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 I have chronic asthma. My co-worker loves to wear perfume & scented lotions. How do I ask her to stop?
She knows this agravates my asthma & seems concerned when I have my attacks (which are getting progressively worse) but doesn't understand perfumed air fresheners are the same as perfumes. H...

 What r some ways to stop smoking?

 Waking up with dry/sore throat and stuffy nose?
so it really only seems to happen during the winter or cooler months.

but every morning i wake up with this dryish-sore throat, and my nose is stuffy, and it feels like i have something ...

 How do i stop my partner from snoring?

 Why cant you smoke in a hospital?
can you not smoke in a hospital because youll blow something up or just because they say you cant for the other patients?
Additional Details

 I'm having an asthma attack and all I need is an albuteral inhaler and I'll be fine but no stores are open...
Is it overly dramatic to go to the ER?...

 Waht is a TB test?
i had a shot in school today. and it is still red. will it be still red for a while?...

 Why do symptoms of the common cold seem to get worse at night?

Additional Details
This question may go to vote because i have a lot of very good

 Wat are the symptoms of anxiety attacks?

 My son and his asthma???
how many asthma attacks are too many that i would need to take him to the Emergency Room he is 19 mths ??...

 What is Ulcerative Colitis ØŸ!ØŸ!?
please help me !!
what is Ulcerative Colitis ØŸ!ØŸ!...

 How to get rid of cough ??
I have a lot of cough in my throats & lungs. It keeps on increasing & decreasing but remains in all seasons. I want to completely get rid of it because it makes my voice unclear & ...

 Is smoking a hookah bad for u?
a hookah is an arabic pipe ...it has a fliter to it..if u kno wat i mean...but it is bad like smoking cigrites..and is it ...

 What could cause a person to cough day and night?
I have taken her to several doctors but they can't find the problem. They all recommend she see an ENT specialist....

 What relieves snoring if the breathe right strips don't work?

 If u have asthma?
if u have asthma? is it a sickness in the lungs?...

 Can smoking(cigarettes)cause excessive sweating?

 Is it safe to inhale vodka through a hookah?
Theres this new thing college students are trying. you put dry ice and vodka together and then inhale the "smoke" that occurs when the 2 things combine. Is this thing safe?...

 What is the difference (if any) between Asthma and Emphysema?

 How can i give myself laryngitis besides screaming or faking it?
the singing concert is coming up and i really dont wanna do it cuz i have stage fright and my teacher said that the only way we wouldnt have to do it is if we loose our voice...weird right? but plz ...

Please don't die?

Storm Chaser UK
Well, I'm certainly NOT planning to, but if I was I'd be seeking the help of my psychiatrist.

PS - remind me to stay away from anything that contains eggs, just in case (I'm severely allergic to them).

im sorry but i cant assure you on that one.

thats really sweet though. thankyou.

everyone dies in life when the time is right.........

Snacky Jackie
If only I could....if only I could...

thats not a fair thing to say to someone - only 2 things in life are for sure 1 your born 2 you die, thats life im affraid

I wont.

its all part of the thick tapestry of life young man

eh sorry i think that should have been rich tapestry

I'll do my best.

Rhonda & Cats
Everyone dies...it's part of life.

Well you're born into this World and some day you will surly Die...

Oh...okay then. No more Bulldog Bashes for me then! I thought I was gonna die on that Slingshot and with the quantity of beer I had consumed too!

-:-vInTaGe PaSsIon-:-
If you beleive 100% you won't die, you wont. That's the way it works.
I beleive I won't die, so I wont. Simple as that.

Good Luck!


i'll try not too

Dr Frank
Everything ends eventually, even the universe.

Eliza E
i will try and fulfill your request

I don't really see the question. Sounds like a plea. If you are one of the lucky ones you will be able to die quickly. Just poof, fall over, gone, passed. My best friend did just that. She wasn't sick, not even a cold. Was shoveling her drive when she fell into the snow,dead.

She was lucky. She didn't know it was coming, she didn't suffer any long term pain. Not easy for loved ones tho. The suddenness of it is overwhelming.

When someone knows they are dieing they can prepare for it. It isn't easy. They loose everything. Think about it. They lose all their positions,friends,family,freedoms,appeti... over themselves. Is a end to their journey through life. Hopefully they will have had a good life and weren't afraid to go out and grab the gusto.

Huggles [mozzafan]
I dont want to Die
i'm worried about the after life
If there is one

Oh god Now i'm crying

you've made a child cry
Does it feel good!

Only joshing ya


I will try not to right now don't worry darling! Oooh, why can I see myself with my eyes shut? wow, must follow that bright light, It feels so good...lol

sorry hon its inevitable the 2 things that u r guarenteed in life is taxes and death

Ensure you know that they need you to live.

dont worrry i wont

Well ok - not right now. I've got a lot of living to do first.

Not for a while yet.

ummmmm, ok

Rachael H
I'll try not to!

its the only thing in this life that is certain for everyone... death.... cant escape it....

We are all just passing through on our way home.

thank you i didnt know you cared

Don't ask me!
I will try not to, but don't know how long I will last


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