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 Have I Lost Any Weight ?
Judging From there 2 pics have i lost weight??


 Am i Fatt?
I Am 13 5'3" 3/4...And 106 Lbs. I Think Im Fat...
Answers Please...?

 Is 115 pounds fat?
my friend Jackie thinks shes fat . shes 115 pounds and i think
shes like 5'4.do u think she iZ fat or iZ she just freaking out
like i think? oh ya and she is 14....

 My boyfriend says im fat. I am 5'7 and 102lbs. Should I lose weight?

 Am I overweight???
I know everyone asks these questions and they are really not but i need your guy's help.

I am btween 12-17 yrs. old, 5'3-4 and i wiegh 180-200 lbs...i need some help...if you ...

 How much water should a person drink per day?
My cousin doesn't drink as much water as she should. I'm encouraging her to drink more water per day, but how much? She's 12 years old, and 5'2" & 117lbs.

 Am i TOO underweight?
I'm 13, 5'5" and weigh 85 pounds. Everyone is like oh you look so anorexic do you have an eating disorder? I'm like..no. Even my teacher one time asked me if I had a problem with ...

 What kind of milk do you drink??
i drink fat free skim milk....it's really not THAT bad......

 Tell the truth r u fat?
be ...

 Am I overweight? I keep getting different answers and different weights I should be??
Im now 14, 5'9 160 pounds

Should I be 100 pounds (somebody said this but It really seems awkward and anarexic)

Im going for 140 pounds being normal but I dont know if thats ...

 My friend called me fat?
Lately my friend has been really nagative toward me. I bought a really cute top at hollister and she convinced me I look terrible in it. I got blonde highlights in my hair and she told me I should ...

 AM I FAt???
am i fat?
i am 5'3
i weigh 175 lb
is tht fat??
i think its normal

i eat a lot like i have..

 How can i gain weight?
i need to gain some healthy weight, my whole family is REALLY frikn skinny and i try really hard to gain weight and its impossible.
any suggestions? i dont wanna become a fatty-mc-fat-fat though....

 Am i Fat? Please answer!?
I'm 13, 5ft 8 and i weigh 118lbs !! am i over weight and i'm really thinking of going anorexic should i???...

 Hi i weight 240 and i am 17 how can i loss weight?
i need help lossing weight please help with giving tips and pills name brand that i can buy to loss weight thank ...

 Is it normal for a 11 year old to weight 480 lbs. at the height of 4' 9"?

 What are the worst foods to avoid when dieting?
I need a list of absolute "NO-NO's" while I try to lose weight....

 Am i too skinny??
im about 5'2 96 pounds...
should i loose some?
Additional Details
soryy i meant gain!!
i dont wanna loose weight ill ...

 Am I fat? Is my stomach big?
http://s127.photobucket. I am the one whithout the towel...The taller one...
I feel like my Stomach is huge...And it ...

 Hwo can i get skinny without not eating?
i am chubby and wanna be skinny!...

katie d
Why is nutrition such an important issue globally?
Diseases either directly or indirectly linked with nutrition.
What is considered to be THE most important issue concerning nutrition.
Why and how does the nutrition of different countries vary.

Because if you look at our society today you will see that we are always on the move, we never take time to eat right. Or even excercise in that matter, then you look at our children they are doing what there parents are doing so in tern you see a whole lot of obese children and adults that have no idea or maybe they do that they are at a health risk.

Diabetes, Heart attack and High blood pressure along with an essesive amount of cholosterol in the body makes up a dangerous mixture. The try to stress this because some really don't know just how much in danger they are putting themselves and even if they don't care about there own health what about there children?

To break it down to you this way every country has a different way of handling nutrition, some of them don't do a really good job at it and some do. But lets me mind full some of these countries don't have the same issue with obesity like we do in the United States.

I think that we are the only country that deals with obesity at an alarming rate. Next to the ones who are dealing with starvation, famine and other deseases.

For the issues here in our country to be resolved there should be more public service announcements concerning about you and your childs health. And ask them with a big coffin in the backround "Do you want to end up here?" that is my idea that to me will make people think very clearly if it doesn't then just pray for them.

proper nutrition provides right development of human body and mind.if people arouind the world have poor nutrition,the future generation will be great in number but very poor mentally and psychologically.


