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 I feel humiliated?
my mum had the front of our house painted bright, sunshine yellow. itr is soooooo ridiculous and humiliating. it is more noticeable because it is a double fronted house of a terraced street.'ve ...

 How do I keep myself from napping?
I've gotten into the bad habit of taking naps at around 4 in the afternoon and want it to stop. I just get really grouchy when I don't and extremely bored. What can I do to occupy that ...

 Is anyone else still up?
Its almost 2am! I should so be sleeping right now because I work in the morning. ahhhhh....

 Serious question about coping with depression?
What do you do when you feel depressed?? I only want people to answer if they seriously have ever been depressed, not just pious people who think they have the right cheeky answers. I get depressed ...

 How do I finally free myself from depression?
I have suffered for 13 years, had counselling, various medication, CBT etc.... when will it all end?...

 Should I commit suicide?
I am REALLY thinking about suicide. Nothing is going right. I was in the middle of suffocating myself, and then my boifriend at the time had called, and i had told him I was going to kill myself, and ...

 What is wrong with me?
I have this personal issue with myself that I think is immature, unfair and greedy. I found out one of my friends is pregnant, it made me really mad and jealous. Also any one of my friends that get ...

 Scary . help please.?
um .
so much happened in 13 years of my life.
my dad had a stroke , he's currently in the hospital . ive been accused of stealing , my mom got sued like 600 with financial difficulties ...

 When does a person become becomes happy in life?

 Lack of sleep?
wat happend if u dont sleep??...

 Why do I do this?
I seem to be addicted to self destruction. I seem to constantly to want to put myself in bad situations, hurt myself and od frequently. Why do I keep doing this to myself. The latest thing I appear ...

 I think I have a mental disorder, who can I talk to????
I always thought that I had OCD. It isn't because I like to clean or anything, it is just the compulsive habits and stupid obsessions that made me think it. I recently read an article on it ...

 Is there anything wrong with self harm?
Its not as if its hurting anyone else....

 What are people still doing up at this deadly hour????

 Well..., black ppl scare me?
help how do i not be scarred of black ppl

i cant help it i just think theyre gonna stab me or sumthin

wat can i do 2 get over this cuz its makin things bad 4 me....

 Has anyone got any wierd phobias?
Share ...

 Why can't i stop thinking about ending my life?
i hate my ...

 Does anyone know how to cure fear of spiders, just seen one on my bed now cant sleep p.s. it was big?
I am totally obsessed with one touching me, and the worse thing is I'm a 6 foot 3 bloke, just seen one massive spider on my bed, absolutly hate them!!!...

 Have you ever been to the moon?

Additional Details
dpilipis: That question is three-tarded beacause I tarded it in United States, Australia and United Kingdom......

 I'm always unhappy no matter what I do...help?
Hi, I'm a 14-year-old girl that is always depressed no matter what happens. If something good happens, I don't feel anything....I have an anxiety disorder...I cry every night for at least 2 ...

I want to kill myself?

Go back home and say sorry to your parents. You need some love. Life is full of up's and down's and killing your self will not solve anything. Life is so beautiful. Pray and go home. Please dont do anything like hurting your life. Its not worth it.

You are being very selfish. So what there will be plenty more boyfriends and if you think you have hurt your parents sit down and talk to them. Sometimes we have to go through things while we are growing and they hurt. Taking your life is not the answer to the hurt.....work through it and be strong. If you feel as if you can't handle it on your own, go to the nearest emergency room and ask for help.....they will help you. Now take care and be strong.

**** the plp that say call the crisis. u dont need to wry about them. hey ive been deprssed for 2 years abd im still going strong. and am i gonna kill myself? no .. do activities.. something thatl take your mind of that. dont find another guy if its to painful.. now if u decide to end it all i wont condone you for it.

