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 Why should'nt i do suicide ?
I really don't see any other option because i have a miserable life. Anyone who look at me wont find any reason why should i do that but i hv lot of reasons:
1.My father died 11 yrs. ago ...

 How do I stop myself from commiting suicide?

Im 16,I have depression,I self harm and Im suicidal.
I told my mom about the depression(not the self harm or being suicidal) a few weeks ago and she brought me to the doctor who ...

 Is it pathetic i still live at home at 27?
IM 27 and everyone i know is getting on and engaged has a life, good friends etc No im not saying their lives are perfect but yhey are content. I I have always cared about what people thought of me ...

 Stupid stupid Anger!?
earlier i threw my ipod because i just got angry for no reason i want to kno why i'm fine and then suddenly become realli angry for no reason at all
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 Is it normal to count things?
when i am ina public place i will count how many letters in words, how many seats on the bus, how many women/men on a bus and more... I just have to do it....

 I Don't Know What's Wrong With me. Read This and Give Me an Opinion on What I should do?
I don't know if I would necessarily call it depression or laziness. I get in these "spurts" where I just don't care about myself or my home or belongings. I'll go for days ...

 Whats the quickest way to go to sleep without taking sleeping pills or anything ?
something natural ?...

 Has anybody else gone through what I'm going through?
My Mom died of stomach cancer after bravely fighting it for 4 months, nearly a month ago. At first everyone was great and supportive but now it's as if they're not bothered about me. I...

 Can useing drugs can kill you if you don't over does and its your first time?
please help i think my friend is using drugs and i don't if it can kill i worry i really care about him help me to help him =....(...

 I want help but I'm scared?
I cut myself. I'm depressed, but I want to change. I'm sick of trying to hide it all the time.

I really want to talk to someone in person about it, but someone professional. N...

Diabetics Should Eat Plenty of Fruits, Vegetables, Whole Grains and Low-fat Dairy
Many adolescents and young adults with diabetes have diets that fall far short of what's recommended to help manage their disease, according to a new study.While their eating habits reflect what's typical of Americans in general - high in saturated fats and low in fruits, vegetables and fiber -- these nutritional shortcomings are particularly troubling in young diabetics, researchers say.Diabetics should eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy, and keep saturated fats below 10 percent of their daily calories. The goal is to help control blood sugar levels in the short term so the risk of complications like heart disease and stroke, which is already higher in diabetics, is reduced in the long term."It is extremely important that dietary habits in youths with diabetes promote long-term health," Dr. Elizabeth J. Mayer-Davis, the study's lead author, told Reuters Health. Mayer Davis is a diabetes researcher at the University of South Carolina in Columbia.Of the nearly 1,700 diabetics between 10 to 22 years old in the study, only 6.5 percent limited saturated fat to recommended levels, while less than 20 percent met recommendations for fruits and vegetables. Diets were also low in vitamin E and fiber, and none of subjects ate enough whole grains, according to the report, published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association.Most of the subjects had type 1 diabetes, caused by an abnormal immune system that attacks pancreatic cells, which produce the blood-sugar-regulating hormone insulin.Eleven percent had type 2 diabetes, which is related to obesity. Yet these kids often had poorer nutrition than their peers with type 1 diabetes -- consuming less calcium, magnesium and vitamin E, and twice as much sugary soda.Although the study did not look at the reasons for the poor diets, it's possible that families would benefit from nutritional counseling, Mayer-Davis said. She recommends parents help their diabetic children choose heart-healthy foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, fiber-rich whole grains and low-fat dairy foods.

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