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 Whats the best way to start smoking?

 Anyone else dreading the smoking ban?
especially in london the weather is so crap and going outside for a ciggie means drowning in the rain!...

 I dont know what to do.....plz help?
im sorry i keep asking similar questions but i told my mum i couldnt breath properly and she said she wont take me to the doctors because she says its nothin
i cant breath properly and i ...

 Is there anything to make you feel better when you are sick and have alot of flem in your throat?
any tea or drink or anything?...

 What colour is blood when it is not exposed to air????
we have one person who thinks it is red when not exposed to oxygen and another who thinks it is clear what is it?...

 My brother did this?
my brother marked me 7 times with a PERMENT black marker
now i feel weak and i fanited 2 times wats wrong with ...

 Quiting smoking pot???? 2?
i just asked a ? about my lungs itching... i smoked pot everyday for 5 years and never had no lung pains but i quit like 3 weeks ago and now my lung itch and i was just taking a shawer and i hacked ...

 PLEASE READ THIS........i need help!!!!?
about a week ago, i went to my cabin i inhaled "dust off" and now i think i'm delvoping asthma.
me and my friend shared a whole can, neither of us died or ...

 Why do cigarettes make me feel sooo good?
I love
the taste
the feeling of the smoke going into my lungs
the nicotine buzz

I've been smoking for 15 years and would feel totally lost without my cigarettes.

 Should I listen to these pharmacists?? Or go to the hospital?
About an hour ago I accidently inhaled my spit, a little bit I think and I had a huge argument with my mom cause I wanted to go to the hospital to be safe but she kept saying if I can talk i am fine ...

 If I only smoke for a few weeks, will the bad effects be reversed?
I'm 14, have never smoked in my life until this morning. If I only smoke 1 or 2 cigarrettes a day for only about 2 or 3 weeks, will there be any lasting bad effects? I got used to it almost ...

 Is smoking good for my health? Also will it make me look big hard cool or clever?

 How do i start smoking?

 Is smoking bad for you?
a lot of peploe think that smoking is bad for you but my grandad stared smoking when he was ten and lived till he was 98 so it cant be that bad for you can ...

 Ive been smoking for 15 years, is it to late to quit?
Are my lungs at the piont of no return?...

 My husband snores badly really badly!?
Can anyone help me, my husband of only six months has a terrible habit of snoring, when I say snoring he sounds like Darth Vader with a severe cold...he doesn`t like me not sleeping in the same bed ...

 Is smoking cigars worse for you than cigarettes?

 Do I annoy people with my smoking (cigarettes) habit?

 No one answered my question :[[[[[?
i've had it for more than a year now. and it's driving me nuts!
and it's getting worst. i haven't slept the whole night. i had chest congestion and it wouldn't stop. ...

 What do you think are some PROS of smoking cigerettes,?
i have researched a lot on the internet and i keep getting the same link, so i was wondering, for all you smokers out there, or just for whoever wants to answer....
Why do u smoke?
what are ...

How do you calm yourself during a panic attack?
I'm going through a really rough time in my life right now and often have moments where my heart races and my chest hurts like it's caving in. Does anyone have any coping methods to help me? I've tried deep breathing and focusing my thoughts elsewhere, but it takes over, and I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack...

Darling Sweetie
I really don't know! I wish I could help...

two forty 7
practice meditation. seriously, this works. also eating better food helps out tremendously. just breath. think happy thoughts. good luck

honestly you just have to find that calm place and just relax.. Or smoke or eat weed during the day after a while you'll calm down.

BREATHE, slow your breathing. If it's that bad you might need to get on anti anxiety pills

veronica p
sit down, relax, listen to music. Also if it is that serious, be careful with yourself, call your doctor.

i sit down, count to ten, and focus on my breathing while picturing myself on a nice sunny, sandy beach in the caribbean.

Well, as unpopular as it is these days, I pray to God. I also memorize scriptures regarding the peace of God and I say those aloud to myself, as well. It has worked every time.
By the way, the panic attacks are very rare anymore.

the ER doctor and the school nurse told my daughter to breathe slowly into a paper bag. she just keeps a lunch sized bag in her purse just in case. just having it there must help because she hasn't had a panic attack in several months.

