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 If you had to be knocked out, how would you like it to happen?

 I need help men only !??
I hurt my privates playing rugby, I expected the pain to leave but it's been a week and the pain seems to be getting worse. It feels like it's inside like a tube or something.


 Heal cutting scars/cuts faster?
~How can I make the scars go away?
~How can I make the cuts less noticeable?
~If possible, how can I prevent the cuts from scarring?
I have them on my hips, arms, and ankles, if you ...

 Hurt my knee at work , heat or ice ?

 How can I hide my cuts?
I used to cut myself. I'm trying to stop... but Iam going to an event Friday that requires no sleeves. I have marks still on my arm, and I've been using neosporin to try to heal them faster....

 Help! i just got shocked!?
ok so my laptop charger is like kinda broken and has a small small tear.
but i just got shocked

whats the worst that can happen? it was on my wrist but it kinda stings


 Whould it be ok to use peroxide on ...?
my toe. about a week ago, i fell & my toenail hit the edge of the step, & popped up my toenail. I went to the doctor & they romoved it, bandaged it & sent me home, I changed the ...

 Should i wait or should i go now ?
About a week ago i hit my arm really hard (or fast) against the metal bar of my bed ( it's stupid how i did ) and it was all swollen and sore afterwards. Its been a week and i think the ...

 I jammed my middle finger and its in a splint right now so what do I do??
Ugh its hard to do anything and it hurts bad. Any thing to help the pain???????????...

 Quick... my mom burned her fingers on the stove?
okay, so its thanks giving and we are cooking, obviously.. and my mom was picking up a cover to a pot and she burned three of her fingers. its not serious, but are there any tricks to making them ...

 How do you treat a mild burn? mine just wont stop burning.?
I need the answer right away....

 I was in a car accedent yesterday...and now....?
I was in a car accedent yesterday.;
It was really bad. the airbags went off. and everyone was hurt except for me. The woman in the car in front of us was carried away in a stretcher.
but ...

 Help black eye!!!!!!?
how to get rid of it and dont give me that "put make-up on it" line.what can i do?...

 I beg of anyone's help?
I have rencently had an injury at school. One of my discs had come out of my back and now pain follows me wherever I go. For people who do not know what a disc is, it is a cushion in between you ...

 Why does life seem low and i wished i was dead?
i was injured in a crash 2 years ago pain causes depression the medical people do not see any closer to a cure also lost my job after wards and i am not as active as i would like to ...

 If a main artery was cut, how long would it take to die?

 I need a doctors note for work.. but im not sick what do i do?
i called my work and told them i rolled my ankle and now i need a doctors note what do i do?...

 Broken toe?
I think I broke my smallest toe (left foot) a couple of nights ago. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow morning, but is there anything else I should do for now?...

 I have burned my finger making popcorn?
i got the bag out of the microwave and this burning hot oil dropped from the bag onto my finger. this was an hour ago and i kept it under water and it is now covered in a wet cloth but it is still ...

 My right arm has been hurting 4 2 days and its swollen it hurts when i move it i am 13 HELP ME!?
It really hurts and my friends say to go see a doctor and that it might be serious or maybe a siss and my teacher is going to send me to the school nurse tommorrow when she is in. My mom says she ...

.x.Tomoyo Takahashi .x.
Should I be ashamed?
Since I was younger I've had a long scar running down the side of my face from an accident. Also I have scars from my more dangerous (let alone unexperienced) skateboarding days.

I'm afraid to show my scars in public, but lately somebody asked me where I got my scar. When I answered they said it looked cool.

This may be a dumb question but what should I do?

get over yourself, it's just a scar.

shih tzu lady
It's just a scar - no-one thinks anything of it. Get on with life.

If your not embarrased then what does it matter? If you want them gone then rub some of theat scar medicine maderma or however you spell it

They're just scars. I think scars are really cool to be honest, they tell stories =). Just leave it, but if you reeeeeally don't like it, try covering it up with some make-up.

EDIT: No, I did not just copy the person above me :P

You have nothing to be ashamed of, but if the scar does become a worry for you then why nor talk to your doctor?
There are treatments available to reduce scars if you want to go down that road, you don't need to put up with it if you don't want to.

colin m
just accept it as it is part of you.

