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 My husband was dignosed three years ago with lung cancer, . He never done radiation. it kills faster dos it?
husband has lung cancer , dos radion theropy kill faster ?...

 Please answer DOCTORS AND NURSES or any one who might know?
have been having problems with my hemogolbin levels beng really low....a few months ago it was 10.4 and as of monday it was 7.3 i have been taking iron but it does not seem to help! I had more labs ...

 Will chemo work better on a lump than radiotherapy ?

 If someone is diagnosed with breast cancer, on average, how long does it take before they start treatment?

 Can Demerol cause headaches?
My wife has other health problems and last week started having bad headaches. She has been in the hospital and has been taking Demerol but does not seem to get any relief. The headaches started after ...

 Recently Diagnosed ...any advice would be so much appreciated ....?
I was diagnosed with Malignant Melonoma on two moles on my back about 2 weeks ago now, they were both very thin at just 0.4mm. I had a wide local excision of the area and i now have another 1 and a ...

 Brain tumors?
Has anyone had surgery to remove a brain tumor, 95% - 98% of it, and if so has it grown back? If so please fill me in on how you thought or felt it was growing back besides headaches and seizures ...

 Do you think you have to see an oncologist if?
I have non invasive cancer and atypical hyperplasia and I'm taking tamoxifen. Do you think I should be seeing an oncologist on a regular basis, and how often should I be seen or not seen?

 I have a lump on my breast and it has turned into a huge red boil type thing.?
Does anyone knwo the pre-symptoms of breast cancer?...

 Does anyone have any ACTUAL FACTS about cigar smoking and the health risks?
I've read all the comments on yahoo answers regarding cigar smoking, cancer and other health risks. To be totally honest though, none of the comments are really informative. Most people have ...

 Cure for cancer.?
okay,, i know this may sound wierd, but do you ever think that the cure for cancer is a simple thing, like eating a elephants poo, and then everyone is spending soo much money trying to find one, ...

 Should I be worried if mydoctorsaysI have Breast Cysts?
My doctor said that I have a cyst, but she didn't elaborate. She didn't suggest an ultrasound or mamogram, or any treatment. She just said to avoid caffiene, because that could make the ...

 Is anybody taking Tamoxifen tablets following Breast cancer ?
If so, is it normal to get bad diarrhoea, sickness and pains after taking them ?

Sensible answers only please....

 Do any body use sun block any Moore?

 Does chemotherapy cause a significant amount of weight gain?
I ask this question because my oncologist said that I will gain weight during chemo treatment but she says that it will be less than 5lbs. I have a feeling that I may gain more weight than just 5ibs....

 Does anybody know anyone that has died from lung/kidney cancer?
How does it start to affect that person? and how long are they expected to live?...

 Help really bad stomache pain?
I woke up this morning and my upper stomache started hurting really bad, yesturday I didn't eat breakfast, but I ate a sandwich for lunch and chineese for dinner, later I snacked on my left over ...

 Is it possible?
Is it possible for someone with Stage 4 cancer to recover? I have a friend whose father is suffering from Stage 4 cancer and he's undergoing chemo now. He was stuck in hospital for a long time ...

 Could it be cancer?
last night my partner found a hard pea sized lump on the top of the bridge of his nose. im worried its cancer wot else could it be?...

 Do you think there's an actual effort to finding a cure for cancer ?(read on)?
You guys do realize that a lot of people profit from all the money that's put into the RESEARCH and TREATMENTS for cancer. A cure would ultimately defeat that purpose.

You need to ...

Do you know anyone who has survived a ruptured aneurysm?
A long time family friend is in the hospital for this. They gave her a 50/50 chance for survival. I would really like to hear survival stories. I feel so lost. I just need to hear that people have survived.
Additional Details
It is in her brain. I dont know what part of the brain. We live in Georgia. She was lifeflighted to Emory, which they say is a really good hospital, from a smaller hospital. They have drilled a hole in her head to relieve pressure and they have her prepped for surgery.

