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 Why do I have teeth?

 I had my wisdom teeth pulled and stitched up. Am I going to have holes still?

 Wisdom tooth removed?
I had it taken out a few days ago
and I am feeling sick , cant stop going to the toilet and am very swollen and sore

have to add though that I have irritable bowels brought on by ...

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 Im getting braces tomorro and i want to kno why the pointments are so long? does it hurt when you put them on?

 White filmy stuff on teeth and gums in the morning.?
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 For the past week or so ive had this thing on my gum and i need help with it?
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 Why do I still have 2 of my baby teeth at the age of 21?
It's so wierd because they are in the exact same place on the opposite side of my lower mouth....

 My braces are really hurting after being tightened today, is there anyway I can ease thew pain?
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 Is there anyway i could fix my teeth i hate them.
Haha sorry for the obnoxious smile.
http://i262.photobucket. Details
sorry i didn't tell u what i didn't like ...

OK, Im off to my dentist when my mum can get me a appointment to get mesured for braces. what do they do, Ive heard they put clay in ur mouth then have to wait a bit to get braces made.. is this true<...

 The things you hate?
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I have some weird pain!!!!?
I have weird pains that last only a few seconds. Its kinda hard to explain. I get a shooting pain up to my head and it happens really quick.sometimes it happens once a day sometimes 30.I have been like this for at least 3 months now.I can really pinpoint where the pain is coming from but i seem to think its kinda directed towards my wisdom teeth.I happens so quick i cant tell.I dont have pain anywhere else and i never get fevers so it leads me to believe that it is my wisdom teeth.The dentist already told me they were coming in impacted i just havent had a chance to get them removed.What does everybody else think and has anybody ever experienced anything similar to this?

Could be trigeminal neuralgia?

Don't eat hard foods, take a light pain killer on your worst days, and don't chew gum. This may ease the pain until you can take care of your problem. I had two sets of wisdom teeth come in on the top instead of the regular one set. I have been waiting on insurance before taking care of my crowding problem. And yes it hurts but the few things I suggested have helped. And yes...the back of my mouth looks like a circus.

jc ♫
Well in my experience when my wisdom teeth were coming in impacted the pain I had was different from what you are describing. It was constant pain through out the day. I would get them taken out as soon as possible and if your shooting pains continue, I would see a doctor.

Good luck.

julie m
i just want to be first to answer haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

It sounds like it could be your teeth. That is what happen with me. Once I got them removed I was fine. My advise to you would be to make some time to get the wisdom teeth removed. If you wait to long it could make your other teeth worse off.

if ur dentist says its due to wisdom tooth..then u cant do anythng but to take painkiller
but yes one thng can surely help u...do warm saline rinses as many times as u can..may be after every two or three hrs
n just take care to rinse wid water after u take meals to prevent accumulation of food below the flap there
either u hav to wait to let the tooth come out otherwise get it extracted
get well soon.....

Phoenix, Wise Guru
I have the same kind of sharp shooting pain caused by my neck being out of whack. I've developed trigger points in my neck and if I move my head just right it will stab pain through one side of my head.

Can't tell if that holds for you, but that's my experience. Definitely could be your wisdom teeth, though.

Oh, maybe you could try acupuncture.

i think you have to wait.....it will slowly reduce...iam sure

Thats quite bizarre, it sounds like some sort of nerve damage. Impacted teeth don't necessarily cause pain and I don't think you could gaurantee that it would go away after removing them.

I got a similar pain after I had my wisdom teeth out. That is because when they gave me the anaesthetic the needle jabbed the large nerve that runs through my jaw that supplies all of my teeth on my lower jaw. This damage caused me to get very quick pangs in my jaw like an electric shock every now and then for a few months. I also got this sensation when they stuck it into my nerve.

One of the complications of lower wisdom teeth removal; depending on where it is located relative to that nerve, you can get permanent damage to that nerve which could potentially cause more pain than you are currently getting. An xray of your jaw can give some idea of how likely that is going to be, because it shows your wisdom tooth relative to the nerve.

I say if you don't have problems with your wisdom teeth leave them where they are, the evidence supporting removal because of tooth crowding problems is very weak.

go see a doctor. this isnt right.

ya you really should get your wisdom teeth removed

May be wisdom teeth, or it may be a number of other things, such as trigeminal neuralgia, sometimes called "cluster headaches". You should get your molars removed if they are impacted, regardless. Then, if these weird pains continue, you should see your MD.

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