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 My 11 year old daughter has iron deficiency.We are vegetarians.What foods do you recommend?

 Should i become anorexic? I am 13 and overweight. I am at the point where the risks don't matter to me anymore
I am done. I will not live my life overweight! I am 13 years old and i want to look the way i want to. I am tired of the one pretty--also very skinny--girl at my school getting all the attention from ...

 What's someting you eat or drink atleast once everyday?
BESIDES water :)...

 Does this sound normal or do i need to see a doctorr.?
i'm 14 and i've lost 7 pounds in the last 2 weeks unintentionally, i've also been feeling really tired all the time and idk why.
i've checked my bmi and it says i'm ...

does loosing weight help u get taller?...

 Do you really think they use rats for chinese food?
I mean i have heard for many years to be cautious of Chinese food. and many years of jokes about chinese people feeding us rats as chicken. I have even seen photos in china of them skinning the rats ...

 What r the best ways to lose weight fast?
i'm 5'3, 137, and i want to get down to 125 maybe 120.
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my family and i r health nuts. we never have junk ...

 I'm a 15 year old girl on a 680 calorie a day diet to lose 15 lbs from 132 how healthy is this and any tips?
Hi, I’m Maggie and I’m a 15 year old, 5'6" girl from Iowa. My basketball coach wants me to lose 15 more pounds down from 132 pounds. I'm in great shape and run about a 6 min mile ...

 Is driniking daily plenty of water heathy?

 Im sick of hearing about fat people!?
.i have a metabolism which prevents me from gaining weight. all these people who are over weight ,its simple stop eating ! put the chocolate bar down and get out the chair and exercise!no ...

 How can i give up smoking cigarettes?
Anyone give any sound tips?
I desperately want to give up, but it is tremendously ...

 Im 5''3 (5 feet 3 inches) and 13 years old how much am i supposed to weigh??

 Has Anyone ever tried the....?
curves 6 week solution??

myh moms making me do it with her so that i can make her stick to it.... but i was wondering if i sdont go to the place and excersise and what not, how much would ...

 Am I too fat to become a model?
I'm 5'7 and I weigh 129lbs....

 Am i overweight?
im 13, 5'3 and i weigh about 114 lbs. am i an ok weight or do i need to loose some ...

 Is it possible to lose 15lbs a month?
I want to lose 15lbs a month to eventually weigh in at 150lbs. I currently weigh 221lbs and I hope to lose 71lbs by the end of the summer which is approximatly 15lbs a month. How can I do this? I ...

 Am I overweight?
I am 116 lb. I think I am overweight, and I'd like to be 100.
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I am 170 ...

 I am a 13 year old boy who weighs 130 lbs. and I am 5 ft. Am I overweight for an average 13 year old boy?
I would like to know I'm not fat compared to the other boy in the 7th grade. I wan't to know if I am over weight....

 Why am I so fat?!?
I am 84 pounds, and 5"3, and I'm a girl, and I'm 13. Why am I so fat?!...

 What's a little snack I can eat before I go to sleep, Something healthy?
should I eat 2 peices of bread and butter or thats bad
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I'm on a high protein low carb diet to lose ...

Meghan P
I am starving myself to lose weight. How long will it take me to lose 15 pounds?

dnt starve trust me i did that and it jus makes you binge out on crap and then u feel like crap TRUST ME!!!!!

jus excercise 30mins a day and if u rly need to try lipoblast pills give you loads of energy and crubs snack cravings!

Hope dis helps.

best of luck xxxx

dont starve yourself, its not healthy. eat less and more often and do some exercise

Ivan R

(ANS) Starving yourself & your body of food in order to loose weight is DOOMED to failure!! It wont work.

Why? because if the body is starved of food it goes into survival mode, which means the body has to get its calories from some where. It does this by burning calories from fat reserves in order to protect your vital organs & core body temperature etc.

Yes! the result might be a temporary weight loss, but as soon as the threat is over and you stop starving yourself you will regain any loss you have made.

**This is a terrible way to approach loosing weight.

**Starvation can have long term health risks if your not very careful.

**Serious weight loss should be done VERY slowly and without any sense of starvation, you should continue to eat regular daily meals with a good healthy balanced diet but with regular weekly exercise built into your life style. It could take many weeks or even months to loose the amount of weight your talking about. It does also depend upon your motivation too.

Hope that helps?

Regards Ivan

Samantha S.
starving yourself is not the way to go!
sure, in the short run, it might let you lose some weight, but the moment you have to start eating again, which you do, you will gain it back double, your metabolism will have slowed down enormously, trying to save your energy, in the long run it will make you heavier, not smaller!