Von M
Dont worry about it even though it may look bad to you to others then they may see it as not bad and maybe cool or not even notice it. Dont be afraid to show your scars yes some may not like it but its apart of you.

Charlotte R
Seriusly don't worry what other people will think. Lots of people have scars. Including me! Some people even find it really cool lol! Just don't make a big deal out of it. There's nothing wrong with them. But if your really that worried about them just make it a lil less obvious by using some foundation. No big deal!

Accept your scars. You needn't be proud or afraid of them. They are part of what makes you who you are.

can't change the past, just be who you are and get on with the future.

irene c

Fred F
Ashamed of what.

Just live your normal life and don't worry about your scars.

The more conscious you are about your scar, the more people will notice. There are things that you can't change. Don't be afraid to show them. They are a part of you. We sometimes forget that being human, we all get scarred in some way.

If you really feel weird about it, use some concealer on it. But I would really suggest just being proud of who you are; scar or no scar!

jo mason
be proud of who you are scars included and give thanks to the person above that you are still on earth walking around be proud of your battle scars and i would not try to cover them up because that is who you are good luck

Dr Simon

There is no need to be ashamed.

Scars can be a good talking point and you can tell stories of your skate boarding days, or you can just say you dont want to discuss it.

If the facial scar really bothers you, cosmetic surgery can resect them and reduce their appearance.

des g
hi miss tom

i wouldn't worry about it to much.....

my wife has a scar on her face...she fell of a swing when she was a child and it dose not bother me .

i love her the way she is scars and all.....
she is a beautiful person ....

looks fade with time and real beauty comes from with in...

anyway you have nothing to be ashamed of

Steve B
shows that you're tuff....
tell them all the gory details,blood & guts
watch'em faint...enjoy..........


You know what? That scar is a piece of who you are, and you should be proud of who you are. Look at it like, hey, I tried something out that most kids wouldn't do, because they were afraid of getting hurt. Be proud of who you are, and your distinct individuality that makes you who you are. If someone asks, tell them, but move on to something else! It's really not that big of a deal, even if it seems like it is at the time. If you don't want to say anything to them, just say, "I'm not comfortable talking about it." End of discussion. It's pretty hard for someone to keep talking to you about something when you don't respond. You are you, be proud of you!

be proud of it, it's a part of you now:)

Chas B
Why worry what people think of a scar. I was in an auto accident and have a scar across my throat that looks like someone cut my throat like a fish. If people ask I tell them how you got them. I've never had any problems. They may seem important now but they are really nothing in the big scheme of life.

You sound like it hasn't bothered you too much up to now and this person was just curious I guess. If it makes you feel self concious now you could always use cover make up. I think it says a lot for you to have been strong enough to not let it bother you. You have nothing to worry about sweetie, it makes you who you are.

Just realise that they are part of what makes you who you are! You might not be the person you are today if you hadn't had the accident. Its a good thing so dont be embarassed!

I like scars, I think some of them are cool. They tell a story, its like have a reminder, even if you dont want to remember.

What can you do? The scar is there. Nobody is perfect. We all have flaws, some physical and some on the inside and often both. Learn to be comfortable in your won body. Be confident and happy and try not to let your scar bother you.

i also have 2 huge scars on my body from wen i was a child... i understand how u feel. but the best way is just to answer them honestly and be confident with them if u are others will be..scars are kool no one has one the same thats done in the same way.. it shows u got somat unique..:) lol hun

My daughter, when she was 8, had a malignant brain tumor. They were able to remove it surgically, and she went through 7 weeks of radiation. Because of this, she has a huge bald spot on the back of her head, which will never grow hair. When she was in school, kids would call her "baldy". She stood up in her junior high class and explained why she had a bald spot. They quit calling her names. Now, she is a young lady, but yes, she is embarrassed over her bald spot, (she just got married on 11/17), so she wears her hair either in a bun or pony tail to try to cover it up. So, your feelings are normal, but you will just have to accept the scars. Look at the bright side, you are still alive and healthy, and able to experience fun. My daughter is still alive and healthy, and that's the most important thing, more than the physical scars. Oh, my daughter's scar where they did the surgery is very prominent, and this covers the entire back left part of her head. So be greatful for your health. As you get older, people will become more mature, and not ask embarrassing questions. Answer the questions only if you feel comfortable enough to. I know my daughter answers everyone's questions, because the scars are not her fault.

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