seriously underweight. You said that you weighed 102. The fact that you lost 50 lbs. tells me that you thought you were fat. You have a strong will and decided to lose it. You did. You have not given me enough information, but if you are over 10 and the method you used to lose that weight is unhealthy, you need to go to a trusted doctor and tell him your whole story. Unintentionally you may have created an eating disorder that is compulsive. I am concerned about your health. Make sure you eat a lot of vegetables and fruit in addition to the basics so you will get nourished properly. What bothers me is that 50 lbs is just not fat. How much protein from muscles and calcium from bones did you lose? You need to build yourself up with good nutrition, excercise and activities you enjoy.

ru crazy. no my friend turned anerxic(people who don't eat to lose wieght)she's in the hospital getting medical health. U can c her bones and everything.its gross.

good if you're a certain type of small animal or a child under the age of 7--bad if you are a person over the age of 10

That is very very very bad. You would be super skinny and sick all the time. It is not healthy and you could die. Besides why would you want to be that thin anyhow?!? Guys do not like girls who look like death warmed over. You need to seek psychological help for this obsession with losing weight.

bad very very bad

The Foosaaaah
Very bad.

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