it all depends how tall are you
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That's how much I weigh, and I'm 5'6", 13 years old.
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NO!!! just eat healthy and stay active. you should have atleast 30 min of exercise everyday, and lots of fruits and Vegies.
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Renaissance Man
Depends on your height.
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Paula D
Depends on your height, but sounds like a good, healthy weight. You are still growing and you're body is still changing. I was 5'5" by the time I was 13 and weighed about the same as you now and was voted best bod by the guys!
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Bradley R
That depends on how tall you are, besides if you look in the mirror and can say you are happy with yourself, chances are you will lose weight gradually through healthy eating, excercise and most importantly from feeling good about yopur self. Try to remember that you are young and that you still have some baby fat on you that will go away as you grow and age. Try not to look at all those boney women in the mags, and ignore that some of us ignorant males say and think, after all you have to live with your self, and the only one you have any thing to proven to is your self. Personally you probably look just fine for your age, just be conscience how much you eat , how often you are eating, what you are eating and every thing come around. Just lose faith in your self.
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Virginia L
First of all, when you are 13 being that worried about weight can be dangerous. Its ok if you are worried to be healthy, but if you actually think you are fat there is a problem that needs to be addressed. That being said, most 13 year olds fall have similar weights (depending on height). You also have to consider that muscle weighs more than fat, so you can be a perfectly healthy individual and look healthy and weigh more than average. If you are concerned about being overweight or wish to tone talk with your parents about the lifestyle changes that work better than most diets (excercise several times a week for at least 20 minutes at a time, healthy eating habits, getting enough sleep, drinking 8 glasses of water a day, etc etc).
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no way!!!!!!
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depends fat or muscle and how tall are you
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sex pistols fan
your the largest person ever your bigger than phil margera.
P.S.im being sarcastic
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jasmine p
uh no!!! i'm ten and weigh about 78 lbs.
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u need to give your height. that is normal for 5'3- 5'4
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You can go to a website or search BMI. Enter your height and your weight and it will give you a number for your Body Mass Index.
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no, ur completely normal
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Nope well i am 15 i weigh like 100 ponds but my family is small so don't worry.DON'T START PUKING ITS THE STUPIDEST THING YOU COULD EVER DO. AND IF U THINK UR OVER WEIGHT YOUR CRAZY
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If you are 3' 2" yes you are! It really depends on how tall you are, combined with your weight.
Eat right, move your body often, and don't worry too much about the number on the scale!
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NO You are not over weight. There are many factors to be considered here.
1. You stated your height was around 5'4"
2. You stated you are a girl.
Now you should include your waist and hip measurements
Normally a rule of thumb is 5' should weigh 100lbs
every inch over would be as follows
.5- 2.5lbs for a small frame
1-4lbs for a medium frame
2- 6lbs for a large frame
This is just a guide line of how other factors would influence but not limited to
1) amount of lean muscle tissue
2) length and size of bones in lower extremities ( also influence muscles size which muscles weigh more than fat)
*your lower body normally makes up 60% of total body weight.
Without knowing anything else about you it seems you would be normal
I am a Professional fitness trainer ,RYT (Yoga Teacher)and massage therapist
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my sister weighs 120 and she is 13 too.
your ok trust me.
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Not at all. Your BMI is 19, and the healthy range for a person your age and height is roughly 16-23.
BMI is the ratio to body fat to well, everything else. You're perfectly in the middle! :)
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Super Saiyan Goku
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heartbroken penguin <|3
are you kidding me?!?! i wish i was your weight when i was 13. um, honestly, it all depends on how tall you are. I read in a magazie once that if you're over 5'6, your average weight should be between 136-177. I don't think weight matters though. If you're happy with how you look, the don't try to change yourself.
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No u r not overwieght!
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not at all. that's just about perfect.
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It depends on your height and structure.
"The E'Ville Librarian"
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not really. just remember that muscle weighs more than fat.
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Michelle P
No unless ur under 5ft
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Depends on your height. But it seems like you are in a perfectly normal weight range, you are certainly not overweight, and have nothing to worry about.
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How tall are you? You should weigh 100 pounds for the first 5 feet of height. Then measure your wrist, and multiply that
number by the number of inches over 5 feet. You should weigh 100 + that number, plus or minus 10 pounds.
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No, not at all. Considering your height, you actually sound pretty thin. You sound like your about a size 2. Or anywhere from a size 0-4. And all of you people who say she is overweight, what is WRONG with you? Do you guys know ANYTHING about body composition? I'm going to assume not. Are you guys aware that models, you know, the size 00s or 0s, would be about 120 pounds at 5'8"? I didn't think so. And I'm about 5'8" and 132-135 pounds. I'm a size 2. There is no reason for her to lose weight. Sorry for the rant, but some people just frustrate me.
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