Banshee Babe
With starving yourself your body actually calls on all its reserves and slowly releases fat, proteins, etc so that you don't actually starve - have you seen photos of the starving people in third world countries too - do you really want to end up with a massively disproportionate belly?

I, happily, don't have a craving for chocolate or crisps or cakes and I am usually that busy at work, looking after 3 children and 2 step children and then more work that I really only eat when I feel hungry - and then it is usually only in small portions.

My mum lost 3 stone over about 15 weeks at Slimming World and she has the world's biggest sweet tooth! She said that she could actually choose what she wanted to eat and that the food on offer was really nice!

If you really want to lose weight then calorie count by all means but don't eat nothing as it takes longer, believe it or not, to shake the weight off.

Good luck - (ps I just went up two dress sizes from size 8 to size 12 - I have to admit that this must be down to my milky coffees and Black Russians and Cheeky Vimtos at the weekend as I really have the appetite of a mouse)!

How long will it take you to get over a broken hip when your old because you`ve damaged your bones because your body has had to get it`s nutrition from somewhere

i'm trying to give you figures here because that's what you want, not a lecture from a load of people who 'know better', although take on board what some have said

about 10 days - 3 weeks. depending on how much you eat as you can't consume 0 calories for 2 weeks, you'd come close to death!

what ever food you plan on eating in the day eat it for breakfast as people are right you might **** up your metabolism and eating something in the morning will help

Bad bad idea to starve. I did that and ended up anemic and lethargic. I lost my boyfriend, my job, my college course and so my university place. Also, my friend did that and now she has to take tablets everyday because her kidney's failed. 15 pounds is a lot, but with exercise and 3 meals a day, you'll lost it in about 3 - 4 weeks. Maybe less.

unless you want to end up in a hospital EAT HEALTHY and run like a mile each day

Unfortunately, starving yourself won't make you lose weight at all. Your body will go into starvation mode. Hold on to the only fat you have left in your body.

So the only way to lose weight is to eat a healthy diet and take as much exercise as you can.

Eat lean meats, fish, vegetables, fresh fruit, low fat dairy products, brown rice, pasta and pulses and non sugary cereals.

Make your portions small if you can and eat slowly. Drink lots of water too.

Along with exercise, like walking, running, swimming, cycling or joining a gym. The more exercise you do this will accelerate your weight loss.

Eat only in moderation cakes, biscuits, chocolate, crisps, sweets, fizzy drinks, ready processed meals, and takeaway foods. Also alcohol, which has a lot of sugar. They are all high in fat, sugar and salt. All of these add to those unwanted pounds.

A healthy weight loss is on average 1lb/2lbs a week.

Dont do a silly thing like that! All the weight will go back on again once you start eating, just cut out the crap , eat healthy and a bit of exercise.

Take note as I know what I'm talking about - do not starve yourself to lose weight. Your body goes into survival mode and anything you eat will be stored in the body as fat so you will put on weight if anything. Also, if you do not eat you will become tired, depressed, more prone to illnesses and your whole body will become affected because of lack of vitamins. You will end up looking terrible trust me. If you really feel you need to lose weight then just eat 3 healthy meals a day, plenty of water, fruit and veg but just cut down on fatty and sugary foods. Treat yourself once a week so you don't feel deprived and walk as much as you can. It's free and helps the weight fall off. Diets do not work.

do not starve yourself, you will get sick. It wont help, and it's just gonna make matters worse. excerise,eat right,and drink only water. starving really isn' the way to go, it might lead to addiction, and you know what happens during the addiction.

starving yourself will make you loose weight at first but then you'll gain it all back. That is not the way to loose weight.
Just eat healthy and smaller portions and get exercise and then you'll be loosing weight the right way.

starving yourself will only make things worse do you want to become anorexic or something like that just go on a sensible diet you'll think your fat when you weigh 2 pounds and you'll get depressed and everything so please don't starve your self

Loads of people will tell you not to do this but its totally your choice!! Just make sure you drink loads of water and you will probably lose 3-4lbs a day!!! Personally ive done it for a few days but got too weak so now im just having 2-3 slim-a-soups a day exercising hard and i feel great, so if you feel weak maybe that is something you could consider!! Little tip if you feel dizzy crouch down for a while then slowly get up that will help xx Good luck!! xx

Hot Pink - yummy mummy to be
u silly girl, people have real problems.

omg ur crazy.. don't loose weight that way....

Try looking on the diet and exercise category and get some good tips...

Starving ur self will never work...

starvin yourself won't work your metabolism will slow down. Diet really good, and exercise, I'm not saying eat loads, but eat somthing.

