So me and my girlfriend have been fighting the past couple day and last night she said she was sick ad wouldn't tell me how. She had been going to the doctor a good bit but I didn't know ...
Hi I had a tickley throat last wednesday and on satuday night I got a really bad saw throat
And today I still have a saw throat and blocked nose
How long will it last for ?? Also is it bank ...
For the past 3 or 4 months I've had a very low grade fever, normally peaking at 99.2 or 99.3. I went to the doctor. Got a blood test, and chest x-ray. He sees nothing wrong. Still, the cause of ...
How long does it take for the effects of taking a small sip of nail polish remover. If it did do somthing to
your body would you gey sick in the first 12 hours ?...
Flu season has started and I get my shot every year! But, some how I get 12-hour vomiting bug every year, usually form October - January. Ever since I was little! Now I have a severe fear of vomiting ...
I had A soar throat since Monday, and it has been getting better but last night I kept on coughing and I didn't get any sleep at all n I woke up n my nose started bleeding.I started coughing up ...
I have had a chest cough for 3 days, and then now still i have the cough along with being dizzy and light headed all the time, and im always dead tired. ALWAYS, i could just sleep. what do i have?
i was with a friend at a party and found out the owner of the house has hepatitis, i was on my period that night and changed my tampon there cuz i started leaking, could i of caught the virus??? or ...
I just got over mono last week and I heard after you have it you can't kiss anyone for 5 weeks but I'm not sure and I have a date with this kid tonight is it safe to kiss him?...
I have had this for two days, and I was wondering if it is still contagious. If so, it could only be transmitted to another person by contact. What type of contact? Any contact? Or just contact like ...
I saw that CJD that can be contracted from an operation, so my question to you is
I had a tonsil operation in 1995 or 1996 I am not sure, actually they removed my third tonsil , but is there a ...
i always get bladder infections. every month at least. sometimes several times a month and they hurt reallyyyyyy bad. in fact, i have one right now as i'm typing this and i just want to know how ...
I had to go pick up my step-daughter from school today because she has a sore throat. She brought home a bag of Halloween candy with plastic vampire teeth that she had in her mouth all the way home. Then when we got home, she set them down and my 4 year old son who just had his tonsils out on Friday put them into his mouth. It wasn't very long...but she has a sore throat and he has just had surgery!! What should I do?? I'm taking my step daughter to the hospital in the morning to get her throat checked out.
I think it's a rather scary situation but instead of taking them to the hospital where you might have to sit in a waiting room for 2 hrs. or more with a room load of people with various health problems. A doctor's office probably has less germs and infections.
Call your pediatrician who knows your child better and tell them the situation, they can probably fit you into their schedule.
Do take care of this soon. It could have devastating results if you wait too long.