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 Should you eat breakfast even if your not hungry?
please only answer if you know!?...

 Im only eating fruits and fat free yogurt for 3 months now?
am i going to be okay?
im 15 in june btw)...

 How can you put on wait when your skinny even if you eat allot?
i eat allot although i just dont put on wait....

 CAn you tell me your age,height, and weight, Plz?

 Which people disgust you more: fat people or shallow people who judge them by their appearance?

 How do u lose 5 pounds a day?

 Help! me! why do u exercise with music & why?

 I didn't work out today and now I feel guilty?
Is this such a bad setback? I didn't have work or anything else to do today and I told myself I was going to workout a lot but I ended up lying in bed all day. I work out at least 3-5 times a ...

 Am I overweight?
I am an 18 year old boy who is 6 foot tall and 16 stones in weight! Am i fat? And if I am how much shall i lose and how?


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 How much should a girl, 18, 5"7" weight? b/c i weigh 123 pounds?

 Its like anorexia but i dont want to lose weight, i want to be taller?
im naturally skinny, so weight is by no means an issue for me.
my obsession is with gaining height
i eat things with lots of vitamins, lots of calcium
im always stretching my legs, ...

 Am I fat???!!!? PLEASE HELP!?
I'm 15, I weight 120, and I'm 5'4. I FEEEL fAT =( AM II??...

 Am I too skinny?
I'm 13 year old.
I'm 4'11 and I weigh 70 lbs.
I try to gain weight but, it's not working.
What should I do?
Thanks for the help!
I appreciate it!...

 Ok i need to loose pounds in three days?
ive tried everything pills diets exersise but i keep going back to the ...

 How can I get taller?
I'm not looking for dumb answers or "no you can't." I'm dead serious, and I need help. I'm 13, and I'm really short. If you can give me a way to get taller, I will ...

 My age is 20 & my height is 5'1 . how can i increase my height. this is serious no funny responses. thankyou
i am using yoko and i also ordered super-growth is there any way i can do more than this. i also do the stretching exercises. please let me know if you know anybody has made it that would boost my ...

 I'm 16, 5 feet and i weigh 83 pounds. Is that normal?

 I'm skinny and wanah get fat, what should I do?
I eat a lot of crap and not even gain a pound...c'mon...I need a way to gain weight...not lose it!...

 I'm a 13 year old girl, i weigh 127 am I over weight?

Additional Details
My height is 5'2.........

 What to eat if you are feeling shakey/faint?
Hi, I have a feeling that I'm not eating enough to satisfy my body since I have increase my activity level.
Is there a good food that will help me not feel shakey/faint during the day that ...

Im feeling suicidal someone please help me?
my email is lilmisssun22@yahoo.co.uk for any1 willing to help

No,you probally feel guilty for the truth coming out on air?so bite the bullet n get back to Rocky?

......be positive think about your family and friends, by commiting suicide you are not just ending your life you will ruin those aroung you who love and care for you. I think its one of the selfish thing a being can do, I have a friend who was diagnosed with cervical cancer last year, she had a small operation, she didnt need chemo and about 6 months ago she was given the all clear, she recently found out that the cancer has returned and it is twice as bad as it previously was. This happy go luck young lady, who never complains about anything is not undergoing an intensive course of chemo therapy, the doctors have stopped the blood circulation in her legs so the cancer will no spread meaning she will not be able to when she recovers from the cancer and is now living in a bed in her living room that the hospital sent home for her as she can bearly move, what she wouldnt give to have our health and abilities ...........Now think about killing yourself!!!!!...........some people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

no one feel suicidal unless they have nutritional deficiency..why don't you go to Nutritional Therapist and let them deal with your disorder..I promise you Will feel much better only even after the session...natural way of healing all the troubles..or just make a good diet plan of yourself and try to include lots of raw nuts and seeds..fresh fruits and vegetables etc. Junk food can make us addicted, poison us and play havoc with our brain and body!

