SlipKnoT MaGGoT 666
i can pop both my shoulders out of their sockets whenever i feel, even though im not supposed to do it, but close enough, right? lol |

Yes! hurt like heck. For me it was bad news. this happened more than 25 years ago. I have had it put back into socket,however the tendons have been a real bugger since.
An opponent soccer player said I deliberately kicked the ball into his face and all I said was " you should not have stopped that ball with your face" The sissy caught me by surprise as i was walking away,grabbing me by the arm and tried to put me on the ground. rest is history. But still it give me pain. |

I can pop my shoulder out anytime, yep it hurts like hell until I pop it back again, so if you have yours strapped up, don't be a nut and take it off to soon, like me.........lol |

yes i have 2 times iit hurts till i pop it back in to place 2 weeks it got better |

ouch ,yes. it took a few weeks cuz mine wasn't too bad. (i fell down a few steps of stairs..and i kinda grabbed the railing and yeahs.) |

no |

Secret Admirer
Nope. |

yes and it hurt like hell! it took mine a few weeks to heal but it wasn,t that bad now depending on how bad yours is will determine the healing process. i put cold compress on it when it felt swollen and heat when it ache and motrin or tylenol for pain. and don't use shoulder if you can avoid it. Ask your doctor to be sure. and goodluck. |

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