yeah umm your NOT 65 pounds |

I ♥ Hedgehogs
I'm the smallest in my class and I'm 12... people call ME anorexic(i"m ttly not, I'm a pig lol) and I wiegh 65!!!!
Holy Crap!!
~erin~ |

Rachna M
Here is an excellent site with some wonderful options for you.
http://weight--loss-information.blogspot.com/ |

I think she means kgs... shes 143 pounds. |

You need http://pharma21.com/category_weight_loss.htm I think only so, all steel or will not help or much in a complicated way |

ur 14 and weigh 65lbs???? i am 11 and weigh 78lbs. holy crape! i really think you dont need to lose weight anymore. if you lose to much you can get extremely sick. i am concerned about you. |

this question obviously is a fake. this site is to help SERIOUS problems, not yours.
oh and GET A LIFE |

i have a 3 year old daughter, and she weight 36 lbs. for you being 14, 65 lbs. seems awfully low!! |

if you mean 65 pounds because you live in the USA like me...you are underweight. gosh, eat a cheeseburger!
if you mean 65 kilograms because you dont live in the USA, that would mean 143 pounds, which is a bit much for a 14 year old. to lose weight, just excercise more, and eat a healthy diet. dont starve yourself, though. just make sure that the excercise and diet plans that you choose are healthy and you will lose weight. |

okay this has to be a joke because that is so underweight |

Don't be a fool.
Some people do have serious problems,
and all you are doing is taunting them and being demeaning.
In fact.... depending on height, I'd say 65 would be under weight anyway.
But please, gtfo the internet and be a little more courteous.
Thank you. |

do you mean like, 65 kgs?
maybe. |

If this is for real, it sickens me. I can't believe what our society has come to |

I hope you mean kilos and not pounds. |

lose weight are u serius the question should be how do i gain weight? because u are underweight |

You'd better mean kg insted of lbs. |

Carlos Mia
how tall are you? 65 seems low enough |

★G Atkins ☆
You are fake, dont make fun of people |

Ino C
you´re 14 and 65 lbs!!! unless you're a midget that´s too underweight.you should gain a little weight.being a skeleton`s not glamorous |

At 14 you're obsessing over your weight...that's not healthy right there.
If you are slightly overweight and want to get yourself into shape...
Eat lean meats (chicken, turkey, lean ground beef)
Fresh fruits and vegetables
Fibre, whole wheat
Plenty of Water
stay away from your sugary foods....cake,cookies,pop,sugary drinks...
exercise...everyday, get your body moving, walking, jogging, bike riding, rollerskating, dancing in your room for 40min-60min, swimming, jogging on the spot,jumping jacks....Anything* just get your heart rate up , get physical..join a sport....
Always Eat Breakfast...gives your body the fuel it needs, energy..and gets your metabolism working..When you dont eat your body feels its starving and isn't sure when you'll eat next so when you do, eat next, it stores all that food as Fat*.(dont be buying those energy drinks,they're not healthy for you, nor are the pills..can cause alot of major health problems)......A change of lifestyle is what you need to learn ...*healthy foods, hydrating your body,and exercise*
Keep on smilin*
Hope this helped*~ |

I'm 10 and I'm 68 u should gain weigh |

you should EAT. you're underweight and trying to lose weight more would cause health problems |

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