Follow a proper diet.

Starving won't help you at all.

Get medical advice if you're really serious about wanting to lose weight

Starving yourself is the start to yo-yo dieting and will go on for the rest of your life. Starving can also do damage to the liver and kidneys. You need to eat healthily, even if you eat smaller meals. A bit of exercise will help, even if it's just a brisk 30 minute walk a day. If you lose 2 pounds a week you can be down to your ideal weight in just over 7 weeks and if you continue to eat healthily you will retain that weight. Good luck.

sarah 3982
they are all wrong, starving yourself will make u lose weight BUT when your body realises what your doing it will start to store food, so unless you wanna die from stravation id start to eat properly. i had to lose 15lb to get into my wedding dress, i did it properly and managed to lose it in 3 months by just eating a little less. to lose 1lb per week you need to eat 3500 less cals each week so work it out, how much do u burn IBM, how much do u eat x

You're an idiot.

By starving yourself you force your body to store EVERYTHING as fat and burn only muscle. Also your body will begin to go haywire in its chemical reactions. You'll smell like crap because your liver will start producing ketones in an attempt to use proteins as fuel, your moods will be all over the place, and you'll have an impossible time focusing. Your energy will also be in the toilet. You clearly have no idea how your body works, and from the sounds of it, you are an eating disorder in the making.

The only way to lose weight is to get in enough calories every day. Your metabolism burns fat, and it only does that if it's being fueled -- that fuel is food. You also need exercise.

I fasted five days once and lost about 15 lbs. Every time I got hungry I would have a cup of coffee with cream and sugar, so I did have something coming in. What I couldn't believe however was how much energy I had and was no longer bothered by the cold (this was in New Hampshire in the winter time).

Now comes the bad news, I had an awful time getting myself back on some sort of sensible eating schedule. I managed to make it back OK, but where I live in Arizona now, I have a neighbor who did about the same thing and ended up with a heart attack. And then again there's the very sad story of Karen Carpenter who died by eating too little.

I tried a mono diet (baked potato with nothing on them) and jogging and lost some weight and felt OK all the time. So I think that can work better than the fasting route. Lately I am just trying to eat some variety but keep the calories low. It gets harder and harder as you age because you just don't have the energy to exercise and burn calories.

Exercise is very boring to me and I used to do a lot better when I was cutting firewood or spreading gravel.

My Dad was a Doc and he used to say the body should have 900 calories a day to keep everything running. I guess that is what the bed rest patients used to get as a minimum. So he felt that 900 was a good place to start and then anything you did physically would start taking down the pounds.

Good luck to you but heed the advice given here....especially from others who know more about this than I.

It all depends on your current weight/body fat now...it could take you a couple weeks, faster if you are losing water weight....

Now, having said that, I won't tell you what everyone else will, that starving yourself is bad, and can lead to many health problems down the road, I'm sure you know that...but I will tell you this, which you probably do not know:
After starving yourself (or even going on a liquid diet) and "achieving" your target weight, you will gain back that weight AND MORE once you start eating food again...this is because the body needs food to survive, and so when you're not feeding it, it feeds off of itself and starts eating your own fat to give the body nourishment and the nutrition it needs to live...so when you start eating again, the body not only needs to rebuild that fat, but it needs to keep itself healthy on top of that, so you will be GAINING weight after all is said an done...

your best bet is to follow a healthy diet and exercise regimen, as boring and mundane as that sounds....you will lose the weight AND keep it off, instead of yo-yoing back to five or ten pounds HEAVIER than you started...

starving does work with some people actually; 2 years ago I spent a month on 1 meal per day and lost 14 pounds, so If you went completely without food, it;d probably take you even less than a month.
However, complete cut-off would be more difficult, so I'd suggest crash dieting instead; largely reducing your food intake to around 1 meal a day (doesnt have to be a small meal either), or 2 small meals a day.
When I lost this weight, I ate as much as i wanted afterwards, and it took me about a year to start gaining weight again.
Hope this helps

You are a freaking idiot if you think this'll work. Starving yourself doesn't work in the long run as it messes with your metabolism...

Just eat healthily, lots of salads and fruit, and plenty of exercise!

And as soon as you look at a cookie afterwards you'll put 30 pounds back on

Mary S
Starving Youreslef Wont help It Will Make You Gain Weight Sorry!

haha (:
don't starve yourself!!!

it will not work, i mean you will lose weight but as soon as you start eating again, you will just gain it right back.

starving yourself can do serious damage to your body

please don't starve yourself!

tanya s
starving yourself wont help

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