i have a heart murmur, i mild one (at least, it was mild that last time i had it checked.) i smoked (more that just ciggs - something a lil more natural, if you catch my drift) on & off for less ...
My blood pressure is normally around 120/80. However, for the past couple of weeks, I started working out on a regular basis (weight lifting, running, swimming, etc.) and I just ...
Can SVT go away on its own or will it always be a reoccurring thing once it happens? I experienced my first ever episode in November and I am 20 years old. On new years eve I experienced my second. A...
my blood pressure goes up to 170 over 120 sometimes higher sometimes a little lower when standing still my heart rate goes up to about 115bpm also is this normal ranges for standing blood pressure? ...
ok so in december of 08' I was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance.. I woke up from a dead sleep with my heart pounding like crazy.. my wife called 911.. when the medics got here my heart ...
My nana went in to have a splint placed in a heart aneurysm and had a stroke after she got out of surgery. She isn't completely responsive but is getting better but she is retaining most of the ...
I had an echo done and the dr called me and told me the results came back ok but we would talk more when I came into the dr... but I have to wait until dec to see him... so I decided to get a copy ...
Hi am 13 and I have somthing wrong with my chest or heart I think.I have had depression for a year so amd on zoloft.I been having this chest pain before this tho and for about a year.It started like ...
i am male 25 years old, 5 feet 8 inch tall and 74 kg weight, i have no history diseases but since last two months a kinds pain in my heart was developed and it come to my heart at least once a day, ...
During a somewhat stressful shopping trip, I checked my blood pressure at one of those things they have by the pharmacy. It was 97/75 and my heart rate was 88. To be completely honest, I'm ...
I am 5'4 and about 110 lbs... my blood pressure was read today and average through out the day as 144/92? Is that high normal or just wrong? I used a digital reader so it's not like I ...
How can a cholesterol that was made by something other than our own body do any thing in our body after it was cooked or frozen and reheated or canned or processed so that it can be stored for long ...
My mom went into the hospital on Wednesday and after some tests it was decided that she needs a pacemaker. I am VERY worried not only about the surgery but the recovery process. How long before she ...
What is the best way to evaluate your heart health status? I'm 29 healthy, only irritable bowel syndrome, started to have chest pain and shortness of breath especially after effort and sometimes i feel weird beats in my chest, so i did like the med websi... Read More
Does eating excess salt cause irregular heartbeat? My daughter and husband ate a lot of salty pretzels last week. During this time they both complained of "funny" heartbeats and she said her heart hurt. The pretzels are now gone and there ... Read More
Do people abuse metoprolol? Im wondering if my grandpa is abusing his medication, so i want to know if its a regular drug that people do abuse.... Read More
Doctors, Nurses or anybody please please help!? My Boyfriend's Cheek got swollen and got a redish purpleish mark on his face
And no its not a bruiese so does anybody have an idea of what it could be? please help me us out!
Doctors,Nurses Or... Read More
Cardiovascular Health Question.? I'm doing a project on cardiovascular health and i wanted to know if energy drinks or dietary supplements have a negative affect on your heart.... Read More
blood pressure?????????? is 144/80 pulse 90 high? should i be worried?
i am only 21 6 foot 1 175 pounds
Multiple Choice Questions on Protein Malnutrition defects? Please help me with the following questions, these two were pretty tough and although I already have chose an answer I just want to check whether I'm right,. Any explanation would be very helpful... Read More
will flying affect a carotid bruit? I'm 15 and i went to the doctor for passing out in school (which happens often) and i have a carotid bruit which is just a sound from a blockage in the carotid artery we don't know what it i... Read More
Is catheter ablation categorized as an open heart surgery? Hi, I would just like to ask if catheter ablation is categorize as an open heart surgery? I want to verify this because my friend needs an ablation to correct his WPW which goes with SVT. We have to k... Read More