It is not uncommon to feel sadness, but suicide is extreme for your case. There are so many horrible things going on, things much worse than what you have stated. I really hope you re-think your situation, make the best of what you have been given..LIFE..and spend more time around things that make you happy. If being around your ex helps call him, or start dating again. As your parents, try finding a resolution, talking to them via a letter or e-mail.

Well, don't do that. You realize that by moving out of the home you were raised in is one part of your life. A new chapter has begun. Dont be so hard on yourself love. Many people dont 'belong' spiritually to the home they grew up in. Go out in the world and surround yourself with loved ones that make you smile and share your views and bring peace to your heart. I share your pain, I feel it and I send strength and love to your dear soul.

If u kill yrslf u then u will really hurt the ppl around! Watever hurt u hv done doesnt really hurt them as long as u dun do it again la... find some friends to talk or get yrslf a hobby tat will help u get over it...

I want to make a difference.

Cameron E
Don't do anything drastic! your life is worth so much more than that, no matter what has happened to you. You have to have confidence in yourself that you'll overcome this and be a stronger person for it. Talk to your parents and tell them how you feel, even if your argument is huge, they would never want their little girl hurt or dead!!

honey its usually the ppl who talk about it that dont end up doing it although i empathise. go see a counceler u need to talk to someone

There are good meds for your problem. See your doc and describe your feelings.

Jan G
Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. If you have hurt your parents then talk to them tell them that you didn't mean to hurt them. I felt that way too when I was young, but really it does get better and you will find another boyfriend that will be even better to you. Good luck and take care.

everything seems bad now but it does pass, take a few breaths and think things over it is not bad as it seems its a new beginning for you. Changes in life will seem overwhelming Find someone to talk to everything will be alright

Before you do anything drastic, please allow me to suggest to you to go to your county morgue office.
In many cities and towns you can get permission to view the embalming process and general crypt "visitors".
Once you see, first hand what you are suggesting for yourself and your family, ( cuz remember, they will be "YOU" when you are laying on the table) my guess is that you will have a change of heart and will enjoy the sun coming up tomorrow.
Now, don't go saying... owwwwwooowo, because this is what your wanting is to be dead, so you may as well fess up and go see what and where you will be before your 6 feet under in the dark, or burned up and then put in a great big blender if your family decides to cremate you. Yes, I said, "blender".
After your put into the 3500 degree furnace, they take a broom, just like the one in the kitchen and sweep up your ashes into a literal "dust pan" . They then have to put you into a commercial size blender so that your bones pulverize. After about an hour of 'grinding', they open up the bottom "shoot" and you pour into a clear plastic bag.
So, let us know, if you don't decide to kill yourself, if this is what you REALLY WANT?

New Birth
Feelings come and go. It can be really hard sometimes. I wanted to kill myself at different times, years ago...but I've always lived to see a better time and to be glad that I didn't. Hang in there...I will pray for you right now.

listen to all the friends on yahoo answers :-)

You need to understand that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary situation and that things will get better. Confide in a family
member and seek out counciling. Good luck and remember that you will leave behind alot of wounded souls if choose to do it.I know because my husbands brother comitted suicide.

C K Platypus
Dying will actually cause more hurt. Talk to your parents. Let them help you.

You can stop feeling this way by making an appointment with your Doctor or Therapist. A regular Doctor can and will perscribe antidepressants if you don't want to see a psychiatrist.

I understand, but the best thing you can do, is LIVE! find something worth living for. And don't give up until you do!

aussie fallen angel
Dont do it.
I have felt this way but knew that if I killed myself I would only cause great pain for my daughter & friends.
Talk to someone who deals with this type of problem (suicide line) & I'm sure you'll solve this problem & we will hear from u very soon.

