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 Am I to Skinny?
I'm 14 years old, 4'11 and weigh 75lbs am i to small?
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no im not a midget and im not on any ...

 How much weight do I need to loose to look really skinny?
Like olsen twin/nicole richie skinny?

Im 5ft 4 and 122 pounds

how much more do i need to loose?
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 Is my weight and height okay for my age?
I am 5 foot 2, almost 18 years old and weight 8 and a half stones
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I am NOT growing any more, i stopped growing at 12...

 How can I lose wieght without physical exercises?

 Ok, I'm not overweight, but do you think i'm fat?
My BMI is 23.0, but i just want to know if a look fat.


 How unhealthy is chinese food?

 Whats the best way to help tone up tummy muscles to get a firmer tum?

 Whats the best way to lose 2 in./ 10 lbs in 5 weeks?
-about 123 lbs
-14 yrs ...

 How do I force myself to go to the gym more?
I need to work out more and I joined an expensive gym and am always making lazy excuses not to go....

 My biceps are sore should i still workout today?

 What do you call it when a fat woman has a belly that hangs low between her legs?
You know....... the part that they tuck in to their knickers. What's that part called?...

 I'm fat, short and ugly. help me?
well firstly im 18, live in houston with my grandparents (parents dead). i blame god for everything that has ever happened to me in life. i have no education, no job i just sit at home eating and ...

 Is it ok for me too run 1 hour a day im only 14?
i love ...

 Could I die?
I went to my doctor and she told me I am anorexic. My family had already said I was but I didnt beleive them. I used to be 5'1 and 111 lbs and now I am 104lbs. I keep losing more and more weight....

 Am I fat?I am 180 pounds. Look at that picture.?

 Have you ever done weight watchers? How did it work for you?
I just joined weight watchers today in hopes of losing at least like 55 pounds. Any tips on dieting? Excericising that worked really well for you? Also with the weight watchers diet I am using the ...

 Is my height and weight regular for my age?
I am 13, going to be a freshman next year, 5'8, and 110 pounds. Is that normal?
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by the way, I eat alot. :-)...

 Am i fatt or average???
im 13, 148 lbs and 5'9''
i have a big boned body structure
some people sayy im too skinny and others dissagree
well, im not so confident but the doctor says if i loose ...

 Am I overweight?
I am 110 and 5,3...

 How can I stop getting blisters on my feet????
I walk about 4 miles a day and I come home with huge blisters! I have tried all kinds of shoes. I don't know what to do but it hurts!!!

Thank you.
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Am i overweight?
I weigh 149 pounds and I am 5'6"
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I am 148 pounds and 5'6. I am 15 years old but people say i look 110 pounds.

YES YES YES YES, you wouldnt be asking if you didnt think so!! YES are you kidding "150lbs @ 5'6", yes

No, I don't think so. If you're that worried, I'd check my BMI
Click below to check
Hope this helps.

not really.

nooonnon not at all! That's like normal. But who cares about your weight? as long as you're happy with yourself.

John K
Check the weight chart. Here's a link.
It will tell you if you are overweight or not based on your height and weight. If you are a growing teen it may differ. But check the "weight chart" it's in the sidebar of site

depends on your body type. generally speaking at 5'6'' u should look quite well at 149

I dont think your overweight!

n0t at all. i weigh 152 and i am 5'7". if y0ur d0ct0r says y0u need t0 l0se weight because y0u are c0nsidered medically 0bese, THEN y0u will be c0nsidered 0verweight. but y0u seri0usly arent.

nopeee! =]

ben t


Any more weight and you would be slightly, very slightly, over weight.

Here is a link to calculate your BMI (tells you if you're fat or not)


Rob M
no not really... depends on your body fat makeup

its hard to tell w/o a pic because like, u may just hav muscles and they weigh more than fat

Pat R
HELL NO you ant

Meghan C
No, you're not.

No, I think you are within a healthy range :-) If you are concerned, look up your BMI index online. Just google it and you will have many options.

No. You're fine just the way you are.

Don't ask others, please. Answers will vary. If you feel good, you aren't overweight and underweight, either.

I am Me <3 and i ♥ u
NOT IN THE LEAST. youre a healthy weight.

miss lacey
there are websites that can tell you what your ideal weight should be for your height.

its' all about where it sits on you and how you wear it.

try the link below or type into google "ideal weight calculator"

Phoenix: Princess of Cupcakes
Your BMI is 24, which is within the range of normal weight:

well age may play a factor in this but no way are you overweight as im 5'7 and more than that

Grace C
I checked for you.
Your BMI (body mass index) is 24 exactly.

Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
Overweight = 25-29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

So you're just at the right weight.
But exercise 1h and 5 fruit and veg everyday remember :o)

Nope, you're not

no, my friend is 5'6" and she ways 300 lbs

Jerry Springer
Your BMI calculates to 24.0

Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
Overweight = 25-29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

Mawanda P
if you feel like you want to be more fit...then you can, but you are fine just the way you are.

The Guitar Hero
no, your fine.

Give Peace A Chance
no, just excercise and your fine.


nope I'm 5'6 and the least I want to weigh when I get through losing weight is 150 lbs... my goal is to weigh at the most 175 and at the least 150.... so you have already hit my goal weight! lol

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