Is this medical malpractice? |
My father was coughing up blood, so we took him to the local hospital. After running some blood work that came back normal, the decided to look in his stomach. After going in there, they saw ... |
Smoking Gives you Cancer, What about Natrual Smoke, Camp Fires, Weed, Ect...ect? |
My friends and I were having a discussion, we all know smoking gives you cancer, has been for many years, we all know that.
What about Weed, Its Natural, and I remember hearing something ... |
World cancer day? |
My father-in-law has lymphoma. the doctors say it is stage 4. how short is his time? |
he was taken to the VA hospital last night. his blood oxygen was way down (71). they gave him a transfusion and he is on oxygen. he looks yellow. he wants to go home because he doesn't want to ... |
I was diagnosed this week with CLL. How do I tell my 13 year old daughter? |
Stage 3, have not yet begun any treatment. I am still in shock..please, any suggestions on how to tell my daughter? We are very close and she knows nothing up to this point, other than I was not ... |
Aspirin - The Best Choice Against Heart Attacks
Researchers say that aspirin still remains the best drug in reducing the risk for heart disease, in comparison to the blood-thinning drug Plavix. Plavix has been shown previously to reduce the risk of myocardial infarctions, stroke, or cardiovascular-related deaths. Co-author of the study, Deepak Bhatt, stated: "The overall findings of this study were negative, but a benefit was seen in patients with established cardiovascular disease... with a modest reduction of the risks. There is no reason to use the combination therapy for primary prevention, whereas it might be useful in patients who have already had a heart attack or stroke." The study, which lasted 28 months, was conducted on 15 600 people with ages over 45 years. All patients received aspirin; some were randomly assigned to receive either Plavix at 75 mg per day or placebo. 6.9% of those receiving clopidogrel and aspirin had a stroke, heart attack or died, compared with 7.9% of those receiving only aspirin. The results of the present study show that adding clopidogrel to aspirin has no significant effect. Furthermore, the substance increases the risk of bleeding. Plavix-aspirin also nearly doubled the risk for death from cardiovascular causes. Charles Hennekens, professor at the University Of Miami School Of Medicine, asserted: "These findings are particularly welcome news worldwide, with cardiovascular disease rising from the fifth to the leading cause of death. Aspirin is both effective and affordable for the millions of people worldwide who could benefit. Wider utilization is needed in both developing and developed countries, like the US."