I gor Burned on my arm at this mexican place and the plate was hot i was grabing my drink and my arm touch it so how can i treat the burned? Additional Details I use ...
I give up. I tried everything. I went to a doctor and she told me to take 4 asprins a day for a week...nothing. I then went to physical therapy...nothing. But then I started walking on my own about 4 ...
I've broken my leg on 21st Aug while falling off the motocross bike on a muddy and slippery track. Nobody's fault, purely loosing control when landing after the jump. as far as I'm ...
have you ver had a really serius injury? please tell me? please tell full story of wat happened? what bone did you break? did you even break a bone? did you go too the hospital?
Okay, so heres the thing... I was playing soccer and some obese girl stomped on my foot. It hurt really bad, when I got home I took off all my stuff and my toe really hurt. In the next few days my ...
I have a couple of times one last year when I flipped backwards over my pool trying to catch a ball and wacked my head on a rock and fence. It was a 4 foot fall. I remeber when I was in the ambulance ...
I have 2 herniated discs in my back (L5/S1, L4). I've been injured w/o specific treatment for the discs for a year. It took 3 1/2 months for pain to go from my back to my leg (w/glute and hip ...
i did it earlier after smashing into a tree on a swing!..i was sure i'd smashed my pelvis and had done internal damage but apparently i've just bruised it!!i feel like i wasted everyones ...
playing tackle football i hurt my pinky finger at some point.. it's very uncomfortable and is turning a little black near the nail... doesn't hurt if i don't move it only when i try to ...
actually - (in response to an earlier answer) Tylenol does not have an anti-inflammatory effect, but NSAIDS such as Ibuprofen, aspirin or Aleve do - and will help with pain as well. Be careful though, if it has a fresh bruise, aspirin can cause that to bleed (under the skin) for longer, making the bruise worse. Ice really is the best way to reduce the swelling, do it at 5-10 minute intervals every hour or so.
Ibu Profen should help the inflamation a lot. You can take 600 to 800mgs 4 times per day to help. Just be sure to eat before and and don't drink while on it. Also don't use it anymore than need be because your body will build a tollerence towards the stuff.
Ouch! Ibuprofen and ice will help, but it's only going to get substantially better with time.
Take care! ; )
it will eventually go down. but nexttime you could try some prventive steps like karate lessons, blocking does work too, or just try running.
have you thought about putting a cold wash cloth on your face. That usually will help
Tylenol has an antinflammatory you can try that.
Apply cold compresses to reduce swelling from an injury. Raise the head of the bed (or use extra pillows) to help reduce facial swelling.
Call your health care provider if:
There is acute, sudden, painful, or severe facial swelling.
There is prolonged facial swelling, particularly if it is getting worse over time.
There is any difficulty breathing.
Cold Steak and Mortin Something very cold is the best and fastest way.