when the impulse reaches the interventricular sept what happens?which one of the ventricles is the first to depolarize? I guess the left one ....but i'm not scure....anyone knows?...
My boyfriend (age 25) was just diagnosed with rapid heartbeat (while at rest). I don't know much about the condition. He was prescribed some meds to lower his heart rate. His primary care doctor ...
For awhile ive has chest pains, maily on the left breast area. The pain would be sharp ones lasting all day and id have a hard time breathing.
Well i went to the ER and they ran an ekg and did ...
I am 5'4''
I don't eat "the best food" but I also eat salads, fruits, veggies, etc.
I work out maybe 2 or 3 times a week.
My blood pressure is usually ...
I need to have main heart valve replaced and need info about what to expect, how long will I be laid up, and info about the different valves available for replacement. Any advice will be appreciated....
I have a Pectus Excavatum deformity. Its not as sever as the pictures you'll find on the internet, but still my morale and self confidense is affected by it. I've done my research on it. S...
i close the deal Thursday night 10:00 pm i review the contract and they put down payment but we talk with out Down payment today is Monday is more that 3 days i know what happen, first hey told me ...
My boyfriend and i broke up about a week ago. He was basically the first person i truly loved. But we fought and he didn't take me back and i think i might be pregnant with his child but he hasn&...
You're probably sitting there wondering why would I WANT to smoke weed. I know the bad effects on smoking weed, however, we can blame the want to get high on being a young adult. I was born w/ A...
I am 30 years old now. I was very active in terms of doing exercises.. going to gym and etc. Eight months ago i was diagnosed with RHD. I was smoking for three months, am not an addict. Suddenly i ...
I have been to the ER 4 times in the last 2 months, for having heart palpitations (jumping around a lot between 50 bpm and 90 bpm, ever beat seems to be different when it was recorded on hospital ...
i am wonderinng if when you stand up from sitting or laying down does your heart rate rise alot. when i stand or walk around my heart rate can go up above 100. when resting or sitting it will drop ...
I've been on Enalapril for 2 months - it seems to be working really well. My BP was quite high (up and down) and now it's pretty stable. However, the last few weeks I've been having ...
Congestive heart failure with a 90% ejection fraction? how is this possible?
How can a person be diagnosed with chf if they have on ef measurement of 90% that just doesn't make since to me.