You shouldn't feel like that! Killing yourself is not the answer! yes I know you miss your ex but you know there are other guys.... you can't be perfect and you can't always please everyone. Maybe your parents are disappointed but they can't hate you... your their daughter.... I really hope you read this and take me serious..... DON"T KILL YOURSELF! Take care and God Bless you....

suicide will only hurt those that love u more!!! DUN do it!!! the ONLY way to stop hurting ppl around u is stand up, live hapi,walk out from the passed,everyone will be hapi to see tat u r living well!!!

u live for ppl who love u,not die for ppl who dun love u,get the point??? when ppl dun love u,u have to live better to prove they made the wrong choice

be strong,dun think so negative,i'm sure lots of ppl that loves u r willing to help u go thru ur sorrow!!!

Blue Shadow
A real brave person is a person who can admit mistakes , because then she can get on with life again. She learned from mistakes and become better and stronger.

Who on this earth do not make mistake ? make the wrong decision ? trust the wrong person ? give a wrong judgement ?
The important point is , we need to boldly admit our mistake , keep your head up and continue on .

think of the positive side , this happened has made you definitely a stronger and tougher person.

Get busy with life , may be the first step is to declare to your parents you are no longer with your ex . and tell them how sorry you are that what you did hurted them . Whether they forgive you or not is not important . Once you say it out , you set yourself free from guilt.

Make friends , talk to friends , get busy , helps others , you will find that there are many misfortunate persons on this earth and they never give up , they fall they get up , you can too.

Whatever you do, you need to get professional help ASAP. Call a suicide hotline. They can refer you to various mental help resources such as clinics. All the people answering your question care about you. Also, turn to Jesus, and He'll comfort you (I'm not trying to proselytize, believe it or not - just trying to be helpful). Take care.

Ok a guy is not worth you dieing over or no one your life is important and im sure your family loves you very much i think you should go see your doctor. Also let me tell you something if you go and kill your self you known wats going to happen there going to bury you and everyone is going to keep living your ex your family everyone. Its not worth it live your life there are plenty of guys out there and you have friends you dont need your ex boyfriend to live im sure before him you were living just fine. Good luck to you and try and seak help those sucide feelings arent normal

you can see a shrink!...so do you really think you wouldn't be hurting any one any more if you killed your self?.....because i think you would be hurting them 10 times worse than what ever it is your doing now!!!....i am sorry you are so unhappy with your life & there r ways & people who will help u with these feelings all u have to do is ask!!....the only thing your doing by killing your self is being a coward who can't handle life!!...my grandfather whom i was very close to shot his self with a shot gun to the chest, i think he was a selfish coward to do it & it still hurts to think that he couldnt talk to his family about his feelings instead of killing him self ...especially since my dad had to walk in & find him with his guts all over his bed room!!!....so please before you talk like this again think about what u r saying & use your brain to know there are other ways to just be happy & know that life is worth living, but sometimes you have to make it thru the bad times before you make it to the good ones!...go talk to your parents right now about how you feel if not your parents then someone else,but please talk to someone important to you not people on the internet!!

get a shrink!

Find someone to talk to.. It'll be okay. Find a new guy I know it seems hard but why would you do that for a guy? you are better than that-- I don't even know you and I think that you are.

Call a crisis hotline...1-800-784-2433 or 1-800-273-8255 .

You will cause more pain if you leave with unresolved issues. Resolve before you evolve! Suicide is never the solution, pain is part of the process of growing up, it also lets us know that we are alive. And life is the biggest adventure of them all!

We are all entitled to making mistakes, but don't turn a simple misunderstanding into a fatal mistake. Learn from your pain and this experience, you can rebuild your life and learn to have fun again, I promise you. You are too young to be seeing the end of things! You have only just begun, you are moving into the world to make your space in it...

Moving out of your parents house is not the end, its just a new begining... Your parents may seem disappointed now, but when you show them how well you're doing, how wonderfully you are taking care of your self, they will be proud of you and will understand what you are doing.

DON'T GIVE UP, GIRL! Life is waiting for you... Live it to the fullest! Take it from someone who's been there...There is always something wonderous that will take - and keep - our attention out there, don't miss it, girl!!!

Good luck, God Speed, Full Speed Ahead!!


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