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 Do i have anorexia?
I know it sounds crazy to ask but i need help. Im 15 years old and i weight 110 pounds. I don't think i have in intentionally but i hardly ever eat. I normally eat once a day. My hair is ...

 What are the chances of me getting my fathers genes?
this is a question about my metabolism. anyway my my mom has a super fast metabolism and my dad has an alright metabolism he could gain weight and still lose weight. anyways im a 16-year old male and ...

 Please give me your advice...my younger sister is very overweight.?
My mom and my sister just moved back to Georgia from Alabama. My sister had a traumatic experience when she was 6 and from then gained alot of weight. She is now 15, is 5'8" and weighs ...

 Doing the splits? is splits something you can either do or you cant?
or can you become more flexiable and then you can eventually do it, ive beign doing a lot of yogo latley thats why im intrested....

 Is working out more than 3 times a week over doing it?
i do a full body workout fri/sat/sun and started adding mon/wed, is that too much????...

 Am I getting fat? =[?
I'm about 5'11 and weigh around 9.5 stone.
I thought this was all grand and stuff, but my sister has come home for the summer with a medicial textbook (shes a third year medical ...

 Is tea a hydrator as much as water?
I know we should all drink lots of water, but I HATE drinking it most of the time. I love iced tea and I make it with tea bags and use splenda as the sweetener. Water is best, I know, but having to ...

 Am I fat?!?!?
5 ft. 6 in.
145 ...

 What is a good weight for 5'10?
for a girl?...

 Is 5 foot 4 and 100 pounds fat?
What about 5 foot 3 and 107...

 Is it true that Vomiting makes you lose weight?
My friend told me that if you vomit 3 times a week the food that you eat it makes you lose weight. But i thought it makes you gain? Is this true please explain?
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 How tall are you? Please Answer?!?
I want lots of answers please :]
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I'm 5'8 :)...

 Hi im a 19 yr old male 6'4 and I want to gain 45 pounds.what foods should I eat?
I only weigh 164...

 Why are all of those people in magazines and on t.v. so thin?
Not only thin people exist in our world today...we need real people to show little teenage girls how to act because they are our romodels. Those girls are a little too skinny and thats a big impact ...

 I'm 5'2" and weigh about 135 lbs...?
I kind of feel overweight but most of it is muscle or in places where I know I won't be able to get rid of it... like the insides of my thighs and my butt... am I fat... or any suggestions as to ...

 12, 4ft11 , and 100 lbs Do i need to lose weight?
I just want to know if I need to lose anymore weight. I use to be 123, but I lost the 23lbs, but do I need to lose, 'cause people still call me fat!!!!!...

 How do i get taller?
I just turned 15 and only 5'8". i wanna grow like 2 more inches. what can i do or any ideas?? (my mom is 5'6" my dad is 6'2")
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 I have anorexia...?
i know that but no matter what i cant stop.ive had to quit school,
and home school,im 15 and im going back this coming year,i only weigh 89 pounds,i want to lose a few more but if you were my ...

 How can i make my legs bigger?
I have skinny legs, and i am wearing a skirt to a party! How can i make them bigger (more muscular,& wider) in 1 week????...

 Am i overwieght? im 5'7 and i way 103 pounds .....i feel like a fatte am i??
im 5'7 and i way 103 pounds .....i feel like a fatte am i??...

Does not doing excersise make you fat?
Even if you diet, does a lack of regular excersise in your life make you gain weight?

Laura B
it might not make you fat but it would give you a lot of health problems

yes. and if you stop excercising you will gain it quicker!

Ray L
Exercise does help burn calorie faster. but alot of it depends on your diet + calorie intake and output. If it is a huge net gain then i supose you would after a couple of months,But if it is a one off then it should matter much

Mon Ray
Being active helps you to burn off extra calories you don't need. At worst, lack of exercise makes weight loss harder. You lose weight more slowly.

It doesn't make you gain weight, but it's harder to lose some.

Derek B
Barring any health problems, as long as you expend more calories than you consume you will be alright.

It depends on how many calories you take in vs how many you use

sex pistols fan
no.im underweight and only ride a skateboard

Yes, your metabolism goes down, and you can't burn fat as easily as when it's high from excercise.

No exercise has no bearing on weight.

Ingesting more energy (effectively calories) than your body burns causes your body to store them in the form of fat, a build up of fat causes weight gain.

