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 drug use in backmasking?
name 1 song that had backmasking about drug ...

 Sudden strips of white hair ?
My friend is only 13 and we have recently noticed that she has a random strip of white hair towards her neck. She has dark brown hair and we cant figure out what it could have been. We dont know ...

 is this a normal height for my age?
ok, im 14 years old and im only 5 feet 5 inches tall. am i short for my age? i always feel so much younger than people my same age because they are so much taller than me. and sometimes i'll ...

 What could be the reason for these symptoms?
I've had very frequent headaches for the best part of 2 years now, some very strong migraines more often than not on the right side of my head, went to the doctor about it and got put on ...

 what happens with lack of sleep?
i'm 13 years old and ususally get around 3-4 in a half hours of sleep everynight. what can happen 2 me? i know it's ideal that a teen gets 8+ hours, but I usually never do. thx! :3 lol, it&#...

 Who can run PET Cyclotron?
I am Nuclear Medicine Technologist. I am now training in cyclotron department to run cyclotron. I am looking for documents proved that medical engineer, physics, and nuclear medicine tech can run ...

 Why do I sweat so much?
Where is it coming from becuase whenever I go to school in the morning it get so hot and I sweat or whenever I go somewhere i sweat more than anyone else I swear. How can I stop this....

 Why do i get tendon and/or ligament pain after exercise?
im not sure if its my tendon or ligament that is sore but is 100% not my muscle. even after light exercise the pain the next day is debilitating but goes away after 4 -7 days. it feels like a deep ...

 Stuff your face becomes addicted to.?
I was wondering, can your face become addicted to oil-absorbing silica? Has anyone ever used silica on their face? I mean, I know that your face becomes addicted to that stuff in proactive ...

 Can a limb be permanently damaged by cutting off blood flow?
For example, sleeping on an arm or putting a rubber band around a wrist... how long can it be done without getting permanent damages?...

 What would you rather do if you had to choose?
Would you rather throw up once from being kinda nauseous like when u have a hangover, or throw up once by sticking your fingers down your throat once?...

 Would anti-anxiety meds help me get over 'the hump' with quitting pot?
I've been trying to stop smoking pot for a couple months now and I notice my stress level goes sky high and I get pretty darn crabby and have even snapped and freaked out on co-workers for ...

 School project about the un-healthy effects of smoking?
I need an idea please[: It just has to talk about un healthy effects of smoking, and must be 3D!...

 can a human male produce milk like a human female?

 What is the purpose of Hydroxyzine?
I can give a long description of why I'm asking but the basic idea is that I found some of it labeled under my dad's name in the kitchen counter and I'm kinda wondering what it's ...

 Do I Need Glasses? Help?
Whenever i look at something illuminated whether it be tv or computer for 30+ minutes my eyes start to get blurry. example: in 3th period (Computers) i spent about 40 minutes on the computer like i�...

 what are you doing if you awake in Morning & find all your city included you family sneezing??swin flu!!!!!!!!?
i mean you will run away or ! ...

 Yawning and passing out?
im 16 and active with no illnesses, when i sit for awhile and stand up and stretch i usually cant help but to yawn, then i sortof zone out and get kinda dizzy and experience some this odd, remote ...

 who do i sneeze when i wake up in morning?
yh whenever i wake, i sneeze about 3-4 times and my nose starts running, so i go to bathroom, get ready and if i sneeze again 3-4 times, it ruins my day, i dont know if this is cold or hayfever. what ...

 how much sleep do i need?
im 14 in year 9 im 5'5 and i weigh 135 pounds i was just wodndering typically how much sleep you reccomend i have ???...

Alex C
Stomach knot help please?
Okay, I was just playing with my brother today and I got in a corner. Thinking I was just joking he wouldn't let me out I had a panic attack. I know he didn't mean any harm, but I still have a knot in my stomach and I feel like I'm going to puke, is there any way I can calm down quickly? No matter what I say my bro is still beating himself up because of this.

Jacen Rorrim
Curl up into a ball, take 3 Tums Xtra strength, and rest for 10-15 minutes. Feel better!

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