i`ve just split with my gf, im in a job i DETEST, my family do nothing but nag me, iv just did AS level exams and i dont think ive done very well! i fear that if i fail more than 1 subject (which is 8...
Been contemplating it since i was 8 years old,i used to self harm all the time from mild cutting to trying to hang my self etc.I'm not nuts (I don't think)?Why do i feel like this every ...
After a brief career surge, I have become unable to create my art. I suffer from debilitating refractory major depression and can no longer compose music. I feel like part of me is missing. Am I ...
i have been working and going to school i have a great job and my classes have been going fine. but recently i just haven't seem to have been caring much. bad things seem to happen to me all the ...
i came home and found something d isturbing i know she wants to die it sux so bad for all of us i wanna help her should i let her go like she says is best im scared and in trouble all the time and my ...
My mind will not shut off, (thinking wise I mean). I am constantly worrying about everything. From weight, money, things I did wrong in my life, the future, relationships etc... My job does not make ...
or weird things that you do or don't so.
my fears are,heights, wierd tings that i do are, i try not to touch anything while im out in public, like leaving prints on things, i don't ...
okk so i posted a question about a week ago about my parents making fun of my weight and i told them repeatdly how i hate it and i even cry and they know that and last week i officially brought it up ...
What will become of this boy?
-has ADD
-is extremely violent towards other children- especially siblings and relatives(attacks people with objects and does try too hurt them badly)
OK here it goes. im pretty sure i should just kill myself. theres no point in me living
-I have no friends
-When i try to make friends it NEVER works...EVER
-Im hairy on my Entire body<...
Ive got this thing in my head where I keep thinking about dieing every day, I get really worked up and scared about it, I havent got anything wrong (hopefully) but it scares me stiff to think that ...
euthenasia is against the law but could you do it;think of it this way ,a moments fear or months or even years of suffering......could you ,would you do it?...
I cried and cried last night but it just seemed that the pain was worse and then I ended up feeling numb, so how come people say it is good to cry?...
I want help but I'm scared?
I cut myself. I'm depressed, but I want to change. I'm sick of trying to hide it all the time.
I really want to talk to someone in person about it, but someone professional. Not a friend because all of my friends give me crap about it. Which is HIGHLY annoying. I hate being judged.
Cutting myself feels good. It kind of gives me a high, but I have trouble giving it up. It's like I love it but I want to give it up.
I was thinking about talking to my guidance counselor about it, but I'm really afraid she'll tell my parents. When my mom almost found out, she freaked.
I've been cutting for about a little over a year now. I'm 13 and in 8th grade.
if you go to your guidance couselor at school they have an obligation to tell your parents
if you want to change then you can
your friends want you to stop obviously since thay give you crap about it so they'll help you
tell your friends that you want to stop but you need their help
and if they really are your friends then they will help you
but when it comes down to it
youre the only one who can change yourself
if it means enough to quit then youll do it
youre friends will give you the support you need
You can either stop doing it, or you can go to a doctor about it. Check to see if your guidance counsellor at school would need to speak with your parents about anything you say to her before you actually say anything.
Of course your mom will freak, but will it really be that bad? I think that just might be another reason you are using to put off going to see someone to stop that habit you love to hate. She will flip out, but in the end everything will be fine. But if you really don't want her to find out, there is another way. Well you know what you could do is tell your parents or your guidance counselor that you want to see a therapist. You don't have to lie to them, but you need to tell them you need to get some help. You don't have to tell them it is because you are cutting yourself. If they ask, tell them something, but it doesn't have to be a lie. Tell them you really need to see someone professional or whatever. Then you can see a therapist, and it is their job to help and keep it secret. So then only you and your therapist know. You need the help and you know it. Don't let that excuse of your mom freaking stop you. I hope I helped! Bye!
♥♫:)lucky lucario :)♥♫
aw, shame u definitely should tell someone.
Hi, Sorry to hear that things are bad. Cutting yourself does not seem to be the best way to solve problems. It may feel good at the time but there must be some underlying issue driving you to do this. Something must be upsetting or troubling you. Many of us have problems at stages in our lives. Some have a worse share than others. We also all have our own way of coping, or failing to cope (cutting, alcohol, drugs, anger, hurt) with what life throws at us so nobody should judge you. It is essential that you find inner peace with yourself and a way through things. It may never be easy but it can become easier. Depression hit me first at about 12/13, my teens were the worst years and I eventually went to my doctor at 19 and was prescribed anti depressants which helped a lot, as did talking things through with a stranger (the doc). It is important that you talk to someone professional about this soon. Your are worth it & you deserve to be happy. I am not a professional and I have never cut myself but please get in touch by email if you want someone to talk to who does not know & will not judge you. Parents can be hard to talk to, as can anybody close but they will very likely care a lot. I never managed to talk things through with mine as I preferred someone less connected. It's never easy to talk about your problems but I find it's easier with a stranger. It should be part of your guidance counselor's job to give you advice with this so it would be worth asking them about confidentiality before revealing what you want to discuss. I'm in the UK and a recent news report here highlighted cutting as an increasing trend. Don't be alone & I wish you all the best.