Health Insurance is SKY HIGH due to many problems with health.

Nutrition varies in that some countries deal with obesity others with malnutrition but if everyone had the opportunity to eat right a lot of ailments would no longer exist

Proper nutrition is a part of disease fighting. Without proper nutritional guidelines, we would all be affected by disease and the illnesses that poor nutrition brings on.

The most important isuue concerning nutrition is the delivery system or the lack of any type of delivery system. Many nations of the world are undergoing turmoil and their infrastructure is causing great difficulties for vehicles and aircraft to bring food and medicines.

Also, the lack of health care and diagnostic evaluations is causing many avoidable health problems. It all comes down to people need to be more aware of the communities they live in. There is no other answer to good nutrition than peace on earth as we approach the holiday season.

Because people in other countries are starving to death!

It is an important issue because diseases have always been about what people eat. Many people end in hospitals trying to find a cure for their particular lifestyle diseases when these dieseases could have been prevented by proper diet.

It depends on many factors such as: Geographical locations, Environmental issues, Cultures, Food production and processing, Education, and Government involvement.

Nutrition is an important issue because if people around the world is very much aware about proper nutrition, this would make them to become a productive citizen of their society, thus leading to the development of a progressive country.
Nutrition varies from one country to another depending on the available resources they had.


Because life depends on nutrition...

In third world countries is malnutrition because they can't get the food they need. This can cause people to starve, and get many different disorders, i.e people can could have iron deficiencies. Then there is hepatitis that can be transmitted. Cultures have many different ways of preparing food, and some of these ways are very clean. I.E. cooking food underground.

it means LIFE to me

malnutrition is a big killer, most people just see it as nothing but its essential to keep a healthy nutrition balance in your diet to allow your body to function correctly and prevent illnesses

no everyone even if ur stick thin has too suffer all the nutrition at my sisters school they r banning grape juice to all kids because it is high in sugar my sister is sooo skinny its just not right

~~Fast Eddie~~
It's important for a healthy body and longevity. There are just some countries that just don't get the proper nutrition. Mostly due to poverty.

well, i think in America you have to have nutrition to avoid obesity, diseases, or some bad sicknesses.

That people are starving is the biggest issue. In Darfur, thousands a day starve.
In the USA, people are obese, and still malnourished,
because of heavy advertising of products with no nutritional value, and a ton of sugar.

launa b
because so that you don't get sick really puls it's good for your body.

Nutrition is a big issue because if you eat right you give your body the vitamines it needs to keep you healthy and save from diseases. Nutritoin of different countries vary because of the temperature differences. the temp of each country differes that is why the disease the bacteria differer. So not the same diseases so the body needs different deffences

dear friend,

Today, most of us live a hectic, competitive, rushed hours in life.
along with more and more junk food,pollution,bad habits as a fashion like smoking,alcohol,etc.. with almost no exercise,restless lifestyle. Right?

to live good, healthy life what we need is -
* Balanced food (adequate proteins, vitamins,
minerals little fats & carbohydrates)

* Exercise (20-30 min. daily)
* Adequate rest (cool worriless sleep)
* Positive mental attitude with open mind.

Note that 2nd,3rd,and 4th are in our hands. But 1st one is not in our control.As we can not escape from the daily life tensions, pollution, we do not get pure, chemical free natural veg. and other food and fruits. If you look at the major physical threats ,challenges we humans are facing are man made . due to our present life style.
* Blood Pressure
* Diabetics
* Dieseases related to breathing,
* Heart Attacks
* Orthopedic (Oesteoporasis etc..)

So this has to be the most important issue today for our own safety and for our future generations to come.
" Don't you think so?"
Have wonderful physical & mental life.

Katie: the reason for Global nutritions because we feed them
people all around the world other facts here diets differe which
means lesser calories with good food groups also I has known
as a Nutritionist yes

You should take a Human Nutrition class for additional information, but Everything healthwise can be linked to nutirition, cardiac disease, all sorts of cancers, obesity, malnourishment. there is not "most important' isse in nutrition, mainly just having a balanced diet, not too much, not too little, not too much of one thing or another. Quantity and Variety really.

nutrition varies in different countries, because different countries have different availabilities of food, many countries barely eat red meat due to shortage, and scarcity. america isabundant in almost everything, most countries however are not.