you need to tell your parents (if you are a child) and if you are an adult ..... you need to talk to your physician, so that they can send you to the right person - someone who would be qualified to help you sort through your problems and feelings.... things can and will get better ... you just may need a little help finding out how.

grab a bar of ur fav chocolate and eat the whole of it ...and watch friends abt to start on e4 cheers me up
Life s too precious to take it away becauz of some body elses doing cheer up girl if no body does god loves u...tahts y he made chocolates

Dont rely on this site for help. Call the samaritans if you need to talk and for advice OR call your doctors emergency out of hours number (maybe NHS direct) as they can make sure you are seen Tonight. xxxxxxxx

Sometimes avoidance is the best approach for past hurts, even if you have a residue of pain; the effect may be diminished if the negative experience is followed by a strong positive one. In that case, the problem may be somewhat neutralized. Then, instead of re-creating the problem, is probably best to just go on with the positive experiences. We are all subject to amore or less permanent degree of mistrust, we are always vaguely prepared for things to be not as they seem, that is part of our self-preservation mechanism. The central problem of human existence is that our lives are dominated by these trivial values of the body and the emotions so that we are in a permanent state of confusion. When emotional values are allowed to dominate vitality sinks-fro it loss in fluency of the planets upon the human body when the energies are blocked, either by physical problems
or negative mental attitudes, we became unhealthy. If the energies can become unblocked, we become healthy again.
thought comes first, Experience is always secondary, it is never the other way around that you have the experience and then you base the thought around it. Always your experience is a direct reflection of what you are thinking. Meditation is a state of communication; it is not a way to go somewhere to get lost, meditation is a way to get informed and to go to a place that nourishes you, learn to feel compassion for yourself and for everyone else, as you all have the courage to let go and
feel.But many troubling disorders of the mind and soul lie between these two extremes. these disorders can make people miserable, spoil their lives, and even incapacitate them. they include symptoms such as depression and anxiety without apparent reason, pains and disabilities without physical cause, fears that seem unfounded and exaggerated, and other mental and emotional torments. Doctor before Freud’s time often overlooked and disregarded these problems because there was little they could do to relieve them. It was Freud’s who first discovered that these symptoms were the outward signs of hidden inner processes which could be studied and explored by new methods.In childhood we often held our breath when we were in pain. because we were not discouraged from doing so, the habit may have persisted. As we became adults, we may have continued to restrict our breathing when in physical or emotional pain. Whet you resist, however, will likely persist. Feelings not dealt with promptly will be stored in the mind as
unfinished business in the form of muscle tension and unconscious conflict and torment. working with the breath can be one of the quickest ways to overcome resistance to painful and otherwise difficult feelings. when you are relaxed, you are more open and receptive to positive suggestions than when you are tense and anxious.you are what you think all day long. your thought and its manifestation are one in your mind. In your mind the thought shape and substance in another dimension if mind and are as real as your hand and can be seen. let nothing worry you, let nothing frighten you, let nothing disturb you. Everything passes away but a god feeling is sufficient. whatever conflict is in you mind, realize that you inevitably overcome evil with good. Do not fight the negative thoughts in your mind. supplant them
with constructive thought of love, harmony and peace. light dispel darkness, as darkness is absence of light. sense your oneness with Good River of peace will flow through you bringing peace to the troubled mind. to use creative visualization it is not necessary to believe in any metaphysical or spiritual ideas, though you must be willing to entertain certain concepts as being possible. It is not necessary to have faith in any power outside yourself. the only thing necessary is that you have the desire to enrich your knowledge and experience, and an open enough
mind to try something new in a positive spirit.

you must get help and fast call the Samaritans they will help you and talk over your problems with you nothing is worth ending your life for.

if you are feeling really suicidal then you need to get some help. You need to call someone or go see a psychologist. Don't you have anyone close by that you can talk to?

you have to find someone to talk to on the phone or in person. chatting on-line is not going to get the help you need. I've been there, I know. Reach out to someone. There are hands waiting to hold you.