Go to your guidance counselor ~ they are not allowed to tell your parents if you insist that you don't want them to know.
You defiantly need someone so you are right and your are doing the right thing so hang in there you are taking the first step to a healthier lifestyle
I believe in you and that you can do it!!!
I cut myself too though not too badly at the moment i'm really trying to stop.
The problem is wanting to stop like any addiction...which i believe it is.
Anyway there is no way to just stop but it is possible, i try saying to myself "ok, you can't hurt yourself untill 6:30" then lots of the time i 4get that i want to when the time arrives. Even if you still cut yourself it will become less frequent this way. Also you feel slightly better that you have taken some control rather than the usual self loathing and guilt after cutting.
I suggest you talk to someone you trust, if you talk to your guidance councellor tell them that you will tell your parents, it is better if the find out from you rather than finding out as the will feel less betrayed.
also if you ever need to talk to some1 random u can mail...if you can do that on yahoo i dont know..
good luck i hope you're happier =]
I would talk to your guidance counselor about it I don't think they are allowed to tell your parents unless you want them to.
please get help right away tell the guidance consler or your parent, they do have a right to no. they will be upset but they will forget that and help you out.
Cali Gurl :-)
Well the real question here is " Do you want help or not?" It is really your decision. l would def. get help because even though you enjoy cutting yourself, it is bad. Other people would consider you "emo" but you aren't. You just need help. Ask your guidance counselor and ask him/her just not to bring it up with your parents if they could.
I used to be a cutter not too long ago.I know how it is.Your friends or so called friends find that as a reason to desert you.If they were real friends,they would support you.At least you have a desire to stop cutting and that's a good thing.Cutting is a false sense of relief and pleasure because after you do it you have to deal with the after math.You worry about infection getting into the scars.You worry about people finding out about it.You worry about what people will think.You worry about getting sent to an institution for it.And you worry about where it will lead.That's the after math.When you cut,you don't think about that until you already have the scars on your arm and trying to hide them.Cutting doesn't solve anything as you can see.Maybe you are too shy to talk to someone.Your friends are obviously not the best people to talk to.They don't really understand people who cut unless they do it themselves so I wouldn't advise you to talk to the about this unless you truly trust them.But I am going to be honest though,you can't hide this forever.It might be best if your parents do find out.It depends on what type of parents they are.You should trust your parents.You should try talking to someone about this because you it woul be best for your health and mental health if you talk to someone about this issue.My highest suggestion is that you pray to GOD about this.GOD can solve anything in your life.At least you have the will to quit and if you really out your mind to it,you can.Besides praying,here are some things to do besides cutting.You can draw to express your feelings.It's a constructive way to let your feelings out.You can listen to constructive music such as Switchfoot or Jon Foreman.You can exercise.It's healthy.You can read.You can sing or try to.You can dance.Play a musical instrument even if you don't know how to because practice makes perfect so it wouldn't hurt to try that.You can talk to a friend.Don't talk about cutting but just talk about things other than huring yourself.And you can get involved in a sport or church activity.Those things should get your mind off of cutting that are constuctive and will help you.I truly hope that I helped you in one way or another or would have gave you some useful or helpful advice or something.GOD BLESS you!
Tell your counselor and ask her not to tell ur parents, but still i would tell my parents if i were u i promise the will get you help trust me.
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full (John 10:10)."
Michael D
Try telling maybe a grandparent,aunt,or uncle and tell them not to tell your parents because i'm sure they'll understand.Don't stress yourself out about it because the more you stress the more you'll want to cut yourself.
And you can also stop yourself by going outside away from something you use to cut yourself.Try replacing cutting yourself with something else like a stress ball,this also works.:)
Zomg its Joey.!
I understand how you feel I mean I don't cut myself or anything but yea sometimes you just need to let your depression out. I think you should really talk to your parents about it and when you tell them about it, tell them not to freak or anything but yea just have a normal conversation about it and tell them how you feel and stuff and I'm sure they'll help you somehow.
Nyssa ♥ Cuppycake Yum Yum ♥
Tell your parents.
It might not be easy, but odds are, they love you, and will care. Tell them you are depressed, and that you want to stop cutting. They can help you find a counselor. There is really no way around it - one day, your parents will see your scars, and the gig will be up. They probably already suspect something is wrong.
