file a police report. |

J frum NH
You got an older brother? That bully needs a lesson...Oh yeah it's TRUCE
(tell me you didn't watch your buddy get his tail kicked ?) |

zachary s
Go to the police.
He may have problems outside of school that you don't know about that could affect not only his life but others around him if you sue, so i would say hold off on that "drastic" measure.
(personally I think sueing is dumb, it can ruin someones life over something as stupid as a burnt finger). |

wow.. dammn dude how are you, how old is he.. he can get in serious trouble for that... you cant sue.. but you can press charges against him, and he can go to juvie.... you got to have proof though... strong proof., you can use witnesses that saw him beat you up, chase you or maybe heard him.. tell your parents about the situation.. hope things get solved... how old r u though and him? |

this kid sounds pretty serious. i would definitally not mess around with him. tell law enforcement or at least talk to your parents about it. that is not cool. |

Jennifer L.
If you have substantial medical bills I would advise you to sue him to cover the costs. However, if you don't need the money or the amount isn't very high I would say to just leave it and stay away from him. With that kind of person pressing charges or trying to sue him is probably a bad idea. Because he's not going to get out of your life, and assuming he's a minor even if he went to a juvenile facility he'd be out in very little time. It's going to put you in more danger if you try to seek that kind of official help. |

I would press charges for aggrivated assault.. it really depends on how old you are, and where it was.. Was the park PUBLIC? |

Everyone is all sue happy. I don't agree with what this kid did to you, but I believe it could have been prevented. Why did you not notify an adult of his threats prior to this happening? Unless you had to go to the emergency room and have medical bills that are left unpaid, some documented lingering effects of his actions, then there really isn't anything you can do legally that I'm aware of. 20 years ago, this wouldn't have even crossed a kids' mind to even ask this. You would have said, "Oh well, it was an *** kicking. Next time I'll stick up for myself or figure out a way to keep it from happening." |

call the cops and press charges |

sounds like a good enough reason for a protective order; stricter than a restraining order.
To clarify, he threatened to kill you (mortally wound), attacked you in front of witnesses (will they know nothing when the police ask?), and threatened to kill you again?
I hate the cops. I really, really do. They do nothing but make life worse for me. However, if someone was threatening me, followed through on part of their threat and threatened my life again, guess who I would call.
No one messes with my right to live. If I have to call in reinforcements, so be it, my main objective is to live until natural causes say otherwise. |

****** SUE THE GUY!! you have proof that he threatened you. He beat you and have many witnesess. |

press charges and call a lawyer and see if you have a case. where is your mom or dad why ain't they taking care of it?
spitting is very nasty you don't know what that other kid could have. and you need some better friends! who doesn't have their friends back when a crazy person comes running at ya? |

J Man
go for it if you really think you should. do your parents know? |

Lyle ( GO PENS)
did you do anything to him?
if you did something to him too then you got nothing on him |

I am so sorry that that happened to you.
If it happened on school property, I would go to the Principle for sure.
But if not, then ya, I would call the cops and have charges pressed against him.
You obviously have witnesses, and he touched you first.
People have to learn at some point that they can't get away with stuff like that.
Better he is busted for it now, and learns his lesson, than kills someone later on.
Talk to someone you really trust about how you feel, like a teacher or guidance counsellor.
Take Care, I really mean that!!!!! |

you need to tell your parent, principal and police...actions like this can lead to the actual attack as seen in the news... he needs to be taught by others since not at home that actions like this are not to be taken lightly and that it is very serious... I would keep clear of him you life and saftey is more important than being scared to get him in trouble..... he has issues... it will only get owrse..i urge you to take control and tell... good luck, dear. |

Press charges!! This guy is NUTS and it needs to be documented even if you just file a police report!! No one should be treating you that way! |

your parents can press charge and sue, you cannot until the age of 18, the most you could do for suing is to pay for the doctors bill though |

OF COURSE!!!!!!!! he could kill you! deffinately . it should stop his bullying, and if it doesnt CALL THE COPS AGAIN!!!
if he has done long term damage you can sue, but it may be expensive. best thing to do is CALL THE COPS NOW!!! dont delay or he might not be brought up on charges. |

If any of the kids who saw or heard him either hitting you or threatening you, have the courage to come forward as witnesses, you should go to the police and swear out a complaint for aggravated assault.As for suing him , that is very expensive and will take a long time, in any case you will need a police report in order to take civil action. Get winesses,go to the police! |

Munya Says: GFOD
it's called "911", dial it and let them know what happened.
What is wrong with you? someone tells you they are going to stab you and you just....what?
And then you get headbutted and you think it's...okay.
Whatever, it's your life...or whatever he has in store for you tomorrow. I'd look into some good door locks and home schooling. |

CALL THE POLICE! This is no laughing matter. This guy sounds like he has a serious problem. Tell the police his name and EVERY TINY LITTLE DETAIL. I would sue him! |

for sure document this all.
DEFINITELY go talk to your parents or a school administrator. BOTH actually.
you may be able to sue, but the assaulting party is a "kid." In general minors are less accountable for in court, unless severe trauma has occured against the victim(s).
but by telling someone, they will receive repercussions. |

Audrey King
yes,he threatened you by claiming he was going to stab you, idk but i would talk to someone and watch my back... I would call the police and tell them everything and look for a lawyer and probably take him to court, but watch out you dont want his friends after you after court cuz hes mad, so make sure you are safe, have a cell phone with you at all times so you can call for help if you ever need too, travel in groups or have a friend with you at all times, try not to walk the streets |

go to court and take all his money |

Hit him with a big stick a bunch of times. |

teenage girl;
First of all, you must tell your parents and have them talk to the kid's parents. I think pressing charges will be the best. |

i would sue |

YES YES YES --- press charges, talk to your principal, get him expelled. Don't ignore this. This is serious stuff. |

Sgt. Pepper
You can press charges, and I probably would.
I don't know him suing is the way to go, unless he really left you messed up. |

You and your Parents need to go to the school tomorrow and sit down with the Principal. This kid is dangerous, and your parents should demand he be suspended/expelled from school.
Before you could press charges, you need to seek medical attention. That's one of the things an Attorney will ask, "Were you injured?" Go to a Counselor and tell them how emotional you are now. How you can't sleep at night because you fear for your life, etc. You have to set yourself up.
Everytime the kid talks to you, looks at you sideways, write it down. Document everything.
I don't know if you'd have a case for a lawsuit or not, you could get a free consultation with an Attorney.. but normally, if the kid hadn't been warned before, or if the School wasn't aware of his behavior then you may have a hard time suing. However, if you have complained to the school before, and they didn't act on it, then your suit would be not only against the bully, but against the school district for not keeping you safe.
I hate school bullies. I hate the fact that they can torment kids and get away with it. Bully kids grow up to be Bully adults. Something has to be done to stop it. |

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