An aneurysm (or aneurism) is a localized, blood-filled dilation (balloon-like bulge) of a blood vessel caused by disease or weakening of the vessel wall. Aneurysms most commonly occur in arteries at the base of the brain (the circle of Willis) and in the aorta (the main artery coming out of the heart), a so-called aortic aneurysm. The bulge in a blood vessel can burst and lead to death at any time. The larger an aneurysm becomes, the more likely it is to burst.
An abdominal aortic aneurysm can develop in anyone, but it is most frequently seen in males over 60 with one or more risk factors. The larger the aneurysm, the more likely it is to rupture.
When an abdominal aortic aneurysm ruptures, it is a true medical emergency. Aortic dissection occurs when the innermost lining of the artery tears and blood leaks into the wall of the artery. This most commonly occurs in the aorta within the chest.
When an aneurysm occurs in the brain, it is called a cerebral aneurysm. A saccular aneurysm (berry aneurysm) can vary in size from a few millimeters to over a centimeter. Giant berry aneurysms can reach well over 2 centimeters. The aneurysm resembles a sack of blood attached to one side of the blood vessel by a narrow neck. These are more common in adults. Multiple berry aneurysms are not unusual.
A thoracic aortic aneurysm is a widening (bulging) of part of the wall of the aorta, the body's largest artery.
Ruptured AAAs require immediate open surgery or endovascular stent grafting. Without treatment, mortality rate approaches 100%. With open surgical treatment, mortality rate is about 50%; mortality with endovascular stent grafting is generally lower (20 to 30%). The mortality remains high because many patients have coexisting coronary, cerebrovascular, and peripheral atherosclerosis. Patients who present in hemorrhagic shock require fluid resuscitation and blood transfusions, but mean arterial pressure should not be elevated to > 70 to 80 mm Hg because bleeding may increase. Preoperative control of hypertension is important.

I would say it would all depend on the location of it? I don't know for sure I have a friend that had one, and he didn't make it sadly enuff.... I hope and I'll pray that your friend gets better and hopefully the hospital can help them out.. Good luck keep up posted.. I take this type of stuff to heart, its hard to watch someone you care about suffer at any rate!!!!

if she is still alive than she is already lucky. usually people bleed out within minutes, depending on where it was and how big it was. she probably had to have massive surgery to try and repair it or stop it. if it is in her brain she may have suffered brain damage from the bleed. only time will tell, but she has a chance.

I know someone who survived a one. She has been doing well for about 8 years now. Here is a good place for information.
Best wishes for all involved.

Sorry, you did not indicate where it was located. My friend's was in the brain.

yes my wife has she had 2 in her brain 1 ruptured other 1 was clipped
we were told she had a 30% chance of living & if survive 10% chance of no serious brain damage
2 operations(to clip them & put in a shunt)
lots of x-rays, cat scans, mri's
3 weeks in a comma(in ICU)
4 months in hospital(with tubes to breath & eat)
2 months in rehab (to learn to eat/walk/talk function in a normal way)
now 2 years later she is 90% back to the way she was before it hapened & only some short term memory loss (remembers last week but often forgets things that hapened a hour ago)
im in australia
best of luck to your friend

Royce Ann M
Yes years ago (17) I took care of a very nice young man who had had a ruptured aneurysm in his brain. His face and head looked like a basket ball. He was a divorce attorney married with two children. After a while he was able to return to work and lost nothing of his mobility or his IQ.

med girl
Sorry about your friend...I am a survior of a brain anuerysm. It happened in Oct. 2007, still recovering and it is not a pleaseant thing to go through. I am having some problems with fatigue and extremely high B/P. I have severe head aches from the surgery. I'm not allowed to take B/P medicine because my Neurologist wants my B/P to run a little high to keep the blood vesels opened up good in my brain. See there is repercussions for everthing...I'm retaining fluid in feet and legs and had to be put on furosemide and potassium for that. They say it will take any where from 1.5 - 2 years to fully recover. I can't stand it not being able to work. I am in the medical field and was at work when it happened. My anuerysm was on the whole left side of my brain. Doctor said I had it for 3 - 10 years. I was very blessed to survive, the Lord was looking out for me. The Doctor said he had been doing this for 17 yrs. and I was the first patient he had seen that not only did the anuerysm clot it had a scab on it. They told my family I may not make it and could be in a vegetated state and would have strokes during surgery and possibly after. I had a very small mini stroke when it first happened and did not have any during surgery or after surgery.The Dr. told my family that I would be on life support 3 - 4 hours after surgery I was on it for 45 mins. He also said I would be in the hospital for 3 - 4 weeks or maybe longer. I was there for 2 weeks. The staff and Dr.'s were amazed at my recovery. I have short term memory loss and forget words sometimes and I struggle a little but they say it will get better. I'm thankful for what God has done for me and for sparing my life and that I'm not a vegetable. Do you know where your friends anuerysm is? If you want to e-mail me that is fine and I'll answer any questions you have based on my experience. I hope your friend is ok and that god keeps him/her in the palm of his big merciful hand.
Good Luck and God Bless!!!!

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