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 Would I loose weight doing this:?
Eating a piece of marmite and butter toast for breakfast (I have to have breakfast because of school)
Eating soup and a tinnyyyy bit of bread for lunch
skiping super, but having fruit when I...

 What will happen if i eat salad and water only and workout for 5 hours a day?
will i lose 6 pounds by august 31 please i need to know thats when school starts!!!!!!...

 I am fat what should i do should i stop eating or do some running or die what should i do can you help me say?

 What is your most invaluable weight loss tip ever? The more individual the better!?

 What is the right weight for a 15 year old 5"3 girl?

 Am i fat.. thin or somewere inbetween?
im 5 ft 2 in and im 106 lbs.... wat do u think???...

 Is taking speed dangerous?
im 16 years old and i want to lose some weight fast i heard taking speed helps to lose weight but what are the affects of the drug?would any1 suss that i was taking it?...

 How can i stay motivated to lose weight?
the only time I can really focus on excercising is around 5;30 am, so how can i get out of bed?

im having a problem staying motivated, any ideas ?...

 I'm soo fat!?
people ...this is not normal...i'm 13 five feet 1 ...and i weigh 80 pounds OMG!! I'm soo fat ..i'm not joking ! I'm going on a trip like in 2 weeks and I dont wanna be the whale ...

 What is the best way to lose 30lbs in 2 months? Serious answers please!!?
I work 10-12 hour days, so workout time is limited... and the starvation diet isn't realistic, so any serious suggestions would be great!!...

 How come Chinese people are usually slim when their food is so fattening?

 Why does ear wax taste so horrid?

 Is 95 lbs too skinny?!?
Is 95 lbs for a 19 yr old girl too skinny regardless of size frame?
Additional Details
by the way, im 5'7"...

 Am I fat? Please tell me the truth?
I just need to know becuase my friends call me skinny but all of my siblings and cousins call me fat I am 13 5'5'' and 69 lbs I don't think I am fat but it's just all of the ...

 Is 27 too old to start a personal or gym instructor course!?
I sort of started a course last year and then stopped due too lack or funds! Do u think 27 is too old to become a fitness instructor or perosnal trainer? ...

 What is the right weight for age 15?

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my height is 5'1 and my weight is 101 and i am 15. i have a small frame. is that a good weight for my height?...

 What is the quickest way to lose weight even if it is "dangerous". Quickest not safest, quickest.?

 How can a teenager make some money? besides working?

 Have to swim in gym class. I'm fat! I will be humilated! HELP!?
Okay so i am 15 in high school. I don't know when but when school starts and i have to go to gym they will do swimming. Last year i was sick and missed the entire swimming period of gym which ...

 Drug test for my job! please HELLLPP?
okay i don't smoke weed on a regular basis. i only smoke about 2 times a week and not very much at all (not even a whole blunt) i haven't smoked in a bout two or three weeks. i have a drug ...

I stopped drinking soda, now what do I drink?
Trying to lose weight with diet and exercise and I have cut out all soda. I drink a lot of water but what else can I drink that will not detour the weight loss?

Poland Springs puts out slightly favored soda water. It sill has no calories or sweeteners. It just has a hint of flavor. It was enough flavor that I was able to kick my soda habit and still have something fizzy when I wanted.

Kasey B
Skim milk

Juice (in modest amounts because it does have a lot of calories and sugar)

Green tea

Sparkling water (it comes in flavors too)

Coffee (just not too much)

different flavors of vitamin water

Terry O
Some iced tea might taste good. Add some lemon. For sweetness, agave syrup is the sweetest with the fewest calories.

hmm, water is the best thing to drink, but also drink fat free milk, and vitamin water. Orange juice and cranberry juice are also okay, but watch the sugar levels.



a lot of soups and freshjuices

If you drink a 1 1/2 gallon of fluids, that can include tea coffee and soft drinks then you do not need any thing else.

Drink some water before you put any thing in the month.

Occasional alcoholic beverage is OK but must count total cal per week and adjust them on regular bases. At 1500 cal per day no one will put on the weight but there may be very few exception to this.

try health drinks or maybe even a sports drink like gatorade...just dont turn back to soda and try to avoid beer and energy drinks like monster and red bull. all very fattening. GOOD LUCK with your weight loss :)

ღDr.Muffin is Chillin™ღ
Crystal Light if you need flavor but don't drink too much as it can cause headaches.

No Picture
Club soda with some 100% real juice use the juices that say 100% juice and less sugar or no sugar. You will find they are little to no calories and combines with club soda, carbinated water no calories, its almost like drinking soda! Try it!

Try drinking 100% fruit juices made entirely made out of fruit, with no added sugar. It'll count towards your daily fruit tally.

lowfat milk, tea (no sugar) coffee with lowfat milk and very little or no sugar at all. smothies. just put in your favorite fruts, orange juice or somthing and lowfat plain yogurt if you want. they are delicous and nutrious.

~*Vamp Filly*~
do you know if you take seltzer water and fruit juice its just like soda and its not bad for you! try that it has the bubbles that makes you crave soda. Its so good and refreshing cold! hope I helped!

you are all in my heart forever
you could try tea

Dominican Cutie Patuti
orange juice, gatorade*, propel*, fat free milk (not too much though), and some unsweetened ice tes (i know its gross)

low fat milk

Hello my name is: LAUREN
Skim milk, juice, water, lemonade, iced tea, hot tea.

Lauren <3

I tried seltzer, You can add a bit of lime to it for a hint of tast.

I also stopped drinking caffeine...not soda though....I need the carbonation. I treat myself to a caffeine free soda probably 4 times a week. I love Sierra Mist (lots of sugar, but I only have them once in awhile) and I also drink Diet Caffeine Free Pepsi. Watch the sodium on those though. You don't have to cut out soda....it's that nasty caffeine that puts on the weight.

water . but pour those 5 calorie on the go packets in there and get the shakin

Herbal teas, and decaf teas.
Watered down koolaid or crystal light, but beware-the c-light and koolaid have lots of acid and c-light has lots of artificial sweeteners which may cause bloating.
Watered down juice-white grape is easiest on the stomach.
The koolaid can be make with splenda(may bloat you up) or stevia, an all natural sweetener that will not cause gas or bloating.
fat free milk -or fat free lactaid if lactose intolerance is an issue.

fruit juice, look for stuff with a high percentage of juice and low sugar, tea, try sparkling water also.

Love Never Fails
Green tea or Crystal Light. Crystal Light isn't great for you either, but it's better than soda.

Juliet Kim
Maybe fruit juice?

milk and calorie free sparkling water! yummy

crystal light or diet soda's. Or fuze-slenderize (only 5 cals and vitamins and nutrients that aid in weight loss). Milk is good (1%) for calcium. oh and green tea is good for antioxidants and energy.

I quit drinking soda too. So now I'm an iced tea addict. I love it without any sweeteners in it, it's really best if you don't because that increases the calories (but I know some people can't stand it). The good thing about tea is that certain teas have caffeine in them and that can help speed up your metabolism slightly.

If you decide to have fruit juice be careful not to overdo it because those calories can add up fast too. The fruit juice you buy should have natural ingredients, i.e. fruit and water. Most have sugar in them and that's usually unavoidable but try and stay away from high fructose corn syrup. It's horrible for you!

Water gets boring but, if you throw some lemon or orange slices in it and let it sit in the fridge for a day or so it will take on a subtle fruity flavor that isn't as tasty as soda but, water gets pretty boring by itself. :)

Good luck with your weight loss!

History Rules
Orange juice.

orange juice, apple juice, or any other kind of 100% fruit juice (just make sure they have NO added sugar)

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