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 Why do so many things hate me?
Like myspace and my english teacher and the color yellow?
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Like myspace and my english teacher and the color yellow? ...

 If you smoke too much weed does it affect your memory?

 Has anyone here actually fully recovered from serious long term depression?
I've had depression for years and can't see any hope of a full ...

 Why do i do this? HELP!?
I cant stop moving the furinture in my house around. I cant help it, i just get bored really quickly and have to change everything around. I change all the rooms around at least once a week. My ...

 Why do I feel as though I don't deserve anything, including happiness and contentment?
I'm a 17 year old boy. I guess that I've been struggling with some internal emotional issues lately.

I live what would be seen as by most people as a very "easy" life. I...

 Are you a shy eater?
Like you feel uncomfortable eating in public?

I am If I'm by myself. And that's all the time....

 Can everyone type in only one word?
Concerning ...

 I need help from someone Fast?
well my gf and i had xxx and now she is pregnant. she is 1 month and her mom noticed and is asking about it and told my parents. i am ready to kill myself. what should i do?...

 If you were to wake up and find out you were dead, would the shock kill you ?

 Why do i feel this way???
Im turning 14 today. I have a boyfriend who i love much, i have close friends too. But lately, i just wanna die. I went thro a rly moody few weeks and ended up cutting myself. But i have my bf (...

 Im 25 years old and all I do all day is get high on LSD. Can that be harmful?

 How do i make the voices in my head go away?

 Why do people ask questions about suicide?
why do people ask questions like, "what is the best way to kill yourself" or "i want to kill myself, how should i?" or are just stating the fact that they are going to kill ...

 What 2 do when u r bored 2 death?
any suggestions of what to do when u r bored?...

 My cousin just died!?
My cousin just died in a new york shoot out and he was my best friend. I miss him so and i get to decide what happens to his ashes. i don't know whether to keep them, have them buried, or ...

 What is preventing you from leading a happy life?

 What do these symptoms mean?
depresion+no sleep+talks to self+invents a differnt life+rapid mood swings+attemped sucide+self ...

 How can I get over a fear of dying?

 What are you scared of?
eg. ...

 How would you describe suicide in one word?

What are some of you worst or "weirdest" fears?
or weird things that you do or don't so.
my fears are,heights, wierd tings that i do are, i try not to touch anything while im out in public, like leaving prints on things, i don't know why. what about you? and why?

Tyrone S
I fear the Bush admin is not going to allow the Republican controlled congress to lose power and thus throw the election or the like.

Honestly, I fear this place is little by little becoming a dictatorship and no one sees it....or actually believes it could happen.
But it can and it is heading that way.
No, I'm not crazy, I just see what's going on.

Goodguy - # 1
i only have a fear of disspointing others, i hate when people talk behide my back, but other than that i am teh most non-afraid person ever!

No doubt, snakes. When I was depressed, I learned from my therapist that I needed something to justify my fear & anxiety. My brain naturally chose snakes. I still cannot look at a snake without feeling fear.

That I might get addicted to this Yahoo! answers site...

i have a fear of breaking my nose. it just look so painful. and i heard u could die from it.

Popping balloons

I don't like pools; deep water is especially scary for me. Whenever I boat or such, it takes me a while to get comfortable, but it does eventually happen. I don't really know how to swim wihch explains the fear.

I also am afraid of germs, and I wash my hands a lot. I don't get sick often though as a result!

you may have obsessive compulsive disorder. do these "weird things" get in the way of your daily functioning? Fears (like heights) are normal, but not touching things may be a sign of OCD. look it up online and see if perhaps you might suffer from this.
Good luck.

Golden Ivy
- Gauze wrap
- People with black hair
- Some dreams
- Men
- a certain virus

sliding down a long banister and it changes into a razor blade

I am affraid of donuts and anything donut related, boxes/packages of cookies/snacks, chocolate crap and cakes (especially birthday cakes). I have food issues.and all the above smell repulsive.

I would say the worst fear is the fear of failing.

spiders and clowns! they terryfy me!!


I have always been afraid that someone will throw up on me on a rollar coaster.......it scares the crap out of me

I am mildly claustrophobic. I have a slight fear of flying, but do it anyway. My absolute biggest fear are snakes.

I know a girl who's afraid of snakes. That's not weird, but she's also afraid of tattoos of snakes.

peachie resurrected
going to jail for a crime i did;nt commit;and if you don;t have money for a good laywr ; your screwed...

I'm extremely afraid of heights(Acrophobia). I'm afraid of getting cuts on my feet. When in a public bathroom I won't touch anything with my bare hands. When walking down the hallway in my house, I have to take certain steps at certain spots or I get all thrown off. Also, I'm afraid of men trying to get in my house and hurting me or my family, because we have some strange and Creepy neighbors.: ( There's more but I'm going to stop there.



Fear of being noticed especially during a party....i got this fear when people turn and look at me...because im not used to it..im just a simple lady...

My biggest fears are heights and spiders. The weirdest thing that i used to do when playing as a goal keeper in soccer was to wear my shirt inside out when playing games away from home.

i fear pools, oceans, lakes, ex.(but not hottubs) because my best pushed me in the deep end when i was 5. weird thing i do is check every room, under the beds, behind the shower curtain, and anywhere else where a body can fit whenever i come home to make sure there is no serial killer or something...same with a car, idk why.

on tip toes
I have OCD, so I have a fear of not checking what I have just checked.

Popping balloons and biting on Popsicle sticks creeps me out.

im terrified of foam!
and tramps and big issue people
but mostly foam ugh just the thought of it sends shivers down my spine

putting my mouth on the glass at restaurants- i always ask for a straw.. it creeps me out

deadly afraid throw up

um you know when you touch a mail clipper and it is metal and you leave your fingerprints on it, it bugs the crap out of me, or fingerprints on the tv or my cell phone... grrr i hate that. um i am also afraid that people are watching me 24/7 and they want to kill me... ya so um BYE!

I'm afraid that when I fall asleep my bellybutton will open up and swallow me.

I used to be very affraid of spiders. Now the only thing that I fear is that I will not be a good enough father to my daughter. That is a fear like no other.

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