I cant stop moving the furinture in my house around. I cant help it, i just get bored really quickly and have to change everything around. I change all the rooms around at least once a week. My ...
well my gf and i had xxx and now she is pregnant. she is 1 month and her mom noticed and is asking about it and told my parents. i am ready to kill myself. what should i do?...
Im turning 14 today. I have a boyfriend who i love much, i have close friends too. But lately, i just wanna die. I went thro a rly moody few weeks and ended up cutting myself. But i have my bf (...
why do people ask questions like, "what is the best way to kill yourself" or "i want to kill myself, how should i?" or are just stating the fact that they are going to kill ...
My cousin just died in a new york shoot out and he was my best friend. I miss him so and i get to decide what happens to his ashes. i don't know whether to keep them, have them buried, or ...
My mind will not shut off, (thinking wise I mean). I am constantly worrying about everything. From weight, money, things I did wrong in my life, the future, relationships etc... My job does not make it any easier. I was diagnosed with severe depression in the army, but I'm not depressed all the time, I worry more about life in general. I've had alot that went wrong with my life in the last 15 years or so, like drugs(not for the last 4 years though), alcohal problems, 2 failed marriages, x husband doesn't pay child support as well as doesn't see my son. Getting kicked out of the army for failed urynalisis, you name it, it has probably happened to me. I already know I have severe depression, but is there something else that keeps me thinking all the time, gives me headaches alot too.
no you don't! first realized that you are made in the likeness of God and in humility pour your heart to God in confession and He will make you a new being in mind and in heart(see first John 1:9), daily living in His love and committing to Him problems that
are beyond you for He is able to do the impossible in your life if only you let go your past and allow His will always to be done in your life. anxiety can give you headaches, you think all is lost , but i tell you, the secret is in rising every time you fall, and i assure you, you will be the best that you can ever be if you are able do rise. lastly: pray, balance diet, read bible,exercise and train your son the only Father above(God),be well in body and in the spirit, Tony a.
yeah you may have a disorder. It seems like you may have a lot of anxiety and all any disorder is is just a slight chemical embalance and maybe a little self help. I think a lot of people suffer from this just don't express it. There are a lot of things anyone can do besides run to your doctor and getting put on drugs that will give you a lot more painful withdraws than headaches.
Try over the counter vitamins and herbs such as fish oil, st. johns wart.drinking soy milk, .ect,
Take out time for youserlf and read about anything positive!!
and more physical activity:)
Slick25, I don't believe you're losing your mind. In fact, you may be on the road to recovering it, so to speak. But there does seem to be a lot of "traffic" in there. Time to slow down. How can you do that? Well, you can start by making a list (yes, pen and paper) of the five things that worry you the most. From those, choose the winner, that is, the one that is the most worrisome. Allow that one to be your only worry for a few days. If any of the others pops in your head, throw it out. So, with your "winning worry", after half a day or so of plain anguish, start to write down what you COULD be doing to make it go away or make it more bearable. Doesn't matter how far-fetched your solutions may sound. Write them down. You see, it's ok to worry, but constant worry and fear are very non-productive. They just eat at you slowly, emotionally paralyzing you - not good! Also, I don't know if you're familiar with cognitive therapy. I've used it an awful lot with my clients and it really does work. In fact, I will soon address this effective method on my website. As I mentioned earlier, you actually may be making progress, beginning to sort out, analyze your past and present actions, something which you may have chosen to NOT do in your "wilder" years.
Also, depression can be a sign of ineffective stress-coping strategies (I also mention this on my website). Yes, anger, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, somatic disorders can all stem from stress. Work at it. It may get worse before it gets better, but the risk of completely losing your mind is virtually minimal. Best of everything to you.
my heart goes bang bang boom! =D
yah probbly go to see some1 and tell them abot it
You need to forgive yourself first. This is a lot easier said than done. You are human and no one ever gave you a step by step manual. The way I see it, the more mistakes we make, the smarter we become. Once you can begin to accept this, then look into talking to a doctor about the excessive worry. I suffer from the same thing and did so from the time I was very little (I remember worrying about the school day playground activity when I was only seven years old). If I didn't have something to be worried about I'd find something. I'd read the newspaper for articles of people killed or injured in case I knew someone. Its as if my brain craved anxiety. For awhile I took anti-anxiety medication until I learned how to relax through meditation. It was such a relief when I realized not everyone lived like this and that I didn't have to either. Reach out and try ad find a solution that will bring you some peace because it can begin to affect your physical health as well.
Chelsea P
It sounds like you've turned to a lot of devices that don't help with your depression, or help alleviate your other problems. Congratulations on 4 years drug free. Now that you are physically better, you can move on mentally and emotionally.
Now that you are outside the armed forces, I would recommend going to a doctor to talk about your problems with depression. You may find that it's more than depression, but if you aren't on medication, this may help. Depression isn't all sadness. It can include severe headaches, irratic behavior, and other things that people don't necessarily associate with depression.
Alternative methods (opposed to or combined with medications) can include regular exercise (try outside - sunlight can literally brighten your mood), better eating habits, counseling, religious or community involvement ...
It sounds like it's time to take care of yourself and your son. I know that you want to be active in his life, but you have to take care of yourself in order to do that.
Good luck to you, and take care.
