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 My cat just died a minute ago. Please help me cope with it. I have know this cat my whole life.?

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i have already talked about it with my family. im just askin people advise to get over it so it wont hang over my ...

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Suicidal mom?
i came home and found something d isturbing i know she wants to die it sux so bad for all of us i wanna help her should i let her go like she says is best im scared and in trouble all the time and my little brother and sister are too help her please she loves us so but hates her more

sarando s
omg im so sorry, u need to call the police, theyll find a way to help her find out that life is worth living pleez call them she may not like it but pleez odnt let ur mother die!

This is more common than you might think. It's sad. It is always hard to tell if someone is just wanting attention when they speak of killing themselves or if they really mean it. I have two friends who's moms were like this. In anycase, I am sure you want your mother to live and for all of you to have a happy family life. You need to talk to someone about this who can help your family immediately. There are crisis hotlines and if you can get to a phone without her knowing, you should do that. You can also call 911 if you feel it is urgent.

wow its like im 17 again i had a younger bro and sis and my mom got suicidial when her bf left but right after that i moved out so i know how everyone say call the police and blah blah but going through like the same exact situation i say just let her think your giving her space but make sure to keep anything sharp or any pills/drugs away from her. well im 20 now and shes back in her life and its like it never happened so just give her time i think and if she gets super serious then chain her up and call the police

Kat A
hey I at least would stay around for my kids.they dont asked to be made so at least she should wait till the youngest is 18

muda f
yeah, call the police, not Yahoo

get her to a mental institution for evaluation. they'll help her there

Master Chef T.
call 911 and say my mom is sick and is going to kill her self please help they will put her on suicidal watch and she will be just fine so do it or she is gonna kill her self!

Your mother needs to seek out professional help NOW. She needs to see a counselor who can help her and all of you. This is very unfair to you, as her children. Call relatives who care, friends who can help and get her to a counselor. Let her know that she has to be strong for all of you, she owes you her presence.

If your mom is suicidal, she needs professional help and fast. If she is presently trying to commit suicide, call 911. If not, tell another adult that you trust who can also help you to help her get to a crisis center or a therapist. This should not all be on you and your siblings's shoulders. Your mom loves you but right now, the chemistry in her brain won't allow her to act the way she would like to. You haven't done anything to cause this, but you also can't fix it. She needs adult professional help fast.

Do you have another parent around? A grown-up? Another family member? Perhaps you should call someone and talk to them AFTER you call the ambulance or the police. Your mother really needs help, and it's obvious that she can't help herself. You didn't really explain if the situation was life-threatening...like, did she take pills or cut her wrists? If you love your mother as much as you say you do, you will make the decision to save her life and get yours together.

I'll be praying for you, honey...

Go to a School Counselor and talk to them about the situation, they will help you more than you think. The counselor will take it from there as far as making sure you and your sibs are safe...Also, if a family member lives close by--let them know what's going on--before contacting a counselor!! ...If they live far away, find any contact number you can find and let them know what is going on!! Now is not the time to be scared of telling someone what COULD happen...If you see any attempts while you stand before her, call the police immediately!!

call family aid
ther shud be 1 around ur area check the internet

you should call a doc. you should have to take care of your mom.....!?!

Tell her that you love her and want to help. Encourage her to get some help so that she can be around to see you grow.... Try to empathisize.

You sound like a wonderful daughter and your mother needs to see that what she has to live for....

Get help now and tell her you love her and want her around.

I lost my father to suicide, its not fun. -.-

i know it may be hard to say to your mom, but.. hearing it from you might make a difference, first off tell an adult or police but say to her .. is she loves you and your brother and sister so much, she would never do anything so selfish and hurtful to you all.. that you need your mom in your life, and tell her to seek help, times may seem tough to get through but leavin her children in this world without their mother is the wrong way to go about things.. talk to someone very soon ok.. please take care, i am sorry .. so sorry that you are in this situation.. be strong ..

Do you have another family member or close friend you can call. I am not sure of your age, but you need to get someone to help you. You need to reassure your mom that no matter what she has done or what was done to her is worth dying over. Tell her there is more to live for. She needs to live for her 3 children. There is help out there. There are also good people out there willing to help as well. Trust me. I am a foster parent and have adopted 1 child and will be adopting her little brother soon. If she is not willing to help herself, then see if there is anyway you can help her help herself. You will need assistance from another adult if possible. Don't give up... I know you are scared, but you need to say out of trouble, that will not help the situation. Help her with your brother and sister.

Is there another adult (like your grandma) that you could talk to in order to get her help? Also you can call the teen hotline and they can help you get some help for your mom.



no name
get her help even if you have to sign her in if you report to the police that shes suicidal they will force her to go into the mental instution for help we had to do this to my brother.

tell a responsible adults, and they will try and help you...good luck

You need to seek help, now.

<3 PeAcEfUl SuMmEr........
she needs mental help. im sorry to have to tell you that. itll be the best for her.

Crystal B
CALL 911, this is not a matter that you can fix.

oh ya
tell her you love her, and you want her around

call police.

Stimpson J. Cat
Ok, this is nearly incomprehensible but it seems like you should call the suicide hotline in your area. Look in the phone book. Or call the mental health ward of the local hospital. Either one of them can tell you what to do. Do you have a father, aunt, uncle or grandparent you can turn to?

Call 911

Call 911, have her read this: http://www.metanoia.org/suicide/ or call 1-800-273-TALK

Lisa E
Is there another adult you can tell? Honey, I know this is really scary...but if you REALLY think she's going to harm herself, you can call the police and tell them what you found. They will arrest her and take her to a hospital. It sounds very drastic which is why I ask if you have another adult around, but if you're really afraid, and you feel strongly enough...that IS an option.


Jacob S
No, do not let her go! You need to tell someone right away -- like a trusted adult (teacher, counselor, etc.). If you're not sure who to call ... dial 1-800-SUICIDE or (800) 784-2833 and they WILL help you!

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