Andrew D
This is an odd question. For a start over a quarter of the world's population is starving to death and the western world is eating itself into an early grave.

In places such as sub-saharan Africa a lack of nutrition or food of any sort can hinder recovery or cause illness in the first place. In the west, we eat crap. One meal from a high street burger bar can contain in excess of 1200 calories. In fact one of their cheesebugers has less nutritional value than it's own weight in cardboard.

Supermarkets and growing demand are putting pressure on farmers and other suppliers which is why most bread and fresh produce taste like cardboard and have less vitamins and other goodies than they did 30 years ago.

Processed foods are another problem. Laden with salt, sugar, chemicals, and so called "low-fat" labels these things are slowly killing us. Be honest, to anyone who reads this, what nutritional value are you and your kids getting from:- Crisps, chicken nuggets, cheese whizz, processed round pieces of ham and frozen meals and the myriad of brightly packaged shite we buy in supermarkets?

So, to answer your question. In the developing world a lack of nutrition is killing people because food is scarce. In the west a lack of nutrition is killing people due to the fact it is either saturated in calories. Or it is just bland, over farmed and full of un-neccessary chemicals and salt. Thats why 20% of adults in the UK are clinically obese....christ only knows what the corresponding figure is for the U.S.

kelly taylor
Proper Nutrition is important because it keeps the immune system from breaking down and it helps the body to stay free from diseases.

because so much people in the world suffer from malnutrition.

Nutrition is an important issue globally because a country either has a lack of food or the country is suffering from obesity. I think the most important issue concerning nutrition is obesity. If you notice theses days, many children are obese and that can cause problems in their adult life b/c when they grow up, they'll introduce their children to malnutrition. So you can kinda say that obesity is hereditary. Nutrition in different countries vary because certain countries may, as I said before, have a lack of food; so they may suffer from famine's or something to that extent; where as Americans suffer from anorexia and obesity. American nutrition will always vary, lol.

There is so many over-weight ppl in are country and everyone wants that to change,especially over-weight ppls. Thats why people are starting to use natural or organic products so they can stay or become healthy. So many people are getting cancer and other diseases because they arent taking care of their body. Germany is soo much healthier because they eat right. u can walk down the street and they are not over-weight. They dont use beer to get drunk. they use it as a fermented drink that is healthy.

The angels have the phone box.
To begin with, the quality of life of every person is affected by the quality of the food they eat. Health is the obvious one, but also mental functioning, energy levels, things like depression and anxiety as well. Search on nutrient or vitamin deficencies to get an idea of the scope.

We tend to think about poor nutrition most in areas of extreme poverty and famine, but it also affects the more afluent, with our no-time-to-cook additive feasts. Or supermarket produce that's geared towards long-shelf life with little regard for nutrition -- vitamin levels begin to decrease the moment a vegetable or fruit is picked, and some of our 'fresh' produce can spend three weeks in transit, sorting and packaging before it even makes it to the stores. Remember how vegetables used to actually taste like something? That taste comes from nutrients.

Beef used to be high in magnesium. Levels in the U.S. (and presumably many other places) have plummeted. Cattle used to graze wild, now they're feed farmed grains. The soil that the grain is grown on has little magnesium left after the years of farming. So the cows don't get enough magnesium and neither do those of us who eat conventional beef.

Magnesium deficencicy is linked with all sorts of things including the CNS, sphincter control (hmm, and now there's a market for adult pads), depression. It's also crucial for metabolising all of the lovely synthentic chemicals we eat, breathe and wear every day.

The variations between countries, their growing and cooking habits, etc. matter less and less as the food supply becomes globalized. Because the multi-nationals behind that are concerned about their profits and really don't mind if we all get sick (hey, it helps their pharmaceutical subsidiaries), that's the biggest issue for nutrition and health. We need proper food with the full complement of nutrients to fuel our bodies. Why is it so hard to get it amongst our affluence as well as our poverty?

The most important issue concerning nutrition is the manufacturing processes and standards imposed. Every country has their own standards- some have leniency and other strictness towards acceptable practices in the farming and transportation to the marketplace. That is why you can't transport fruits, plants, or meats across countries without them undergoing testing for disease. What is acceptable in one country will be deemed risky in another.

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