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 Ease of Allergy Shots?
1. If I am put on Allergy shots from one doctor is it easy to move to another doctor later on if I change my mind without interrupting the procedure? 2. Can I have the shots given to me by anyone ...

 ALLERGIES! HELP! I'm looking for a NATURAL remedy!?
My allergies/sinuses are really bothering me this year...unfortunately I have carpet in my house...but I wanted to know has anyone suffered from allergies and used a natural remedy??? I REALLY DON...

 How to heal an allergic reaction?
I recently broke out in bumps all over my body.. everywhere. I dont know if its the lotion i used or asparagus. I tried cotozone 10 and benedryl.. neither work for me and the itch it beginning to ...

 What is the general nature of food allergies and sensitivities?? What r some common food allergens?

 how can you prevent toxic metal contamination?

 If I'm allergic to pollen would I be allergic to beeswax too?
I am severely allergic in the springtime when trees and grass are pollenating. I am also allergic to flowers. But I am going to buy a food product (Xylitol chewing gum) that contains beeswax as one ...

 allergic to cats...Allergies question..Please answer..?
I'm allergic to cats. my two brothers own cats(that are living in the same house as me) and there hard to resist because i love cats. I have had my own cats before these two cats have lived ...

 allergic to medicine, very sick after taking them, HELP PLEASE- IMMEDIATE!!?
i have bad feet problems (navicular bones) and my doctors have told me to take tylenol, ibuprofen (advil), motrin, or aleve: i have taken the tylenol, very naucious i have taken ibuprofen, and i ...

 What ingredient in Bath n Body Works lotions causes so many people to have severe allergic reactions?
There are many brands of scented lotions that people do not have reactions to. Two brands, Bath n Body Works and Victoria's Secret, seem to have everyone around sneezing and complaining of ...

 Can someone explain the new dutch law for the amount of gluten/wheat in products in the Netherlands?
I believe its around 20 mm or s-thing. I found out that a product has this amount but the dutch gov't states it is still gf/wf. Not sure if this is safe to consume because it still has GLUTEN I...

 Difficulty breathing on and off?
Ok well i have got difficulty breathing, but it does not happen all of the time.It kind of feels like i can not get air all the way to the bottom of my lungs, and it feels difficult to breath, but ...

 Can you be allergic to pearls?

 Need recommendation for good air filter system?
I am looking for a good, reliable room air filter for our bedroom. I wanting something that can handle running alot as I have terrible allergies. I use 3M allergy filters for my AC unit, but would ...

 when i get sick my throat itches like crazy?
my throat "randomly" starts the itch like crazy at unpredictable moments. its absolutely horrible! if i don't have anything to save me (a cough drop or piece of gum), i start gagging ...

 Are these symptoms of dog allergies?? Please help!!!?
I've had dogs for several years. I never had a problem with being allergic to them. Recently, I noticed after petting my dog (husky) my right eye got red. I had to wash it with water. Now I�...

 If I'm allergic to "grass"... should I avoid wheatgrass juice?
I am not allergic to wheat in foods. I am allergic to "grass" though, as determined by my allergist....

 What is a good product for nasal congestion?
I seem to have this issue a lot, and am getting tired of struggling to breathe throgh the nose. Any suggestions? Thanks!...

 I have cold like symptoms?
Ok i have a runny nose, chills, low fever, rugged cough, soar throat, is this just a cold?...

 Can allergies fade away like asthma sometimes does?

 what is the difference between a humidifier and a purifier?
Is a purifier all that I can get to get rid of dust coming out of vents in my bedroom?...

Could Sinus Problems Be Related to Bleach Exposure?
This past August I went away to college and moved into an on-campus dorm. The dorm is one of the school's oldest, probably built in the 50s. The carpet is pretty dingy, my desk and dresser and TV stand that came with the room are made from wooden particle board and are all chipping/falling apart. There was a regular mattress that also came with the room. My mom says she smells an awkward scent in the room and entire suite. The suite is four individual rooms and us four girls share a shower, two sinks, and two toilets. We've had problems all year with one of the toilets leaking and leaving a massive pool of water on the ground, which was only recently fixed, leaving the floor stained white and black, when it originally was an awkward brown color. Around early September I began having severe sinus problems and went to the doctors where they told me I had a sinus infection and was given a ZPack and told to take Claritin. That helped for a little bit, but my nose remained runny/stuffy and I still got an occasional sinus headache. Then my ears began to peel, which has never happened, and around Thanksgiving both of my ears became swollen and I got an ear infection. Then in from around late November to mid-December I pretty much stayed covered in hives. I got sudden food allergies and broke out once I ate rice/soy sauce, an orange, glazed donut, and chicken fingers/fries. My head, back and chest were constantly broken out with welts. Once I went home for winter break though, all my symptoms went away. Upon my return to school though, I was hit with two back to back respiratory infections and had a horrible cough for about a month, along with stuffy/runny nose and sore throat. I just recently saw an allergists, who was less than helpful, and he did an allergy test on my back to about 40 different things, which came back negative. He then told me I had non-allergic rhinitis and left it at that. While I didn't have a positive test to anything he tested me for, my family still thinks something in my dorm is causing my body to have all these crazy reactions, which I've never had before. Then I realized that the cleaning woman for our suite throws bleach onto everything in out bathroom and completely soaks the place down. She has ruined countless towels, wash clothes, and shoes of mine from where I go barefoot into the bathroom then put my shoes on. But I realized that I used the towels/wash clothes and more than likely rubbed bleach all onto my skin and not to mention my feet have been exposed to it constantly, and I wouldn't doubt if she has managed to get bleach on our toothbrushes in the bathroom. Could there be a connection between this and my medical problems? Or is there any other possible cause for all of this? (I also am on Seasonique birth control, and take the following vitamins: calcium, multivitamin, b6, b12, gingko bilobia)

You might be sensitive to almost anything. Possibly the bleach, I've sometimes used bleach to get grassstains off bare feet with no sign of any problems, but never that often. It probably won't be that easy to narrow down the list of suspects. It sounds like there are quite a few.

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