good luck

If you're feeling bad, try citrus oils in a burner, they can sometimes lift spirits. If you ever want to talk, I will always listen, you have my e/mail address, I'm a good listener. xxx

Lets talk about this today.

i have been through a similar situation not that long ago. if you find some one you can trust and talk to them either person to person or over the phone, it may help, or writing how you feel on paper in a story or through a song or draw/paint a picture. Because hurting yourself / committing suicide is not your only option, i had to find that out the hard way. hope this has been of some use to you

You are not alone... there re a lot of people who want to help, and its free. Go now and get the help you need - nothing is ever as bad as it seems. Email me if you like.

look, things are never as bad as they seem. Things will get better. Plus if you are religious commiting suicide will get you into hell


I wish I could help you with an e-mail, but I am really concerned. Get somehwere - right away - for help. Go to your local hospital. Someone there can get you started with finding someone to help. Good luck. Even though I don't know you, I care.

Please talk to someone about how you are feeling.Do you suffer from depression?.
Maybe you should go and see your G.P.
But nothing is worth killing yourself over hunny,be strong have a good cry and talk to others,write down why you feel this way.and please don't do anything you will regret...these feelings won't last forever no matter how bad you are feeling inside they will pass.don't give up on yourself ok and take care.

why many people fee l like that
i felt that on different occasion in my life
l learned that we can not blame people all the time for what is going on in our life.
1-You need to work out the biggest part of it “every one take care of his own self”.
We need to find the best solution or the second best solution
2- And you need look around you will meet people sharing the same problem & maybe worse.
As you said nagging to doctor to a friends or to a brother does not help much maybe relaxed for a while but then you need to analyze things work on this second solutions or a second plan to be happy.
do not feel like falling & depressed this is normal in our life but later you need to go on with your life be more possitive

Ring the Samaritans. They will give you some help. Or speak to someone who might understand your problems.

Remember that if you do kill your self. the ones left behind are the one who suffer. please seek help,as your life is precious, especially to you loved ones, every human is unique, and special,you included.

Daddy's girl
Please don't do anything that will harm you. Do you know what the bible says about suicide? You will not make it into heaven if you commit suicide. I am sure you are young, and just trying to find your place in the world. Sweetie, we all go through adolescence, but that darn Satan is trying to trip you up. Don't let him win. You get down on your knees and take your problems to the Lord. He will see you through anything I promise. Trust in him. And yes, seek help. There has to be someone in the world you enjoy talking to and who enjoys listening. OK. I know the Lord is my confidant and friend who listens. So, give him a try. He loved you before you even loved yourself. OK. Remember these words, please don't do it. I love you and so does my God.


i will try and reach you at your e- mail, if not itcould be just so many things, as if your taking meds,d rugs,etc, personal problems. please seek arofessional help, if i can get on your line i will talk to you my dear, I am 62 and down to earth. hang in their plese

someone will always love you!

what ever is wrong that u think is badd just think if it was a good thing like something like traffic and you was in a rush but if there was no traffic and u was speeding u could get in a wreck so wht ever is wrong think of it as if it was a good thing because if that wouldn't have happened it would have been worst

Ok please try not to kill yourslef. Whatever is wrong in your life, there is probably people with way worse problems so be greatful and you never know, in the future the greatest thing may happen to you. So don't end your life, live it and try to make the best of it.

Oh, just kiss and make up with Rocky S.

Isn't there a real person nearby who can help you sweetie?? Someone you trust??? If not, ring a Lifeline or emergency number (sorry, I'm in Australia, don't know what you call them over there). Don't despair, your parents love cherish and adore you, believe me.......I'm a mum and I'd do anything, anytime for my kids...........Where's mum or dad, tell them you want their help..............Pleeeeeeeease??.......... do their utmost best to help........Smile, try anyway.............Good Luck....:)

Never do it! Just think of how upset the people you leave behind will be. Listen to Good Charlotte's song Hold On at AOL music, it talks about suicide but not to do it. Remember there is nothing worth killing yourself over. Don't be afraid to get help.

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