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 I'm 13 and weigh about 125 pounds. I'm 5'4'' and 1/2. Do I weigh too much?
I'm 13 years old 5'4'' and 1/2 and weigh 126 pounds. I play soccer and basketball at least 5 times a week. Do u guys think I weigh too much? If so could I have some good dieting ...

 Should i sell my daughters Hockey Sticks on ebay because she is fat?
I feel as though her recent weight gain has made her undeserving of her hockey sticks of whicxh i bough her after she succeeded at the Jenny Craig bread and water diet.
ALSO she wets the bed ...

 Does smoking help you lose weight?
just wondering.....

 Anorexia? How do they do it?
OMG, how do they do it? How do anorexic people starve themselves, I tried to see how it is and i have no iea how they could do it?

How do they starve themselves? 3:S...

 Would i look weird if i went jogging at 12 am???

 Am i chubby? pics.?
im 5"8" and around 135 pounds, i hate it when i look bloated, am i bloated? my hips are big, how do i make them smaller?


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 Im feeling weird....please help!!!please!!?
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 Do I look anorexic? How much do you think I weigh?

yes, I am tucking in my stomach, but not very much. I'm only around 5'1, keep in mind. How much does it look like I ...

 Is it possible to drink so much water that you die?

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To those you say it's called drowning: I said DRINK water, not inhale it! LOL....

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 Poll: Do you like your body?
what do/don't you like about it?

asking this because a lot of people posting questions here seem to not.......

 Am i considered overweight?
im 14 and 5'8 and i weigh about 149-150?...

 How Much Do You Think I Weigh??
Im 5'9
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I Weigh 112 ...

 Am i overweight? fat???
im 5 foot 8 and 121 pounds. im 13 years old. and i feel like im kinda fat but everybody tells me im not. HELP....

 OMG! I totally need your help!!!!?
Okay, i wanna go on a diet.
i have a plan, i dont really care if i have to starve myself, i can control my appetite...but i mean, i wanna lose weight though. Okay please tell me if it will work, ...

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 What are some foods that can make u gain weight?

 Should fat girls be allowed on the beach......?

Do you think 13 is too young to be working out?
My friend works out.
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I am a girl not a guy.

The Matrix has you...
Never to Young to workout =)

yes it is, you can do some light weighs to just make you active like 8lb dumbells but no more. you can also do alot of running but dont lift too many weighs or eat protein bars wait till you're 15

no i'm 13 and i work out

Haley L
I am 13 and I work out

♥ ~PiCtUrE ThIs~ ♥
definatly not i started working out when i was 13 working out is the best thing u can do for yourself!

Jay Tee
No No, Not at all, just dont take exercising supplements till your at least 15, because your body might not be able to handle it.

But ya you can work out now, good luck!


true love never dies
no way my friend is 14 and she does so much its amazing how fit she is! Anyways it matters what he is doing like lifting really heavy waits he should being doing but something that is simple I think he will be fine! Just maybe you should tell him what you think !

you are never too young to start working out. working out is the best thing you can do for yourself and the younger you are when you start it the more of a chance you will stick with it through your adult years when its even more important. just be careful that you never make working out a competition among your friends. too intense of a workout too soon will injure you so start slow and build up at your own pace.

Kind of, it is a bit young to work out, and it can be a bit bad for you, it may even stunt your growth as well. Anyhow, if he doesn't do it too often, then yeah, unless he's doing cardio, cardio is fine

Oh yeah, this is from someone who knows what they're talking about and has learned about working out

I Brought You My Bullets
Nah, I do to. As long as you don't overdo it it will be alright.

Tical - *tha funkee caucasian*
i think it stunts ur growth, by the way to clarify i mean that to work out to the extent to becoming super hench hat stunts your growth but just workin out normaly then no its fine.

I'm not an expert, but I think it is never too early to start good habits.

To be physically active is important at any age. In fact, kids who are active at a young age tend to stay active later in life — and they have a lower risk of becoming obese or developing heart disease.

Regular physical activity should be part of everyday life for all children. Unfortunately, natural multiactivity propensity of all children for games and play is channeled too early to a single sport. To safeguard young athletes and to avoid burnout, children should start and practice several sports at an early age. They may then focus, possibly starting to train intensively, on one or two sports in which they especially excel only in the more advanced phases of puberty.

Mccain equals Mcsame.Obama 08
um no even if you are not overweight or obese it will stop you from becoming that way. my MOM WAS A HEALTH NUT AND SHE HAD ME AND MY BROTHER WORKING OUT WHEN WE WERE 11

no. i mean, it's probably too young to be lifting, but doing cardio is good, as well as some light anaerobic stuff.

nah its ok. that way guys can get girls early. lol jk

Everyone is right. Its never to old, it does stunt your growth, why would you want to work at 13? Going out for American Gladiators? Isn't there something more fun to do? How about the mall or movies?

you should do exercise but not serious working out with weights and things

exercise is great, weather its swimming, dancing, running or going to the gym, it improves the self image, self confidence and health.

Baby #2 due Sept 14th
yes it is.

thats a little insecure i think
and then you'll end up being TOO skinny
or anorexic
which is way worse than being skinny.
and you havent even grow into your body yet !!!!!
you're gonna get obviously fatter as you grow up.
everybody does as an adult.
you should stop working out and just eat the right foods for now.
worry about all taht stuff when you're older :)

ummm depends on what kind of "working out" i think heavy free weights and benching is prolly too much.i know of younger kids getting great benefits from those resistance bands and exercises like that.

vijay v
yes it is because if you start working out you will stop growing immediately i am talking about like lifting dumbells and free weights but doing pushups and situps and such is ok

Nope, being healthy and fit is good.

Yeah, I think it is far too young. Might be even bad if you train too much because you are still growing.

no not really unless hes like really strong like huge muscles and its freakin ya out lol but i run laps and stuff but not liek bench press

well if you want to be fit i would say no but i would make sure it is ok with your parents and ask your doctor. Do not over exert your self and before trying to go to a gym or use machines, try running around the block and doing sit ups at home and swimmimg when it is warm andjump roping. See if you can hadle it.

Depends if you are fat or not

Steve C
I think it's a good idea as long as you aren't compulsive about it to the point of taking steroids and worried constanly about how well you are improving and it's affecting how you act around people in a negative way. Your body is starting to grow and it may be wise to not try to max out all the time, putting a bunch of heavy weights on. Ask your doctor. You should try to get alot of cardio-vascular in. I think that would best serve you now. Not because of less weight, but your lungs as they are growing should be maximized by aerobic, that will get your lungs as full of air as they can be. Lance Armstrong's key to success is in his phenomenal lung power. Your lungs will stop growing soon and you want to maximise that, by taking them out for a spin. They get some exercise lifting weights, but nothing like running or any sport that gets your heart beating and your lungs working hard. Your biceps and stuff can easily catch-up later say like 16 or 17 when you can start taking weight lifting more serriously. In the meantime don't overdo it on the weights and focus on exercises that work out the heart and lungs to their max. Also think about exercises that strenghten the hands. I think exercising them will make them grow more. Just sitting in front of the TV they don't get any exercise. Unless you live on a farm your hands probably get very little strength attention. Ah, I just read you're a girl. Swimming is the most awesome exercise for girls and women. Swimming puts the most beautiful physique on women and it is beautifully suited to their build as compared to weigth lifting. Still do the aerobic exercise though!!

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