Please - you will end up with bigger problems than upset parents if you don't get treatment. Your depression could spiral out of control, and you could end up doing things you regret very badly - or not being able to regret at all - you could end up becoming suicidal, since you already have a tenacity for mutilation.
Also, when you are older, you will regret the scars. You will.
Please get treatment for your depression, it can be a lot better, trust me.
It's Gaivalee!
Definately talk to someone, preferabley a guidance counselor...So what if your parents find out?? If they freak that means they care but after they freak they will get help! If you don't tell anyone, then there's pretty much nothing you can do to stop it...
just talk to your guidance counseler, she will handle it.
Pls show to a pshychatriast, immediately. Not to be rude, but one day, you might just start cutting others as well(or cut urself even more), so pls try to stop this habit immediately.
Cutting yourself is a serious thing.
I used to do it too at the same age for almost the same amount of time.
You NEED to talk to a professional.
Your parents don't need to know, you can say your staying at school for an extra activity and take a taxi and go talk to a counselor.
I know it's hard to stop. I still do it occasionally because i feel the need to.
I know your parents will be mad/furious/dissapointed in you.
But if your going to go see a counselor then you need money.
Your parents will help you go.
They care about you and want you to get better!
And you are probablly not the only one in your school, let alone your grade who cuts. More people then you know do it.
But just like you they think no one else does it so they don't tell anyone.
Please try and stop, when you feel like cutting go for a run, or clean.
Just distract yourself, and think about something funny that maybe happened.
Please get back to me on this.
I would love to talk to you about this.
you really need to talk to a professional about this, is is a problem that goes deeper than just stopping you cut because you want to feel something anything.. you need some kind of guidance and advice go to your guidance counselor at school or a pastor at church or someone just make sure you talk to someone soon please.
tell someone. get help
Your parents are gonna have to find out eventually and that isn't necessarily a bad thing. If they know you will have more access to more help. Think about it.
i've been in your position, that's all i'm going to say. i know how good it feels to cut and how scary it feels to think of telling an adult.
however, don't panic. one of my teachers found out a while ago because of something that happened. he told the nurse. THEY WON'T TELL YOUR PARENTS IF YOU ASK THEM NOT TO. well, mine didn't. i said to her, you can tell her i'm feeling low but PLEASE don't tell her about my cutting because i'll tell the doctor. and she didn't.
i think you should see your doctor though. i did and was diagnosed with depression. now, i'm having cognitive behaviour therapy to combat my negative thoughts - i am guessing you have issues like this too so perhaps you could ask your gp if you could get some? i'm also on anti-depressants but not sure how these are turning out yet, haven't been on them long enough.
what i'm trying to say is, yes its really scary but the outcome is so much better. i finally have someone to share my feelings with.
just go for it girl =] you're not alone
I don't know what to say, seeing how I've never enjoyed pain.
But I do wish you the best.
I'm also 13 and going into Grade 8. You should tell you mom! Defiantly.
PS. Guidance counselors will keep everything secret except if someones hurting you, your hurting someone or YOUR HURTING YOURSELF. So your mom will find out.
Please tell someone. Cutting yourself and committing suicide is the worst thing you can do to yourself and people who love you.
If you honestly think your life is that bad, please tell someone. They can help. Please.
You know this si not normal or healthy behavior. You are in emotional pain.
My 14 yr. old daughter goes to a therapist and she tells us nothing about the visits. Your conversations would be between you and your therapist. Your parents would only be notified if you were considerin bodily harm to somone else or yourself, Like murder, suicide, rape, child abuse. These things would not fall under clint dr. priviledge.
Tell your parents that you need to see somone but that you are uncomfortable talking to them. You can eliminate this emotional pain which drives you to cut.
your pretty young at this age, and im not sure what's depressing you but talking to somebody close to you can really help. Just think about all the people who care about you! Try focusing on something else? Do anything positive to get your attention away from this habbit. What good is this habbit if its hurting both you and your loved ones?
When I was fourteen I started cutting myself, it wasn't until my sister found out and told my parents that I got help. As scared as you are, you need to talk to you mom. If you tell your guidance counselor, she will be obligated to tell your mother, because you would be considered a danger to yourself. If you want help....you need to tell you mom. She loves you, and only freaked out because "her baby" was harming herself. Its normal for your mom to get upset at first, she may yell or cry...but in the end you will get the help that you need..and it will be worth it..I PROMISE you.
Whatever you are using to cut yourself, throw it away. I know at first it might seem impossible to stop, but if you want to stop....and it sounds like you do, then you need to start by fighting the urge and getting help so that the urges will go away.
I really hope your able to open up to your mom, I know its going to be hard...but just remember that its better for YOU to tell her, then for her to find out another way:)