I have been taking Lipitor for 6 years, now during the last three years I have been experiencing Atrial Fibrillation and anxiety, I was admitted into hospital three times for my heart and am seeing a ...
Okay, this has been happening for a couple years now. My heart will spontaneously begin beating fast. It happens mostly when I bend over, like doing chores. I've told my family and we've ...
From time to time, worsening recently, i have sharp stabbing pains just to the left of my upper breast bone, very close to the edge of this bone. It only lasts a few seconds. I can breathe fine and ...
i have no idea if i went into anaphylactic shock, or if i just had a panic attack.
i am 17, and have smoked weed about 4 times before, with no negative effects.
when this happened, i took a few ...
is off by like 1 or something that it will really affect how the person feels? For example, my TSH was last tested for 0.41. My normal TSH is usually around 2.4.
I take that to mean I will feel ...
My doctor wants me to take medication - however, I had such a bad reaction to lovenstatin that I am still experiencing bad cramping in my torso three years later. So I want to avoid the statins. I ...
there is a guy on tv who becomes irate, the tone of his voice,the look in his eye,he throws things and yells etc. What are % of this causing a heart attack if a person has coronary artery disease?...
Why is that mean pulmonary pressure is 5x less than mean systemic pressure? How does the equation for flow, pressure, and resistance relate to this? (Flow = Pressure/Resistance)...
I was in the hospital with 160 beats per minute that finally went down no one seems to know why. The nurse said to calm down well I was not so hyper and upset of course I was concerned about my heart ...
I'm doing a project where I need the History of heart disease. Could you tell me if there's any site with really extensive info on the Framingham heart study, or something similar, that ...
What can the problem be? For awhile ive has chest pains, maily on the left breast area. The pain would be sharp ones lasting all day and id have a hard time breathing.
Well i went to the ER and they ran an ekg and did some... Read More
Information on "rapid heartbeat" while at rest? My boyfriend (age 25) was just diagnosed with rapid heartbeat (while at rest). I don't know much about the condition. He was prescribed some meds to lower his heart rate. His primary care doctor ... Read More
HEAD ACHE AND BREATHLESS WITH HIGH HEART RATE!!!? I have had a bad head ache in my right temple area for just about 17 hours now. but along with this head ache i and getting very breathless. after walking up the stairs i have to sit because i am ... Read More
Is it okay to drink alcohol while I am taking Atenolol.? I am taking 25 mg of Atenolol a day as prescribed by my doctor. However I want to know if it's okay to drink while I'm on this medication and by drinking I probably mean getting drunk.... Read More
Fatal Dose of Metoprolol? I am on .25mg of metoprolol daily. I am just wondering what a fatal or dangerous dosage would be because I tend to get paranoid that I will forget I took my medicine and take it twice by mistake.... Read More
Is this a health problem? I was wondering if anyone could tell me what this is.
Occasionally, on my upper left chest, i get a severe 5 second pain as if somethings compressing everything inside. I usually either take a very d... Read More
a. The P-wave is present, there is a large QRS complex, and the T-wave is present and there is a distinguishable T-P interval
b. The P-wave is absent, there is a large QRS ... Read More
Momma to J Man
Blood clot question. PLEASE HELP, picture included? ast night i went out for my birthday went dancing, and just ome girl fun. Well when i woke up today and the side of my left calf really hurts! im parnoid of blood clots, but i did the homans test, whe... Read More
what brand is a good choice for a blood pressure monitor? yeah my grandpa needs a blood pressure monitor to check his bp at home. i bought a cvs brand one earlier but i dont know it seems kind of iffy. i was wondering if there is a reliable name brand and pr... Read More
Heart rate changing several times in a minute? My heart rate varies a lot in a short amount of time with no precipitating activity. For instance, in the last couple of minutes, my heart rate has gone from around 80 to 60 to 100 to 70. And I am j... Read More