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 Can money make you happy?. Is evrything about money?

 Suicidal mom?
i came home and found something d isturbing i know she wants to die it sux so bad for all of us i wanna help her should i let her go like she says is best im scared and in trouble all the time and my ...

 Are u scared to die?

 Do I have a mental disorder?
My mind will not shut off, (thinking wise I mean). I am constantly worrying about everything. From weight, money, things I did wrong in my life, the future, relationships etc... My job does not make ...

 What are some of you worst or "weirdest" fears?
or weird things that you do or don't so.
my fears are,heights, wierd tings that i do are, i try not to touch anything while im out in public, like leaving prints on things, i don't ...

 Help! pleeeease answer...!?
okk so i posted a question about a week ago about my parents making fun of my weight and i told them repeatdly how i hate it and i even cry and they know that and last week i officially brought it up ...

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-is extremely violent towards other children- especially siblings and relatives(attacks people with objects and does try too hurt them badly)

 Shouldn't I just kill Myself?
OK here it goes. im pretty sure i should just kill myself. theres no point in me living
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 Every day I scare myself sick about dieing?
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Oh come on, don't just answer with 'yes' - tell me....

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i have already talked about it with my family. im just askin people advise to get over it so it wont hang over my ...

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Like myspace and my english teacher and the color yellow? ...

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 Why do I feel as though I don't deserve anything, including happiness and contentment?
I'm a 17 year old boy. I guess that I've been struggling with some internal emotional issues lately.

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Whinging people with depression, why don't the miserable buggers just snap out of it?

Because we are happy being a prozac nation!

oh look another a s s hole!!

Obviously from your pic you are morbidly obese and haven't got a clue,perhaps after you had your heart attack and are in hospital feeling depressed you may have a more sympathetic viewpoint,oh i forgot can you have depression if you only have one braincell to be depressed.

If it was that easy to snap out of depression we would do it!!! Suffering depression is not nice at im 19 and have had depression since i was 14... Maybe you should lend an ear because thats all we need is someone to talk to!!

The best is yet 2 come.........
dont be so downright offensive you obviously have no idea what you are on about and if you meant your question as a joke then you should have put it better


Many people with depression can help themselves if they do some simple self-help things like eat well (low fat, low sugar...lots of fresh fruits, veggies, lean meats, whole grains), exercise, fresh air, proper sleep, fun recreation, keep brain happy by learning more all the time and loving others and quit trying to be loved. Butttttttttttt, there are many that cant help their depression because it is chemically caused..from the little ole brain..they need professional help and probablly meds. :)

Peace...................... Off.
Just looking at you makes me depressed. Stop whinging about people calling you fat then........... big person!

Most people with depression will try to convince you that you can't just ' snap out of it ' but i recently suffered with depression , after a difficult time in my life , and the only way to deal with depression is realise it's a state of mind , and then find something else to occupy your thoughts , get a job if you can , or get a hobby if you are unable to work , learn a language , take up reading books and by doing this you will snap out of it , it's the only way

Snapping our of it is what happens when the depression starts to lift. Until then the very idea of snapping out of it is like travelling to the moon - you know a few people have done it but know that its not going to happen to you. The time the gloom lifts just enough for the vague glimmer of hope to shine through is like a miracle.

As someone else has pointed out getting involved in other things can help speed up the healing process, by distracting away from the cause, but it is like trying to pull away in 4th gear sometimes.

I hope that you never suffer from it because it's horrible.

Because they cant just snap out of it you silly person. There but for the grace of god goes you.

You can't just snap out of it, its a mental disorder.

why don't you snap out of being a tub of lard???

depression is a very serious illness, one that must be treated with understanding and respect. There is a huge difference between depression and feelin" blue. More knowledge, less ignorant sprouting about whinging people.

what's whinging people?some of us "whinging"people would like to just snap out of it but some people like you are what made us depressed in the first place.

That's like telling someone to snap out of cancer or heart disease. Depression is a serious mental illness. It's not something that is here today and gone tomorrow. Everyone has good days and bad days but some people do have chemical imbalances that they cannot simply snap out of.

They really can't at the time. They have to realise for themselves it's just up to them and no one can fix things for them.

It just takes some people more time to sort themselves out, just like it takes some people more time than others to understand a mathematical equation or learn how to draw ... everyone's different.

its not as simple as that. Its a serious mental illness. It could happen to any of us.


Because they can't just snap out of it. Depression is a mental illness and like all illnesses it needs to be treated to be either cured or kept under control. No one wakes up one day and decides to be depressed. It just happens.

the thinker
Crispy - hows it goin mate - long time no see.

I assume you posted this just to provoke a response.

Depression isn't just about being a miserable bugger - miserable buggers can snap out of it - people who suffer from depression can't !

If you gave a miserable bugger anti depressants they would still be miserable buggers !!!

Depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain which has/can have devastating effect on peoples moods and lives.

Think of it like diabetes of the brain - would you tell somebody who was having a diabetic attack to get over it and have a mars bar or a can of coke - no - it could kill them !!!

I often thought people who suffered with depression just couldn't be bothered with life and were a waste of space - even lazy - I couldn't understand why people couldn't laugh and have fun with their friends and loved ones.

That was until 6 years ago - I was having a bad time at work in a job I hated. My boss victimised me on a daily bases and it started to grind me down.

One day when I took a phone call at work on my mobile phone from a friend to tell me another dear friend had just passed away he turned to me a said "All you ever do all day every day is talk on that fcuking phone of yours" (which was a lie)

I turned to him and launched into the biggest loudest rant of my life and made the cnut feel like he was 2 inch tall - it even provoked the office to give me a standing ovation when I walked out of the room - 20 people clapping at the fact I had stood up for myself as they all knew what he was doing to me.

After this I went straight to his manager to tell him what had happened before my boss got the chance.

I told him about the months of victimisation which he listened to and took in. Next to my amazment I found my self uncontrollably sobbing - I'm a 6'3" 16 Stone 25 year old at this point - not someone you would think would do this !

I was told to go home and take the rest of the day of to let my self calm down.

I didn't return to work for 3 months and found that every morning when I woke up I cried - I cried all day until I went to sleep AND I HATED EVERY LAST FUKCING SECOND OF IT !!!

Usually I am quite a philosophical person and I wouldn't wish any harm, physical or mental to anyone - even my worst enemy.


For you to come on here and say "why can't they get over it" I hope to God that one day you suffer from depression because I will stand in front of your broken soul and laugh - I will laugh and laugh and laugh to make up for all of the days I have cried and not been able to control it you insolent sh1t.

To anyone suffering from depression - I wish you my heart felt love and I will reserve a loving hug for you all as sometimes people just need to feel like they are wanted or loved.

For all those people out there who don't understand depression please reserve your comments until you have fully studied it and understand it !

thats very insulting.

btw, is that really yoo in ur pic??? lol


helen p
You obviously have no concept of what depression is. Educate yourself before asking such offensive questions.

Depression is nothing to laugh about. Many people commit suicide while they are depressed. How can you be so insensitive. Go get a heart, I will pray for you.

The correct reply for this guy is......
Shut the **** up!!

Lets hope it never happens to you!

If they could just snap out of it, they wouldn't have this disorder. So stop being judgemental, and find a way to help them, if you care that much. If you don't, then stop asking stupid questions.

Oh look its crispy again back with his ever so funny questions .... your like a laugh a minute man .....bringing joy and happiness to the people around you !
do u suffer from little man syndrome ? or are u just narcissistic ?

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