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I'm a 17 years old girl. I really don't know what to do anymore, I can't seem to do anything right. I have a few friends, I also have horrible grades. I'm failing almost all of ...

 I hate myself?
What should I do?...

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I have some friends who came from abusive households, and had to endure abuse throughout their growing up years and carried it out throughout, social and work life, unfortunately such people are not ...

Jesus + Christ = Awesome!
How do I get around to telling my mom that I am suicidal?

Additional Details
I've been suicidal for 5 or 6 years

Call 911 - then realize that you need help - Also hold on to the fact that life has its ups and downs. We have all been there, things will get better. I promise! Nothing is worth tossing away this beautiful life, if you dont like it change it. Stop worrying about things you have no control over and take a deep breath.
My dad used to say whenever I screwed up royally - well tomorrows another day - try not to do the same thing twice.
Life is all you have and there are no second chances. Its really a great ride, life laugh and do every possible second of it. Dont forget to call for help!

Zack G
ok, call your mom to your room, and tell her to sit down, and then say this mommm, you know what? have you ever though bout shooting your self or jumping out of a wondow, and then yo mam should get an idea then

Anna S
Sit her aside when she's free and talk to her. Admit you are suicidal, and then get around to why. With luck, your mom could help sort things out. Professional help will work wonders. A psychologist will question you on your feelings, the reasons behind them, and how to solve them. So, first, tell your mom in private that you are suicidal, and ask for help. Take it easy, sweetheart, and take care.

Tell her you would like to speak with her on something that is seriously bothering you.
Then tell her you have not been feeling yourself for awhile and didn't know if she had noticed or not.
You are getting thoughts of hurting yourself to relieve yourself of this torment you are under.
Ask her if she could take you to the doctor for a physical to see what is causing this chemical imbalance you have before it is too late.

Remember suicidal thoughts do come and go, but it is when we act on them that is not normal.
You are having depression and may need some help from the doctor to help get you though this difficult time.

If Mom doesn't think that is serious enough, then take it to your school counselor. Then maybe she will realize that you are serious.

Never do anything to create self murder. When a dark cloud looms over you it is only a storm of life. On the other side of this storm are happy days and you'll be glad your alive to experience it .

I have and I had battled it for years. I'm not on meds and I am doing well. You will too, but you need to allow yourself to heal. don't get overly tired or not eat properly. Get plenty of sleep, 20 minutes of sun daily is a must. Drink lots of water and do daily walking of 3 miles starting out. You may not feel like but do it. I promise it makes a difference.

Another thing is your spiritual life. If you don't have a relationship with God then seek one. He is waiting for you to invite Him in so He can help you through it all.
Take Care and God Bless

Tell her you think you need to see someone or go to a therapist or counselor and if she doesn't respond to that, then tell her bluntly.

Sarah M
Tell her that you want to see a therapist. Or, do what I did. I wasn't suicidal, but I did need to see a therapist and was too embarrassed to tell my parents, so I told them that my doctor had made the appointment for me because she thought I was depressed, but I thought that was ridiculous, but would go anyways.

Whatever you do, if you're suicidal you should definitely see someone.

Don't flat out say I'm suicidal in the beginning, sit down and have a talk with her about your feelings, what's making you angry/depressed, and THEN tell her you have felt suicidal. Just flat out telling her shocks her without giving her time to understand why. This is the best way so she doesn't freak out. Make sure you express to her that you want to get help (I'm assuming you do considering your being proactive about this.) It may seem tough to get up there and talk about it, but you'll feel a whole lot better once you did.

Michelle H
Mom, I really need to talk to you about somethign serious. Can we talk?

I think I need some help. I havne't been feeling myself lately. I have been feeling like I don't have the will anymore to stay around..

Something along those lines will work

You shouldnt go around it ! Tell her or some close to you! Tell a complete stranger! Tell some one...


you will ruin every body in your life.

National Suicide Hotlines USA
United States of America

Toll-Free / 24 hours a day / 7 days a week

1-800-SUICIDE 1-800-273-TALK
1-800-784-2433 1-800-273-8255

creep show
Just tell her

Why be suicidal? Did U give yourself life? Did U bring yourself into existence? Is anything really worth that price? Help for U is available, and advised

I'm the rightful owner of the plant earth
All of the people living on it (all of humanity) owe me rent.
You owe me rent
You aren't free to leave this plane until you pay me my rent.!!!
You should worry about what i require as payment.
-Pluto is the hull of a multi-generational space craft. >One world one government<

Print this, put in an envelope addressed to her, and leave it somewhere she will find it. See suicidal thoughts and depression treatments at http://www.ezy-build.net.nz/~shaneris on pages 5, and 2.

helen f
It's one of those things where there will never be a perfect way to tell her.Whether you say it bluntly or try to soften the blow,she'll be floored no matter what.As far as seeing someone goes,I'm not really sure I believe in all that.People say that it works but if it did,then why would they still need to be going years and years later.I know people have things to get off their chest all throughout their lives,but not everything would require a doctors opinion.Besides all doctors can do is start with the last domino and work their way back.Seeing how each one knocked into each other to cause the chain reaction.But it's when they get back to that very first domino that they get stuck.Because it always takes an outside force to knock that one over.And thats where the truth is,it's in that invisible force that started it all.Even if it becomes scientific or medical on down the line,that is not its origin.Its beginning is always spiritual.Thats where you have to start looking.I don't know what your beliefs are,but I know you need Jesus.Only he can truly mend your pain.I don't know all that your going through,but I know just from growing up myself,how hard things can get at times.I know I never would have commited suicide,but at the same time it was my faith in Christ that has gotten me through everything in life.Which would include the death of my mother when I was only twenty.Please find someone to help you.And remember no matter what that this too shall pass.No matter how difficult things are now they won't stay that way,and that's a promise.

Good for you for geting up the nerve to tell us.
That was your first step towards feeling joy again, OK?

Next, say "Mom, I really need your advice" because Mom'S love to give advice!

So take her aside where you feel safe, and say "This is really hard to talk about". She'll think you're pregnant.

Then say "I have been having these scary thoughts about hurting myself and I am afraid I might really do it"

Then let it all out, because you must feel so much pain and loneliness, and ask her to help you.

You have to realize that you may go to a doctor that treats depression or even to a place where they can keep an eye on you until you feel better 2-5 days.

I've been there and there are kind nurses to talk too.

Keep listening to the part of your brain that won't give up on life.

Please, please, please!!!

Hi Rose, tell your mom any way you can because, for a mother there is nothing worse than losing a child, except for losing a child to suicide.

I have friends who have lost their daughter to suicide and they aren't getting over it, after years the guilt of not knowing their daughter needed help doesn't leave them.

You might be thinking your mom will be harsh with you, and she might be (at first) but as things sink in she will come around and do everything she can to help you out but more than likely you will need help beyond that which your mom can give you.

Remember, you aren't alone in this. Many teens face this type of depression and it can be fixed if you are willing to work things through, but you will need some help. Don't try to do it alone.

Your mom is the best place to start.

ashley t
just get a chair and talk to her and if she gets mad say get a life this is mine you have to face the facts and she just has to deal with it because she cant change you

Maxwell K
i'd tell her, mom im severely depressed, and i want to die. do it slowly. she might be shocked. but it's for your own good. because you either tell her now or you end up dead. and there must of been a reason for you to post on here. a reason you must live!

If nothing else, go to the ER. They will call her, have her come down, and they will help you tell her.

Just tell her in anyway you can. And hurry

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