Regular exercise requires more energy so whilst exercising you burn calories, if you're dieting as well there are less calories available to burn so the body converts the fat supplies to energy to compensate and you lose weight quicker.

The figures commonly quoted are 2500 calories daily for a man's weight to remain static and 2000 for a woman, when dieting a man should eat 2000 and a woman 1600 that way they burn fat but very slowly.

To give you idea of the energy used whilst doing exercise, body builders will eat up to if I recall correctly 8000 calories during the preparation for a show, then starve themselves for about 24 hours before the show, the body burns any fat and the muscles become very visible.
In the antarctic you need about 6000 calories a day just to maintain your weight, the body generates lots of heat and it needs fuel to do it.

So for very quick weight loss spend a week in the antarctic doing weight training whilst on a diet - or not.


possibly, it depends on person genics and Metabolism. also your job may be excersise. but for most of us that isnt true.

Alot of it has to do with genetics/what God graced you with.

Exercise is a big factor yes, but watching what you eat is even bigger.

Fu Manchu
It depends on the person, you can see skeletal like people who stuff their face with food and don't exercise never put on weight...

the pug
when it comes to wieght gain...it is all about "intake vs output"

even consuming a mere 35 more calories a day than you burn, can lead to steady wieght gain...

excersize is great, cause if you eat a regular diet and say burn off extra calories with doing some extra moving around you will be on par or even better...

i would always suggest to people to excersize so long as they can, but follow it up with a very pertinent aspect to it...excersizing will trick your body into being hungrier cause of calorie burn....do not then over eat...eat the amount you normally would.

yes, because all the extra food your body is getting is turning into fat that accumulates around the body and makes you fat

No. If you burn more calories than you consume you won't get fat and you don't need to have structured exercise to do this. But exercise is good for you in other ways..

The Rugby Player
That is the one million dollars question.
I gave up smoking 18months ago. I did not eat much more but within 2 months my weight had gone up 15 Kg one month further down the line and I had an hart attack.
Since than I reduced my food intake I have been going regularly to the gym I am close to 100kg and my 80 Kg of 18 months ago seem like a dream of the past.

yes. to loose weight you need to use up more calories than you actually eat. if you store them without doing anything physical to work them off then you will definetly gain wieght.

if you starve yourself you'll lose weight but it would be easier to do exercise even thought it's so hard and booooooooooring

Steve J
Hi there.
No to both questions, is the simple answer. Most top models do little exercise, they starve to stay thin. You will only gain weight if your calorie intake is higher than what you burn.
You will be weak and prone to illness, though. Best to balance it out.
Good luck, Steve.

Look at me? Living proof.
Stopped playing rugby, became a couch potato.
20 stone!!

if you don't use as much food as you eat, you tend to store it. so if you're dieting perfectly and eating almost exactly the calories that you use, then no, exercise won't help with weight.

however, it lets you eat more since you're doing more. and the extra muscle it adds will actually keep using calories even when you're just hanging out.

plus you feel better and don't die as soon, etc.

The problem is that your body will quickly adapt to the lower calories of dieting by slowing down your metabolism to conserve your fat stores. Eventually weight loss through diet alone will slow and stop. One other thing about dieting without exercise is that you will be losing more muscle tissue than you would if you exercised along with watching the calories. This means that your body fat % will actually increase the more you cut calories below 1200 a day...good luck

jessica b
Is should affect you too much, but
It doesn't help you lose weight, if you don't exercise; remember more muscle more potential for calorie burning even at rest!


Eating to much makes you fat, if you burn less calories than you consume you will gain weight...

Actually, your metabolism determines whether you get fat or not. Excercise helps to increase your metabolism which allows you to burn more calories. I've been working in an office job for over a year, sitting all day and doing no exercise. I still weigh 145 lbs at a height of 5' 9". I am considered skinny by most. I should excersise more but am proof that just because you don't, you won't necessarily gain weight. Remember, a well-balanced diet will help regulate you metabolism along with genetics.

no I do absolutely no exercise and am really skinny

Yes it can do. If you eat less than your daily allowance of calories (depending on weight, height, age etc) and dont exercise then your weight will probably stay stable. However, if you eat more than your daily allowance of calories and dont exercise then yes you will put on weight.

Diet + Exercise = Weight Loss!

soldier of fortune
no,overeating makes you fat

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