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 Any Chances for Last stage of Cancer?
My wife age 24yrs suffering from breast cancer. Treatment was being done at CMC Vellore, after 6th cycle of chemo they wanted to do surgery but i took her to Kolkata Apollo to Dr.Saikat Gupta and he ...

 What's a logical reason for not receiving treatment for cancer?
I'm supposed to be writing a one-act for my theatre class for our finals and he said he'd give extra points if we made it about cancer and submitted it to this contest thingy. I've got ...

 Should I tell?????????
My friend thats older than me smokes hookah, do you think I should tell them that its really bad for them?...

 cancer cancer cancer!!!im so sad?
my aunty who is just like a mum to me has had a double mastectomy over the last few years now has bone cancer and it nw in her liver ! she is on chemotherapy and today all her hair fell in clumps , i ...

 My Sister Has Brain Cancer Is there any cure story's?
she has Glioblastoma multiforme in its in stage 3 in its on top of the blood veles of talking in ...

 Brain aneurysms?? My maternal grandfather died of one and my mother survived one. How concerned should I be?
Moms doctor told me and my siblings to get MRA's (MRI). Im not sure i want to know if i have a time bomb in my head. Mom survived surgery after hers ruptured, but died several months later from ...

 Can you please pray for my aunt?
She was diagnosed with leukemia a couple months ago. It's just getting worse, the gave her kemo treatment but it ended up giving her an infection and is now just taking over her body. They gave ...

 What are some signs of breast cancer? (please read on)........................................................
I am a teenager. In the earlier teenage years. I don't quite know how to do a self exam but when I felt my breast for any bumps I do have a small one. I don't know if I should worry. It is ...

 Do some people with cancer still die in pain or has medicine been able to stop the pain to the end?

 My son is 24. we have no insurance/he is diagnosis with cancer. We make to much $ for help. What do we do?
When he was younger about 11 he was diagnosed with cancer. Just a few years ago we were in a bad car wreck. It left me disabled and unable to work. I now draw social security. Last March he was ...

 if you ate cancerous cells, would you then have cancer yourself?
i got this idea from the nirvana song "heart shaped box" in it he says 'i wish i could eat your cancer' so if you ate cancer, would you develop it?...

 my dad was just diagnosed with melanoma cancer..?
iv been tanning on and off for the last couple years..im 19. My dad was just diagnosed with melanoma cancer..he only has a couple spots that he needs removed. With me tanning am i setting myself up ...

 can you get breast cancer at an early age?

 My Mom has terminal cancer. I'm not sure what this means.?
My Mom is quite secretive about her health. I just by chance discovered she has breast cancer that has gone into her bone and lymph nodes. She had radiation, but wanted NO family involvement through ...

 My mom has Stage 3 cervical cancer, it has not spread, I wanted to know if there are any survivors?
Any survivor? Share your experience? What advice can you give me? T...

 Can teenagers get lung cancer?
I know they can cause lung cancer in later life..but can they actually get it when they're a teenager?...

 Could i have breast cancer?
i have a huge lump and i noticed it cause it was sore and where it touches surface looks bruised. i didnt think it was that big until i checked it after it stoped being sore its very large and goes ...

 I just read that Tony Snow's cancer has metastasized. How can such a healthy looking person get Cancer?

 what are the leading type of cancer?
what are the three leading types of cancer?...

 Will my Grandad survive???
I just found out yesterday that my grandad of 60years old may have cancer.I was really upset when i heard it and i am really worried for him.He wont get the results back until another month and i am ...

I am a chain smoker. I wanted to stop by now but don't know how?

Leroy J.
Stop buying cigarettes

I smoked for 25 years and quitting was the hardest thing I ever did. Wellbuterin worked wonders for me along with the COMMIT longenzes (sp?). Also have heard that Chantix works too.

Whatever method you choose, good luck!

If you cannot stop cold turkey, the best thing to do is go to your doctor. There's a new pill out.Chantax or something like that. I cannot remember the exact spelling but it WORKS! I have heard so many great stories and have personally taken it myself. I had smoked regularly for 6 years and tried that pill a few months ago, it helped. I never thought I'd be able to quit smoking and that pill really helped me. Although I quit taking the pill and am now back to smoking, but if you're dedicated to it enough, the pill will help you out greatly.

I've also heard chewing cinnamon gum can aid in quitting smoking aswell.

For me, I had my own schedule of when I would smoke. I got up, smoked my first cigarette of the day. Would go to work and at 8:30am every morning would smoke another one, then again at 10:30am, then at 12pm, and 2pm during my work day. What I did at first was cut out one of my cigarettes. I wouldn't smoke at 10:30. Then I'd end up cutting more out too. It's just like my body knew my smoking schedule and I weaned myself off of it.

El Ar
I smoked 2 packs a day for 27 years and quit almost 3 years ago. I used the nicotine patches and recommend them very highly. Save yourself some money by not buying the expensive brand. The generics are the same thing. Good luck!

Lost In Need
There are now sticker like things that you can stick to your back. They can help you get off smoking in about one and a half months! Hope you can stop! Good Luck!

Magee A
Just don't do it no matter how bad the temptation is. Or get the patch.

Being a smoker myself, I know that there is no easy way to do this. All I can off is hints and tips.
You need will power, and lots of it.
The first 10 days are the worst.
Sleep is the best therapy and if you are able to sleep as much as possible, do something physical to take your mind off the cravings. Dig in the garden, knit, walk the dog, drink heaps of water. Remind yourself that you will be irrational and angry and try to calm yourself down with this knowledge.
At the end of each week of NOT smoking, buy yourself something equal to the value of what you would have spent on cigarette. You deserve it.
After 3 weeks you think your doing good, but this is when you're prone to weaken the most.
Don't take any cash money with you to the shops. You'll find any excuse to buy smokes. Don't go to the pub or parties or visit friends who smoke.
You're going very well after 3 months and should be pretty well cured of the habit after 6 months.
All the best with it, it's the best possible thing you can do for yourself.

J. K
if you "really" want to then do it cold turkey. but if you're not able to, then there is counseling, counseling combined with a patch or some medication form have the best # 1 effect.

Chantix. Worked wonders for me.

Go to your doctor, get this prescription pill... and make sure you've got a full stomach when you take it cause it made me a little queasy otherwise, but within 3 weeks I was pretty much off the habit, and I was a 2 pack a day smoker.

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