I have seen cardio docs they say I am fine. However here is the thing. I do the treadmill for 30 mins at 3.5 mph at a slight incline. (34 years old male, normal weight and normal blood pressure) S...
Just curious because lately i have developed a very strong pulse which can not seem to be diagnosed by anybody or even picked up on cardiac tests, i know its stronger because when i'm at rest, ...
Why does my heart pound when lifting weights i feel it race but it slows down after im done lifting. I am 18 and im in very good shape. I do have high anexity levels but could that cause this....
I have a friend whose dad is in the hospital having open heart surgery tomorrow. He was hospitalized for pnemonia and found out that he also has congestive heart failure. Currently his heart is only ...
Well, i noticed lately my heart has been beating ALOT faster than usual. I put salt on my food ALOT of the time, because i think without it, it doesn't taste really good. I talked to my mom ...
Are heart attacks or heart failures limited to only a certain age group? Young people up to 30 would be the least likely to have a heart attack. Right?...
My brother was standing up using the restroom and his heart started to beat really really fast and he felt weak so he decided to sit down but before he sat down, he somehow blackout and woke up in ...
So I talked to my doctor today and told her I was experiencing heart palpitations, very frequently, and like hard, and my resting pulse has been in the 130-140s. It was never that high before. She ...
The upper left side of my chest hurts. it started yesterday what could be happening? I don't think it's a heart attack their doesn't seem like anything is wrong it's beating ...
The person who brought my kids' dad in for his angioplasty just called and said that the doctors have decided he needs bypass surgery instead. I don't have any other info other than that ...
I'm grey all over (normally Im a pretty tan person) I feel flushed and my heart rate is beating at like 1/3 of its normal rate. Extremely, extremely slow, and weak, and I can barely feel it. Im ...
A patient that has no PVC's at rest, but goes into bigeminy at exercise, has no symptoms at all.
What is usually the cause and what further testing is done? THanks....
I went to my GPs after I fainted and he listened to my heart and said he was refering me to a cardiologist, what should i expect? what could be wrong? I'm really worried....
Where can I get more information on these cholesterol levels? I am in Canada and I got my cholesterol tested recently. Can someone please tell me or point me to a source that will tell me what the thresholds are for each of these data points and what kind of uni... Read More
Is this symptoms of high or low blood pressure? Whenever I stand up i get light-headed and dizzy.
I thought this would be low blood pressure but I know I have plenty of sugar in my system so it might be high blood pressure. Can you tell my which ... Read More
David Williams
Could I have had a heart attack and not know about it? So I've been getting chest pain sometimes on my left side near my arm pit, sometimes on my right side near my armpit and sometimes under my left breast bone. I have been getting this with some be... Read More
Pooh Bear
I had a heart murmur as a child, can it come back? When I was an infant I was born with a heart murmur. Now I'm starting to have heart pain/sensations every now and again., it kind of feels like a part of my heart is popping out or getting clogge... Read More
Taking Tylenol with long qt syndrome? I have long qt syndrome and am currently taking betaxalol for it. Is it ok for me to take some tylenol for my headache?... Read More
question about blood pressure? I am not sure if I have high blood pressure. I get nervous when I go to the doctors because I think about my blood pressure and yes it does test around 140/90 and sometimes in the high normal 135/85
... Read More
endometrious operation.......? my wife is going for a endometrious operation and has just started her periods. can she still have the op??... Read More
Cramp in the left side of my chest? it just like a little sensation , but i comes after a while,today, i did not warm up at the gym properly and trained my chest vigorously, could it be that?
also it very hot the room i am...... Read More
Do you have Mitral Valve Prolapse? I have known i have had it since i was like 5. How many people have it? Tell me what it's like for you. i really wanna know. For me its not so bad i guess. I do have panic attacks and social phob... Read More
High Blood Pressure, Pregnant and Flying? I will be flying next week. I am 21 weeks right now and am taking blood pressure medication for my chronic hypertension. I already got the ok from my doctor because I'm on medication that control... Read More
thyroid problems! why am i feeling like this on medication? i have a thyroid were i put on weight! my g.p has put me on medication for it but sinc taking the meds ive put just under 2stone on and feel more sleepy now than i did b4 takin the pills and im always... Read More
what maybe causing weird taste and hypotension? Hi,
the problem i have this really weird taste in my mouth, actually, it feels tasteless or a an electric sensation, really weird, from time to time i get seizure like feeling, weird feeling in the h... Read More
safe blood pressure to go on lake compounce rollercoasters? I am going on a field trip to lake compounce in connecticut, i don't want to get a heart attack because i have a sort of high blood pressure (128), am i safe to go on those rides?... Read More