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 I've lost 10 lbs from weight watchers in 2.5 weeks, is there anything else out there that can work faster?

 the flue in the fireplace wasn't open smoke got into the house. it's gone now, but are we safe?

 what does hiccups mean when you are an adult?


 Is the decision by a doctor to run an I.V Through the jugler vein normal? and if so how risky?

 Why are the white part of the eyeball different... some whiter vs. some jaundice, yellowish or greyish on some

 Cold or Sinuses?
I have a runny nose, stuffy nose, the right side of my gums hurt sometimes and my right hear sometimes, and sometimes when I sneeze hard my arms will ache for a min. What could this be? Whatever it ...

 discribe location of perineal in human body.?

 does taking aspirin lower blood pressure?

 How to find yourself; find the peace within and how to maintain it?
how to be peaceful and keep urself on the right path where ur mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally satisfied?...

 Could break outs (resembling acne) around the mouth be caused by an STD contracted orally, and if so, what?

 what is brovex 12mg/5ml used for?

 1]why can't diabetes,cholesterol patients have chocolate? 2]how much chocolate can we have daily?

 What is it called when you sit down for a longtime and get up you get dizzy? And what is it called?

 I was just perscribed an antibiotic, but I'm in college and I like to drink alcohol. Risks in mixing?
I was perscribed Bactrim, an antibiotic usually used for ear infections and such, to treat my acne. When I go back to college though, I have every intention of drinking alcohol on the weekends (I don&...

 If you take antibiotics for 4 mos, then stop, then start again 1 mo later, will your body build a resistance?
I have been on minocycline (for acne on my back) since Sept of this year. During the month of Dec I was bad about taking them, but have decided to start taking them regularly again in Jan. I am ...

 is it more sanitary: drying clothes outside or in a dryer?
There seems to be a controversy whether the sun is a better sanitizer for drying clothes or the heat of the dryer. My concern is because we live in Hawaii where there is high humidity ie: mold, ...

 Which one is harder to stop: Drinking or Smoking?

 Is it good health policy to give mental illness parity with physical illness?

 Could I be allergic to the dirt in my potted plants?

how can i learn to relax more , get less stressed out?

Try a natural stress reliever called Seroprin found at your local vitamin store...it worked wonders for me.

Always imagine the glass half full

Depends upon the source of your stress. If you have an anxiety disorder, you may need medical help. If you have stressors in your life, psychologists recommend that you reduce them (duh). Meditation is a great resource for me, as is swimming. All exercise helps - when I was cycling over an hour each day, my stress was very low, but swimming really cools me down and centers me.

Yoga is a great way to relax, along with deep breathing and classical music. Setting time aside to spend with yourself and no one else is also great, try doing something for yourself whatever you like, but something you can do every day like reading, writing, watching a movie, etc.

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