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 HELP I ate pinto beans and now have horrible gas, how can I get rid of this? Please don't laugh!!?

 IS it safe to eat nail polish?
please only answer if you know for sure. i don't need ignorant people scaring me for no reason....

 Be honest... Do you think I'm big for my age?
I don't think I'm fat but I'm concerned that maybe I should be a little bit less. Please don't tell me to get over myself or anything like that. My mother weighed 115 pounds when ...

 I am to skiny at least that is what my family says?
what should i eat to gain weight

im 10 years old 5 feet tall and 45 ...

 Lose weight please help me.
Ok ive asked questions about losing weight a lot and all i get is your perfect the way you are and hippie junk so I am asking nicely please help me lose weight I want you to know ive spent the past 3 ...

 I am too fat?
im 27 year old and i weigh 70 pounds and my family keeps telling me too loose more weight cause im too fat. and there really getting annoying! so i am too fat?

thanks, Angie

 Is 5'8 a bad hight for a girl?
only 14...

 When you open a bag of chips, how much do you eat?
I felt really bummed today so I ate half a bag of chips (the bag was 235 g). Now I feel terrible and I am disgusted with myself.
SO, my question is... When you eat a bag of chips, how much do ...

 Do you think I'm fat?
I'm 13 years old, 132 pounds, and 5'3.5.
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I excercise A LOT but I look really fat still. I used to be 115 ...

 Am I fat??????
People always say that I am skinny but I don't think I am. I have always had bodily insecurities for as long as I can remeber. I weigh roughly 80lbs and am around 4ft 10 and a half. AM I FAT?<...

 Fat people are disgusting and selfish...?
Fat people...It not only about their appearence. It's the fact that they don't care about the people around them that have to put up with them. Sitting next to a fat person is nothing ...

 Should fat people be allowed to wear thongs?
I saw a woman who weighed three hundred pounds if she weighed an ounce. Did I mention she was wearing a thong that was so skimpy it may as well been made out of fishing line. Are people totally ...

 Does this sound like a fat girl?
5'5 150 pounds
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she might be 5'6...

so basicly i ate a watermelon
now watermelons are going to be growing out the yin yang, what should i do ? do they hurt when they come out you butt?
will ...

 Tips on giving up smoking cold turkey style?

 What can i do to take my mind off food?
please give me some good ideas!!
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i am not hungry, just bored and feel like snacking!...

 Is it possible to lose weight without exercising?
Not trying to lose weight...just wondering if it's ...

 How do i gain weight ?
I know this might be a stupid question but i have about 2 days to gain 8 pounds.

my current weight is 90 pounds
i'm 5'2 and 18 years old.
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 I'm 5'1 and 96 lbs how do i lose weight?
i used to be 110 lbs, and i still feel and look fat. what do i do about it?
and i'm a 15 year old girl.
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 Should i use steriods...?
I want to become bigger and bulky'er and stronger, ,should i go on the steriod path???? If "Yes" any idea where could i purchase one in Toronto???...

Are eggs good or bad for you?
How often can you eat them?

Eggs are good for you. They are high in protein and low in calories and fat, though high in cholesterol.

With all the media attention on cholesterol, consumers often lose sight of the fact that eggs are a nutrient rich, affordable contributor to a healthy diet. Not only do eggs contain the highest quality source of protein available but they also contain almost every essential vitamin and mineral needed by humans [Sorry, no vitamin C in eggs. Chickens, unlike humans, can produce their own vitamin C and don't need to get it from the diet.]. In fact, egg protein is of such high quality that it is used as the standard by which other proteins are compared. Eggs have a biological value (efficacy with which protein is used for growth) of 93.7%. Comparable values are 84.5% for milk, 76% for fish, and 74.3% for beef. Eggs really are the best protein money can buy, and it has all those other valuable vitamins and minerals too.

An egg a day is considered fine for most people. I hope this helps.


Depends on how much oil there is if you fry them or scramble them or whatever.

Hardboiled eggs are probably healthier.

I heard eggs are a good source of protein.

anything consumed which was managed by a human is ultimately bad for you ...but what can you do?

i read one a day is fine

Dianne C
Eggs are excellent. But, buy RANGE FREE, ORGANIC FED, HIGH IN THE OMEGAS. They are more than twice the price, but your health is worth it.
Regular eggs are from chickens that have been pumped with hormones to make them produce more, and antibiotics because they live in such a cramped environment.

their very good you can eat them everyday. Be sure to eat other things to though!

the ole ball and chain
you can eat egg whites everyday they are low in fat and high in protien the yolks have lots of cholestrol

good and healthy! lots of protein! Although, make sure they are thoroughly cooked. NOT soggy. Dry and scrambled are the way to go.

True Blue
Good! MMMMMMMM!!!!

the white part is the best part for you

yes, they say that the whites are good for you but you should trash the yolk...that seems like a waste to me though, so I just eat it all scrambled.

eggs are excellent for you, good source of protein and they are filling.

the yolk is high in cholesterol so what i do, is when i eat hard boiled eggs, i get rid of half of the yolk, so its not so bad
i have heard its not good to eat more than a dozen a week, but check with your doc, and enjoy ur eggs!

Arielle D

to much is bad for you one day apart

dont eat more than a dozen in one sitting.

they are really good for you, they have a lot of protien

They're good for you. If you eat too much a day then no. If someone's dieting then the yolk part is very fat, in case you didn't know.

eat egg all you what baby they are good for you but not me i don't like them

Every thing is good for us and bad for us. All things in moderation. The incredible edible egg is not too shabby. 3 or 4 times a week, according to my husbands doctor. But we don't eat them that often ( we just aren't fond of them, no other reason)

You should be able to ask the nutritionist at any local hospital and get the info you need free.

♫Emma ♪
They're pretty good, but don't eat hard boiled ones like all the time, or you'll get gas.

TheMaverick.The Artist
eggs are great for you, considering a few things.
yes, they are a GREATsource of protein (especially if you arent a meat lover), but what about your cholesterol? if youre younger than this shouldnt be a problem, but adults should have this checked before adding high cholesterol eggs to their normal diet.

Eggs are good for you but dont eat it every single day
U can eat egg white's everyday that is good
the yellow part are bad it makes your colestrol go up 1 egg is about 70 Calories
So say with egg whites u can eat as much as you like !!!

yes they are good and bad u should eat about 1in 2 days

totally depends on who you talk to and what health conditions you may have.

Eggs are good source of protien and if eaten in a moderate manner they are very healthy i would say instead of frying the egg bake it or boil the egg

white part is good, yellow part is not so good. White part you can eat it every time you want. Be careful with the yellow part.

they are a great source of protien.

Everything in moderation. Eggs are an excellent source of protein.

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