What do you do when you feel depressed?? I only want people to answer if they seriously have ever been depressed, not just pious people who think they have the right cheeky answers. I get depressed ...
I am REALLY thinking about suicide. Nothing is going right. I was in the middle of suffocating myself, and then my boifriend at the time had called, and i had told him I was going to kill myself, and ...
I have this personal issue with myself that I think is immature, unfair and greedy. I found out one of my friends is pregnant, it made me really mad and jealous. Also any one of my friends that get ...
um .
so much happened in 13 years of my life.
my dad had a stroke , he's currently in the hospital . ive been accused of stealing , my mom got sued like 600 with financial difficulties ...
I seem to be addicted to self destruction. I seem to constantly to want to put myself in bad situations, hurt myself and od frequently. Why do I keep doing this to myself. The latest thing I appear ...
I always thought that I had OCD. It isn't because I like to clean or anything, it is just the compulsive habits and stupid obsessions that made me think it. I recently read an article on it ...
I am totally obsessed with one touching me, and the worse thing is I'm a 6 foot 3 bloke, just seen one massive spider on my bed, absolutly hate them!!!...
Hi, I'm a 14-year-old girl that is always depressed no matter what happens. If something good happens, I don't feel anything....I have an anxiety disorder...I cry every night for at least 2 ...
Hi everyone, I've been sliding further into a depression the last few months, and have attributed much of this to suppressed childhood trauma, a failed marriage and an ex who chipped away at my ...
I been having problems and they been telling me that i am depressed and any med. i am on just don't seem to work! And one day i was really ***** and someone said something i just lost it and my aunt turns around and said are you sure that you don't have bio-polar. I not for sure what bio-polar mean! please explain or how do i know that i have it.
It is when you are all happy one moment then you get psycho
Bi-polar is the actual name for it, and it means that you have instant mood-swings. Like one minute you're very happy and the next you can be very very angry. By the way you describe yourself it sounds like they're right. It's a psychological condition.
extremes like you are either really depressed or really happy ther is no in between
bi polar is a mental disorder. people who bi polar can be happy at minute, and the next minute depressed, angry, etc. bi means two, and one polar being happy, excited, joyful and the other polar being sad, depressed, and angry. and it just keeps repeating itself over and over happy, mad, happy, mad.
bi-polar is extreme mood flips.
Bipolar is where you have a lot of mood swings and don't always know how your going to act, it can be quick for your mood to change or it could be slow and take days for your attitude to change at a time. You can take pills for it I believe.
bipolar is a manic depression it deals with your moods one minnit you could be happy go luck next min you be mad for no reason and be cring for no reason . its all about the moods and there is simple blood work that can be done to determen if you have and if it runs in your famliey good chance you have it
i believe they call it bi polar not bio polar. It's when you have extreme mood swings, like going from happy to depressed really fast.
Bi-polar is a term used which is equivalent to manic depressive.It means that you are UP and Down. If you think you may be suffering from Bi -polar you need to see a doctor.The fact that you may be bi-polar is not a bad thing. Many geniuses are bi-polar and I have some bi-polar friends.Don't worry -behappy!!
I do not know what Bio-polar is. However, I did check out what Bipolar is.
Bipolar disorder, formerly and now less commonly known as manic-depression, is a diagnosis in psychiatry referring to mania (or hypomania or mixed states) alternating with clinical depression (or depressed or euthymic mood) over a significant period of time. A person with bipolar disorder tends to experience more extreme states of mood than others, which can change quickly or last for months. Mood patterns of this nature are associated with distress and disruption, and a relatively high risk of suicide. There have also been links to high functioning, notably regarding hypomania ('below mania') and above-average creativity, high productivity, and self-expression.
(Oh. Not to mention my sister has this as well.)
Bi-polar is a illness, when you are happy, you are EXTREMELY happy. Then you are sad you are REALLY sad. When you feel your emotions, you feel the extreme versions of them. Like sadness, nothing could be worse, i want to die, and it all could be over a flat tire! And when your happy, there's no stopping you, your in a state of Ecstasy. When something sets you off, you can snap into a blind rage and not even know what your doing, or who your hurting. Medicine, will help, it will take time to find the right kinds. Always keep your Friends and family around you, they will help you the most. And don't bottle up those emotions, that's when little things Will make you snap. Oh and you have to go to a therapist to be diagnosed with it officially.
Patrick M
My EX Girlfriend!!!!!!!!!!!
It's manic-depression. It means your moods can change from euphoria to suicidal, in he space of a day. It is caused by a chemical imbalance and generally happens because of hormones. Many women begin to feel it when they are pre-menopausal, it's something for which professional help is recommended.
