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 Is buttered popcorn fattening?
I dont like popcorn without butter , so dont tell me that option.
Just these microwave popcorn bags, do they have a lot of fattening calories?...

 5'4'', 126 lbs, size 6. is this fat?
i feel fat, but i dont know if this is fat.
i'm 14, by the way.
please, be honest.
i know bmi calculators say that it's healthy or normal or whatever, but is it fat?...

 What happens if I starve myself?
will i loose any weight
if i starve myself from today ( 7/28 ) until Sunday ( 8/3 )
or for like 3 weeks ?
or what can happen?
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 Am i fat[look in details]?
i weigh 120 somethign puonds
and 5'5
and ppl call me fat
but many call me normal and no ur not fat
i dont have a stomach at all
but i do have thighs
and that pisses ...

 What is the quickest way to lose weight ??

 Should you eat breakfast even if your not hungry?
please only answer if you know!?...

 Im only eating fruits and fat free yogurt for 3 months now?
am i going to be okay?
im 15 in june btw)...

 How can you put on wait when your skinny even if you eat allot?
i eat allot although i just dont put on wait....

 CAn you tell me your age,height, and weight, Plz?

 Which people disgust you more: fat people or shallow people who judge them by their appearance?

 How do u lose 5 pounds a day?

 Help! me! why do u exercise with music & why?

 I didn't work out today and now I feel guilty?
Is this such a bad setback? I didn't have work or anything else to do today and I told myself I was going to workout a lot but I ended up lying in bed all day. I work out at least 3-5 times a ...

 Am I overweight?
I am an 18 year old boy who is 6 foot tall and 16 stones in weight! Am i fat? And if I am how much shall i lose and how?


Additional Details

 How much should a girl, 18, 5"7" weight? b/c i weigh 123 pounds?

 Its like anorexia but i dont want to lose weight, i want to be taller?
im naturally skinny, so weight is by no means an issue for me.
my obsession is with gaining height
i eat things with lots of vitamins, lots of calcium
im always stretching my legs, ...

 Am I fat???!!!? PLEASE HELP!?
I'm 15, I weight 120, and I'm 5'4. I FEEEL fAT =( AM II??...

 Am I too skinny?
I'm 13 year old.
I'm 4'11 and I weigh 70 lbs.
I try to gain weight but, it's not working.
What should I do?
Thanks for the help!
I appreciate it!...

 Ok i need to loose pounds in three days?
ive tried everything pills diets exersise but i keep going back to the ...

 How can I get taller?
I'm not looking for dumb answers or "no you can't." I'm dead serious, and I need help. I'm 13, and I'm really short. If you can give me a way to get taller, I will ...

Mr Magoo
My friend says women poo less than men. about once every three days. is this true?

button moon
umm my other half poos a lot, and me once a day but no i dont think that is true lol

the more junk you eat the more you poo albeit women or men

Elizabeth C
a healthy bowel movement is once a day for both male and females.

If they are only doing that every three days, they're not getting enough fiber or water.

ask Gillian mckeith, i'm sure she'll know as she is so obsessed with inspecting people's poo!

mary L
Male's and females are made the same, they just look different,

I would say your friend is pulling your leg

insecure alcoholic
Heck no, I poo once a day, everyday like clockwork!

liz d
Everyone's bowel work differently. You have you own pooing schedule, and it is based on your body. It has absolutely nothing to do with your gender.

linda l
I would say that men Poo more then woman , reason being they are full of IT!!!!!

prom queen
Rubbish! If you have a good diet etc you should go every day no matter of you are male or female

Natalie K
Lol. All human bodies should excrete once a day for a healthy body. Every 3 days is unhealthy! Women and men go to the toilet about the same number of times, women just don't talk about it as much as men do!

absolutly not.... its all down to diet and most people should go at least once a day.

i can't poo everyday because of my gastritis&colitis and the only way i can do it is if I drink linaza with some water/orange juice. my bf in the other hand does #2 times sometimes 3 times A DAY! lucky him!

Your friend has a serious health issue or diet problem. All humans should take a poo at least once a day.

no every women

Ron P
Please ask this question to your science teacher. The amount of entertainment he or she will gain from your question is priceless. I know if I were a science teacher I would live for questions like this.

Your friend is full of poo....anyone that poos once every 3 days..is constipated.

ems dublin
nope i poo every day

thats a whole load of SH1T no punn intended. why would you want to know the evacuation habits of male/females anyway. these days people talk a whole load of sh!t so I guess they must evacuate around the same amount too...LOL

Not True.

I bet your friend is constipated (female or not).

we don't do things like that.........

Tiffany C
i take a crap everyday ha/ha!!!But i guess it depends on your body wether you are male or female.Some people have a slow digestive system.

Tiffany D
yea its true. why do u think most women are bigger than most men???

No. We all have the same body systems when it comes to food and excretion.
Girl's poo just as often as guys, we just tend not to walk into a room and say "cor I just landed a massive turd" etc, unlike my fiance lol.
Women generally get more embarrassed about it all so we keep it secret and say we did our make-up in the loo when really we did a poo lol.....and also we have a thing about not going in public/other people's loo's lol.

Woman or man if you are only pooing once every three days then you are severly constipated !!!!! A person with a healthy bowel will go 2-3 times a day, about once for everytime you eat. If you don't you should check out Dr Shultze.com his intestinal cleanses do wonders !!

Probably. Ive been out with women who only eat an apple and some weetabix all day! If they eat less they poo less... otherwise it is just the same. They definately smell worse though!

No this is not true.

andy b
Not if you're my girlfriend - she craps like a horse and farts like a cavalry man.

I still love her though.

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