Leigh W
U do need to get it checked out if it is making it so you can't walk because of the pain. If you have health insurance - no problem. If you don't - go to a free clinic. It can be anything from a pulled muscle, an injured tendon, to a bone cancer. No one can tell you and the longer you wait the more you'll worry. You can't throw something out there like this to the public - this is your health we are talking about! |

matt R
from doing the splits it causes your iner muscle(your grown) to stech alot and you probaly over stretched it. the best thing to do it just take it easy and lay low on the splits. for a while till it gets better or it will just get worse |

<3 tWiRl <3
just pulled a muscle. put a ice pack on there for 30 min. and then put something hot on your leg to soothe it |

Nerida Nightmare
You probaly pullled a muscle... put heat on where it hurts and if it doesnt get better go to a doctor |

Pulled/snapped a muscle or hurt your hamstring...Might want to tell your parents and go to a doc |

You appear to have pulled a groin muscle. Rest, ice, gentle stretches. Don't push it too hard. It needs a chance to heal. |

Florence P
Sounds like you pulled a "Hamstring"......That is very painful and you can take pain medicine for it, but it take times to actually heal. Go easy on it! |

Sarah J
you may have pulled a groin muscle or hamstring, or even have a hernia [bulging muscle]... go to the doctor for sure. |

mike j
sounds like groin strain lay off ony stressful exercise for a while. |

If it is really bothering you, you should go to the doctors to get it checked out. But it's most likely that you've sprained a muscle, pulled one, or pinched a tendon. |

The Moon Goddess
You probably pulled a muscle REALLY badly or severly!!! Maybe you should go see a doctor!! I had to when i was younger, and mine didn't hurt for that long, there might be something els wrong with ur leg besides a pulled muscle. you might just be growing, and then it is a growing pain. |

Ben Dover
congrats on pulling your groin muscel that crap hurts icey hot or ice packs |

do you do stretching properly for say 20 minutes prior to do a full split??i damaged my left inner thight when i was doing splits for karate to kick higher, because i was rushing and atempted to do the full split without warming up and ended up in damaging my legaments...good luck |

Kay K
You should most definitely get it checked out. Cant hurt to always be safe, you could have overstretched the muscle, strained or simply pulled it. May need to give it a rest..or use warm and cold compress. A Dr. would be able to give you a better educated and trained guess. |

you probbly pulled a muscle but go to doctor just to be safe |

its either a growing pain or u pulled a muscle that happens a loottt |

not a docter but i think u shud go get it checked out |

just me!
I would go have it checked out. You could have just pulled a muscle. |

Most likely you pulled a muscle. And in the groin area it's a muscle that often used throughout the day during normal activity, hence slow to heal. But only you can know the severity of the pain and whether you can link it to a specific activity that would have caused it. If it's truly a mystery and the pain seems deeper than the muscle, then go to the doctor to have it checked and to give you some peace of mind. |

racer 51
sounds like a pulled muscle. have the trainer check it out and ease up on the sports a bit til it heals. |

Of course you need to get it checked out you sound as if you could have torn something! dont do anymore splits until you have seen your doc. |

Get it checked to be on safe side |

It sounds like you're suffering from a classic "groin pull." Since it's hurting you to walk, you should definitely go to the doctor and have it checked to make sure it isn't something too serious (especially if it hurts when you're resting or trying to sleep). For info about this injury, you can google "groin pull" (with the quotes). Take care of it so you don't injure it more seriously by failing to treat it. |

Amber is right on it. I'm an x=football player and it sounds like a pulled muscle to me. You got to stretch and warm-up before ya do those splits, etc. Stretch- warm-up...over and over. |

Sounds like you pulled your groin muscle. You need to see a doctor. |

i'm a cheerleader to and when i did a round off back hand spring, my muscle got pulled. don't get it checked out just stretch that leg for like 15 minutes at your house and relax, it will go away in at least 3 hrs or so. GOOD LUCK! |

go to a docter u probly pulled something |

You may have torn a muscle.
seek medical advice |

maybe you pulled a muscle |

You may have tweaked or pulled a muscle, and by continuing to be active, it hasn't had a chance to heal. Stay off of it for a bit and look online for treatments and advice about pulled muscles and strains in the thigh area. |

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