♥ butterfly ♥
breath deeply and just think about something good or funny...your kitten chasing its tail...your child picking there nose and wiping it on there sibling...ummmmm just think happy thoughts your wedding a sister or brothers wedding or think of a book you really want to read or something else you really want to read

Sit down breath and count! that is what my mum does

i have this problem too. my panic attacks bring on my asthma, so i find it so hard to breath and my heart is racing and i feel like im going to burst. anyways, i just think of a really calm place, like a meadow or something. or if that doesn't help, think of the people you love, your family, your friends. or, and this is what i do, i think the words IM GOING TO BE ALRIGHT! over and over until my body believes it. hope i helped (:

The best thing you can do is NOT give in to the panic attack. Guess what? No one ever died from a panic attack and it's very, very rare to actually pass out from one. SO.... let yourself have one. In fact tell yourself you are going to let yourself have the worst one ever. Guess what? You have now faced your fear of having a panic attack and you realize that you won't pass out or die. Once your faced your fear head on you will know that you can survive one!!!!

What works for me is weird but it always has worked in my case. When it starts I try as hard as I can to not imagine a pink elephant, Trying to not make something that blatant appear in my mind tends to calm me down and bring me back to being ok.

Nick V
go swimming do a sport hang out with friends go shopping anything you like.

get a hubby or a dog. mine usually make me happier.

Rashelle V
I have suffered from the same issue for years and I really can't say what will help you because it affects us all differently but I take Benadryl and drink a vodka shot. It really is the worst feeling ever but you can control it. Use your mind to take the edge off. I hope something works for you.

I think you should listen to very calming music and realize that everything is ok, and everything will always be ok because things are the way you make it. Lay down and take a nap, don't stress, dont fret just be cool and calm.

Well as stupid as it sounds - run. Your body instictively starts to work your respiration for the excercise you're doing + this will take your mind off the thinking.

try and focus on your breathing

Pipi Longstocking
BREATHE!!! Take long deep breaths! When we panic, we forget to breathe and that escalates the panic attack even more so! And if that doesn't work... take yourself out of the environment! Go for a walk and definitely should consult with your doctor. Having frequent panic attacks is a sign of something. Perhaps your doctor can prescribe some anxiety medications for you.

take deep breaths and count to ten

This might sound crazy to you but I say the serenity prayer over and over and it really works for me.

Deep breathing helps. Close your eyes when you do it. Put your hand flat on your chest and help the breathing with gentle massage.

bynho s
Negative emotions (like sadness, stress, anger, etc.) causes your Serotonin production to be low; when your Serotonin level is low, you are more prone to getting Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Depression, etc.

Medication like Antidepressants (SSRI - Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor) helps to boost Serotonin level.
But there are natural ways to do it without medication. There's this strange herb called "St John's Wort" - it is said to be more effective than Prozac. No, it is not for mild depression only and ignore those sayings. In fact, it does help anxiety and panic-attacks as St John's Wort works like prozac. Other natural ways will be exercise, diet, more exposure to light, etc.

The problem is that, even if your Serotonin is balanced... you have that "learned behavior" in your mind. You need to break that initial cycle to destroy that learned behavior - Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) does this. A technique that you can use without CBT will be Distraction... There are several other techniques to help cope them!
Ok, to use Distraction: Firstly, try to....

Extracted from Source.

Think of a really good song that you like alot.

close your eyes and breathe deep and slow and let your mind wander.

Trenton T
what is your problem if it is stress then let it out punch a pillow or something and stop being so nervous all the time relax and enjoy life as you have it some people don't have it as good as you do

Hilary S
i hate those, what i do is i sit in kind of a sitting up fetal position grabbing my knees curled up into my chest. and i take deep breaths and i remind myself that nothing is the matter, and that ill be okay

The only thing that ever worked for me (and I had panic attacks a lot years ago) was to lie down. Even on the bathroom floor if no other place was available.

There is medication out there right now to help with panic attacks. Back when I used to have the attacks, there was no medication for them--if it had been available, I would have used it. Those attacks are no fun.

I too have panic attacks and it helps when I do deep breathing and I recite the serenity prayer.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change
the courage to change the things I can
and the wisdom to know the difference

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