For the people who say bio polar is a depression they are wrong! It runs in my family. It is a chemical imbalance. It deepens on how bad you have it. If you have it badly you may show the signs of depression but it is not the same. Depression you are depressed most of the time. The best way to describe Bio polar is horrible mood swings. It can be treated with meds as you said. If you are worried about it the best thing to do is to go the the Dr. and have it checked out. The longer you waite it could get worse.
Bio-polar is this problem that some people have its a change of mud's. For example you could be happy then one second later your flipping out on people, mad, stress, and annoyed. For this kind of problem you need to go to the hospital so that they could proscribe you some medicine that will help you be more calm and wont let you flip out on people for Any reason.
Bipolar is a form of depression that has 2 cycles. Low or high. Or earlier called manic depression. If you feel something is wrong see your Dr. Only a Dr. can test and diagnose you.
There are six seperate criteria for diagnosing bipolar disorders. My advise to you is to seek professional help. Obviously the medication you are presently taking is ineffective or needs to be increased. Best to get a second opinion.
Bi-polar Disorder (formerly called Manic Depression) is a psychiatric disorder (mood) characterized by EXTREME mood swings cycling (over time) from depression to mania (Depression is one "pole" or extreme end, and Mania the other, hence: Bi-Polar or "two poles")
Having mood swings, or being quick to anger does NOT make you bi-polar. When people with Bi-Polar get depressed, they usually cannot function and often contemplate suicide. When they get manic, they're not merely in a good mood. They lose touch with reality so much that they think they are invincible, they hatch crazy schemes, spend thousands of dollars, even wind up endangering their own lives at times.
What you are describing sounds to me as if you are depressed and have some anger issues... it may be that there is a deeper cause for your depression and that is also giving rise to your angry outbursts. If your meds were prescribed by a "shrink" you should talk to him or her. If they were prescribed by your family doctor, you may want to get a shrink.
I have close family member who is bi-polar and have worked in psychiatric hospital, so I've seen it firsthand. No offense to your Aunt, but if she made that comment lightly it disrespects the many people who must deal with bi-polar disorder... and you.
bipolar means that you have extremly drastic changes in mood swings. This can happen over anything and you can go from ok to insane in 1.5 seconds.
friendly face
Bi-polar disorder is a mental health issue which is controlled by medication. You have extreme feelings of high or low moods. You would need to see a psychiatrist to assess you and control any medication you require. Bi-polar is also the new terminology for Manic depressive.
Having said that, you may not have Bi-polar disorder at all, it may be the result of some other problem. Other medical conditions have anxiety as a symptom. eg Grave's disease (hyperthyroidism)
I believe the term is bi-polar, meaning mood swings from deep depression to extreme agitation and irritability. I'm not an expert on this so don't take it too much to heart, but my understanding is that bipolar disorder represents two different manifestations of what is essentially the same problem; while manic depression represents the alternation of two distinctly different mood states. A psychologist can probably explain it better, as well as being able to give a much better evaluation of your specific situation.
Bill Hart Electric
It's "bi-polar". That is a condition people have that makes that really nice and in a good mood one day then mean and in a bad mood another day~
the only way to know for sure is to go to a doctor, but it described as extreme highs ( extreme happiness, you feel so good you think you could do anything) and extreme lows ( thoughts of suicide). i was diagnosed with depression ( just regular depression) and my doc put me on an anti-depressent, she said she wanted me to monitor my behavior after she put me on it cause if you are bi-polar just treating for regular depression with anti-depressents could make it worse. her advice to me was if all of a sudden i felt like buying a brand new red corvette and driving cross country come see her first (that would be the high), and the next day i would want to kill myself for doing it, and probably would (that would be the low). my best friend is bi-polar but before she found out for sure her doc put her on anti-depressents for regular depression, it made her bi-polar come out full force, grabed all her credit cards and took off to florida for 2 weeks , maxed all her credit cards and when she hit her low tried to kill herself by running her car into a telephone pole at a speed of about 60, she survived, amazingly enough. get checked out! it's nothing to play around with and make sure somebody close to you knows what is going on with you, so they can help monitor your moods. sometimes someone else can see it when maybe you can't.
Happy one day, down in the dumps the next, and the cycle keeps repeating itself.
Vivian D
How you find out if you are bi-polar is.... you see a therapist and tell that person how you feel. They can tell you if you are truly bi-polar or not, and can help you if you are. It basically means that you are either always very happy, or very unhappy (or mad), but never just ok. If you have lots of days where you are not excited about something, or upset about something, but are just mild mannered and cool, then you are probably not bi-polar.
There is SO much to learn on this disorder (it is bipolar, not bio-polar by the way) that there is no way I could write it all here. Also, be careful to listen to people opinions on here on what they say. You need to learn the facts of the disorder....dont trust what everyone on here says....but look at the link I have attached. The American Psychiatric Association is the best way to learn about it because it is trained professionals that know what they are talking about....unlike some people on here.