Smiley Bright
depression is a disease, there are many homeopathic, natural solutions for solving depression. However I find that putting my life, faith and trust in God helps me stop worrying. Once you truly put your faith in GOD, and trust that this higher power ( be it buddha, jesus christ, etc.) will guide you, a huge weight will be lifted off your shoulders.
It sound like stress and anxiety
I think that you may have a type of mental illness but I also think that this has a lot to do with severe depression.
Aaron H
I have a problem kind of like that. I had a rough life too. I get anxiety because I expect bad things to happen because in my life experience they usually happen often. Just realize that your past is not your future and you have control over the decisions you make and you can make your future better.
You could see a pysch. and get pills but will that be better for you? I don't know.
i dont no if its a mantal disorder but you seriously need to go to a phsycaitris and get all this out your system otherwise im worried that itll become more serious then it already is
its an anxiety disorder, seek help please.
no sign of mania mentioned............
find a good therapist and get on with life
One of the characteristics of bipolar disorder is "racing thoughts." Since you say you're not depressed all of the time, I would say see your doctor and talk with him about bipolar disorder or even generalized anxiety disorder. You may need a change in medication. Good luck!
perhaps you have acute mongoloidism
i think i'd be depressed too.. and it's hard to feel good about yourself when your family and friends think that you're bad.. and know that you really screwed up.. but your the type of man that would admit all of that to yourself.. and if you're that guy, then you can deffinately be the guy who can ignore that you can't do what it is you'd like to do now, which is be happy again.. go for the anxietys first.. they are always teh key issues.. you might have to drop some things you don't want to drop for your own happiness.. not things you need not to however.. and you will always be your own guide to happiness.. nobody could make you as happy as you can make you.. find out what you want and set out to get it.. be reasonable and always for the greater good...
oh well just forget about it it already happened so cant do anything about it to change it just deal with it just worry bout ur child and yeah muahaha
Ever heard of bipolar disorder? People with it actually suffer much like you appear to have. Racing thoughts, constant worries, mood swings (times of severe depression, then times of higher-than-normal moments)...sometimes get into trouble with drugs and alcohol because of a decreased ability to think logically when in a manic phase, difficulties in relationships, etc. Not saying you are bipolar, but it might be worth checking out. If you are, anti-depressants are not the right type of medication for you. You need a mood stabilizer and possibly a mild anti-psychotic (not because you're psychotic) in order to help slow down the thoughts racing through your mind. Just an idea.
One n only
All you need to do is this:
a) Cut down on bad habits: drinking too much, smoking, drugs
b) Stop thinking about anything wrong.
c) Forget the past. let the dead past bury its dead
d) make a conscious effort to improve, be a better human being. think that this life is not yours but belongs to God. All this while you did what you liked, now for once try doing what God expects you to do
e) Think positive, make new friends.
And you will be fine, that's my word to you!
The Realest
I feel the same way and i dont know what to do its a really strong depression that takes over me and i cant do nothing about it.
sounds like stress to me maybe depression
Kim B
First of all, thank you for serving!
No, sounds like severe depression. Not getting over the bad things and not being able to focus in on the good things! Take the time to worry about today...not yesterday and not tomorrow. Depression runs in my family and the only thing I try to do is not get to high with the good or too low with the bad. We can't change the past....we can only take care of today, and tomorrow will take care of itself. Focus in on that little boy of yours!
its called the basic anatomy of your brain, it never stops working. Maybe it will not bother you so much if you deal with all of your problems,then you will have more pleasant thoughts. Everyone has problems that affect them,it's just about how you deal with them, and you can't go back in time,so just make the best of the now,and your future
you really need to wake up and smell the coffee... you know from experience how you failed and when you fail... do learn from it and move on or do you repeat yourself. you really don't have any excuse and if you did, is it good enough for you from succeeding in your own life. it takes approximately 30 days for you develop any habit, so incorporate a few good ones such as good nutrition and daily exercises ...to start with...
Hannah B
it sounds like you suffer from anxiety. I have suffered from it all my life along with depression. It has caused me to lose sleep at times. You need to see a psychatrist and a counselor; This will help greatly. There are many medications for anxiety and depression that they can prescribe that can help.
Reading your question seemed like looking at my own story..I ended up in a mental health facility all the worrying broke me down i couldn't stop crying for a week. I like you all ready had a diagnoses of severe depression. When i was hospitalized I was diagnosed with severe anxiety and post traumatic stress disorder. I was put on medication and it changed my life. I suggest you go to your family doctor and tell him all your symptoms and hopefully he will put you in the right direction.
your not mental just unlucky
Sounds like you have something going on. Could be an anxiety disorder. See a doctor and keep seeing them until you find one who listens and helps.
A good doctor will rule out physical causes first. Then will work on the best way to help you work though it if you do in fact have mental illness. If you are concerned abou taking medication that okay, you don't have to. Good psychologists and psychistrists don't just dole out pills and epect you to poof be better. There are MANY different treatment options for most mental illnesses.
I believe you suffer from anxiety which often accompanies depression. There are treatments for this. Talk to a doctor and don't suffer alone.
Cat♥Eyes =^..^=™
What you describe *severe anxiety* causes horrendous stress which translates into many physical symptoms that can lead to serious illness. PLEASE consult a physician immediately!