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 If a cookie contains 110 calories and you cut it in half do you consume HALF the calories??
or is it just bogus.? like no matter how big the piece is its still going to contain that many calories.?...

 If i eat about 600-800 calories a day..?
is it dangerous?.. i'm not fat! i just want to get toned and lose the stubborn little fat i have here and there before the summer, especially my little love handles.. besides my love handles i ...

 I weigh 340 pounds. I have been trying to lose weight for a while. Can someone give me tips on doing so?

 What are some natural laxatives?
School project/disguisting i know....

 How do you get fat?
hi i was just wondering exactly how you get fat. is it all about calories or other factors too? can i get some specific informations about how you get fat? and what does fat calorie do? and will diet ...

 Are you fat if youre 5'4 16 and 125 ibs?

 Plz i dont know if im fat or not?
im 13 5'1" and 129lbs

 Im trying to gain weight, any advice??

 Am I killing myself? Not enough calories, too much diet soda?
Hello. I have an eating disorder. I've been like this for years, I am seeking help. Lately I've been going down hill fast. I am eating 600 calories a day or less, and I drink TONS of diet ...

 Do you brush your teeth BEFORE or AFTER you breakfast?

 Whats a way to lose 50lb in 5 months?
whats a way that i can lose 50lb in 5 months
its really really important that i do so.
soo what are some ways that would help like what are some things you do to keep the weight off??

 Is 96 lbs fat for a 12 year old????

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im 5'1 yeaah i no, im shooooort!...

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 Is it possible to eat 100 cookies in 100 minutes?????
My friends have this contest going to see who can eat 100 cookies in 100 minutes. Does anyone know if a person could do this without having any medical problems??? I'm thinking about asking my ...

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 Am i over weight?
i am 28 inches around my waist

i weigh 140 pounds

i am 5 foot 10

how can i loose half a stone
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 Do I have a eating disorder?
Im 11.
I don't eat breakfast or lunch, and I eat dinner because my parents are around, but I don't eat a lot of it, and say I had a big lunch. I feel full at lunch, but at dinner im ...

How can I stop getting blisters on my feet????
I walk about 4 miles a day and I come home with huge blisters! I have tried all kinds of shoes. I don't know what to do but it hurts!!!

Thank you.
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I walk so much because it's good for me, other than my poor feet. I think it might be socks because my shoes DO fit.

Yes, since you walk so much make sure you have comfortable walking shoes.....wear socks to absorb sweat and to stop your skin from rubbing on the shoe.......causing blisters. You can also try the foot powder.

u should do the following
1)wear sandals or comfortable flip flops.any thing open with no straps.straps chaff ur skin
2)if u want to wear shoes then wear socks.u can put two pairs of thick socks simultaneously.but u will need loose shoes.
3)u can pad ur shoes with thick layers of cotton.it really helps.
4)apply Vaseline on the blisters after a good soak in hot water and wear socks to bed.remember to do this before bed.add salt and shampoo in the hot water.salt will soften ur feet

in some dermatological problem like EBA even minor trauma may cause blister.
diabetes some times may cause blister on foot. write in detail age and past history of problem. Relation with trauma.

Walk barefooted when you are at home , it will toughen up the soles of your feet

Go see a podiatrist. He/she may be able to prescribe inserts that fit your feet and that you can transfer from tennis shoes to work shoes.

This sounds like a job for a foot doctor.

put a sign saying "no blisters please" ha ha ha...oops sorry



There is no one remedy for everyone. I have suggested some sites for your information. If it is bad always take advice from the Doctor before starting treatment.

May not be the sneakers that give you the problem since you've tried all kinds of them. It may be the fit. You are probably buying the wrong size or width. Have your feet measured and properly fitted for good quality walking shoes.

Well , four miles a day witll do that to your feet! maybe you should take it a little easy and give your feet a rest they are prob. in shock i no that shounds weird but it might be true !

How are your socks? I usually have this problem when I wear socks that don't fit properly. You don't want your feet to shift or move too much in your shoe this will definitely cause blisters. Try soaking your feet in warm water with a foot soak(found in any drug store) this will help the pain.

theres some kinda stuff u can rub on there that helps alot but im sry i forgot wut it was

try using breathable socks or sandals.

try wearing wool socks?

oh yeah and as for the answer above about rubbing something on it. it is goldbond.

try wearing socks

Bingo's Mommy
Makes sure you wear good socks and that your shoes fit properly. Blisters are caused by friction. The more your shoes are lose on your feet, the more likely they are to cause blisters.

Until they heal, don't pop them and apply band aids.

Try really really thick socks or something. Or don't walk too much. ^_^

Wear suitable socks with suitable shoes.

Elisabeth 3 queen of England
get Jelin' by Dr. Shoals (or however you spell his last name)

See a podiatrist or someone who specializes in custom fit shoes.

If you don't have that kind of money. Look for better fitting shoes and or good old Dr. Sholes makes something called mole skin. You put it on your foot in the area that is rubbing and it protects your skin.

Best of Luck

Jeff L
try using shoe cushions.

try soaking them frequently or have them massaged. also try scrubs designed to slough off the dry, hard, calloused parts

If it is always in the same spot try using a product know as mole skin...it is not really mole skin though. Cut a hole where you get blisters and put it on the spot that troubles you. Otherwise I would suggest walking differently like on the balls of your feet or more on the heels depending on the problem areas. I get blisters all the time but would pop them with a needle and clean them out until a hard callous developed.

Sculd them thats where u run them uder really hot water
I had got flee and chigger bites all over my legs and my mom told me to sculd my feet it really is painful at first but after its over it feels so good
Pick me 4 best answer please
hope it helps

wear bandaids

Maybe you shouldn't walk so much.

Kyle S
Put duct tape on the areas that you get them at. It works well, I do it when I go hunting. Duct tape fixes everything.

Sleeping Beauty
Well, I would suggest minimizing your walking distance. Since that may not be possible, then maybe you should put foot powder in your shoes... that should help to keep your feet dry, which will stop the chafing and will (hopefully) stop the blisters. Also, wear thicker socks to help protect your feet from the shoe.

Hope I helped!

make sure your feet are dry it prevents blisters

get correctly fitting shoes

Wear thick socks to protect your feet from rubbing against your shoes. Also, make sure your shoes are fitted correctly--you may even want to go somewhere where they will measure your feet. If you can afford it, you might even need special inserts. Also, there are a lot of good off-the-shelf shoe inserts that can pad your feet. Finally, don't walk so much every day until the blisters heal--they need to fully heal or you can just continue to irritate the skin.

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