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 Skin condition????????
Okay you know the area from the inner corner of your eye down the side of your nose into the cheek bones. On my face there are bumps in this area its not like acne they are really small and look ...

 whats wrong with my skin?
i have light brown skin and on the outer part of my bicep has light patchy spots on it that always itch and usuallly seems more dried out than the rest of my arm,especially when i get out of the ...

 How do I cope with having dark skin?
Im black and when I was born I had fairly caramel skiin but when I turned about seven I completly switched into having dark skin, but still I wasn't that dark. Now I have extremely dark skin, ...

 I have been getting knots under my skin over the past 10 years or so: legs, around kidneys, beside my ribs etc?
now I can feel some in my arms, not neccessarily in big vein areas either. Can anyone shed some light? I am like everyone else lately--unemployed now a year etc and no $ or insurance! Thank you for ...

 Can i still cure my serious dark circles under my eyes ( I used to rub my eyes a lot)?
Before i had short-sightedness my dark circles were not obvious, I am the one who hated to wear spectacles so I bought contact lens but there is no way for it to enter my eyes. I tried to put contact ...

 Why Is There A Bump of Skin on My Armpit?
I know it sounds weird but I have a little bump of skin on my armpit that does not do any harm, except when you try to get rid of it. Then it bleeds, and comes back. I have only tried to get rid of ...

 What can you do to lesson or prevent bruises?

 What is dandruff? And why dies it make your head itch?
I try shampoo, but it really doesn't help. Any ideas on how to solve some of the itchiness?...

 how to get rid of dark spots from acne?
I am 16 years old and I have alot of dark spot around my mouth because of acne when I was younger. and its kinda embarrasing I learned one reason why I had alot of acne about a month ago now can ...

 What are some ways to clear acne fastly?
[for my granddaughter] there's lots of irritation going on,and she's never experienced it. Please help.Thanks for all answers :]...

 How do i get rid of this? It's so gross!?
So one of my best friends has asked me to ask all yahoo personal how to get rid of this for her. She has backne like really bad. She wants to know how to get rid of it and her skins sensitive. What ...

 I have a cyst/nobule under my eye, any ideas on how to treat it until i can get to my doctor?
For the time being im able to tell people its a bruise from work, cuz thats kinda what it looks like. except it's read so idk how long i can keep that up. Is there any way i can reduce the ...

 Home remedies for eczema?
I'm fifteen, I've had eczema on my legs all my life! Does anyone know any home remedies or treatments I could use?...

 what kind of skin condition do i have?
soo i have this redness on my face and it looks like acne but not as bad. and ive had it since i was 7 and it mostly goes away in the summer because i eat alot of fruit and drink alot of water ...

 Red raised itchy bumps on my stomach and back?
A couple days a go I noticed a couple red bumps on my stomach, they itch a little bit but now i've noticed more popping up. Its on my back, the back of my neck, and my stomach. They itch. Do you ...

 Recommendations for someone with mild acne & sensitive skin?
I've been dealing with acne since 6th grade, which means it's been two years. That may not seem like a long time, but to me, it definitely was. My skin has cleared up a LOT since then, ...

 Home remedy to reduce redness in my face?
My face has a flushed look to it all the time, and gets worse when I am embarassed or after a good workout. I drink plenty of water, and have a pretty healthy diet, and I can't figure out how ...

 How can i get rid of a zit on my lip?
I need to get rid of it by tomorrow afternoon. I have Freederm which normally works but it only showed up today ??? Please help :)...

 Freezing warts? How many treatments?
How many treatments does it usually take to freeze a wart? I've heard many doctors recommend the duct tape method, but I would rather take the pain and be done with it. Thanks for the help....

 How can I remove blackheads from my forehead?
I have a few. Any home remedies to get rid of them?? T...

Any help with acne scars?
Not necessarily on my face, but my shoulders and chest look terrible from all my acne. Anything you would suggest that could clear up the scars? I don't expect them to disappear completely, but look at least somewhat normal.

i have struggled with acne on my back and face but now the scars are gone. why? because of a few simple creams i used. the first is called elidel or you can request the perscribtion version called (get ready cause its long) betamethason dipropionate cream which is a bit stronger. made for excema and originally used for mine, i found out that all my scars in the area of use were almost completely gotton rid of. i tried more and it totally changed my life. now if i get a zit or then a scar, i dap some on and within 2 weeks they are almost completely healed. another option for ur back is to use benzyl peroxide to peel of the layer of skin on top, revealing the healthy skin underneath. if your scars are deep. i would dry and peel the first layer or two and treat the second with the excema products.

Elle Woods
go to chemist or supermarket and buy bio oil its great for scars,strechmarks and lots of Other things good luck

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