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 This is an important question, it will decide on a very big problem which is quite personal. Yes Or No!?
This is the question:

Yes Or No!!...

 My daughter, what can i do?
i recently found a bottle of vodka underneath my daughters bed... when i confronted her she said she didnt know where it came from...then i got a call from my sister (my daughter babysits their ...

 Does anyone have any weird phobias?? - mine's balloons!!!?
Party Balloons, Hot Air Balloons, Helium Balloons, any sort even balloons made of condoms!!!!

I don't know what it's called - it's bound to have a medical term for it.......

 I am insane, what are the chances of me going back to sane?

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It's not a trick question it's not in the Games & Recreation section....

 Have you ever considered suicide?
I was told by someone that pretty much everyone considers suicide at least once in a life time.. I was wondering, have you?...

 What scares you the most?
im scared of spiders and antique ...

 WHAT are you afraid of?

 Am i weird?
I videoed myself sneezing with my camera phone beacuse i hadnt seen it before, is that strange?
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No, my eyes didnt ...

 Do you like hamsters?

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In Italy,we really HATE hamsters!!...

 Do you have any phobias?
im afraid of semi-...

 Have you ever felt like you really needed a hug when you were home by yourself and there was no one around?

 My fiancee snores?
my fiancee snores loud at night she keeps me up and get sometimes sleepless nights i wake her up tell pinch her nose etc nothing works what can i do to get a more peacefull night please ...

 Am I going crazy?
Everytime I see people I imagine scissors or sharp things going into their eyes. Even people that I like! What's happening???? Am I crazy? What should I do?
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 Do i need help to stop cutting?
my friends are mad at me because i cutt myself. i want to get help butt i dont want to get sent away, or tell my mom.ive tried to tell my sister but she takes it out of porportion. if i tell my mom ...

 Does anybody think it's weird that I have imaginary friends?
I have four imaginary friends. I have a lot more real friends, but I prefer my imaginary ones. My mom hates them because I talk to them more than I talk to her. Is this weird??? I'm actually ...

 What could this be???
I'm 13. I get bored really easily, and I get depressed even easier. I've cut myself several times out of being depressed, and even more odd, I drank the blood. I can't stand smiling in ...

 No friends, never had relationship, anti-social, heavy depression, and miserable. 21 years old?
i have a major issue. i'm 21 and i have NO friends, and i've never even had a relationship with a woman. as you can imagine, my days are BORING as crap. i usually stay online for unhealthy ...

 Christians (or anyone who won't diss my religion) - please help me - I am suicidal.?
okay so i will give you a little background.

i have depression, anxiety, especially of social situations, and i am a self harmer.
this week i went to soul survivor, a christian camp ...

 How to ask the doctor if i have a depression issue? Im kinda nervous and embarresed what do ya think?

 What's your phobia?
I have a fear of hospitals, anything clinical, needles you name it.
Also sirens and ambulaces.
What's your phobia?...

What is the best lesson u learned from life?
what makes u feel happy in life ?

to treat every day like it was your last, think of things you want to do today, and tommorow, and if you have a good chance to do something... don't turn it down, it might never come back again.

I can answer this in one word.

L O V E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

Dr. Help
Probably the awareness of the shortness of our time on earth, and that fighting over small issues will not be what stands out on your death bed. Live for the little moments of how ur dog looks at you, or a funny laugh someone does. In the end, noone regrets NOT working enough. Enjoy life, because it is GOOD!!!!!!!

The best lesson in life is Family is Everything! I am so grateful I have a loving and forgiving family! Friends also make me happy

Cheryl K
That I will never understand the why's? That I just have to have faith and give as much love as I can and realize I don't have to understand I just have to make life better for someone else.

Trust is a term used too loosely.

my family makes me happy
the best lesson i've learned is to live life to its fullest, ignore bad people just go and make others happy

Anna Nichole Smith
take the pills the Dr. gives you there for a good reason

Right on
To be myself......... little o me.... I feel happy in life as you asked... when I look in the mirror and see the............little "O" Wise One..

Over my 32 years of life i have learnt many lessons in life these are just a few that really affected me the most.
I learned not to trust people, even if its your family....Everyone is out there for them selves these days and they would do anything and say anything to get what they want...
Also another vert important lesson for me was to be glad and happy with what is given to you and dont ask for more. when you want more theres a chance you would loose the little you have as well.
And never let your jealousy turn you into somebody you are not.
Always have the guts to tell somebody how much you love them and what they really mean to you before you loose them.

Never trust a man... his word literally means nothing (well not all men are like this i know) What makes me happy is my son, and my maybe daughter ( pregnant, and hoping for a girl) : )

"We all live with the objective of being happy; our lives are all different and yet the same." I believe that was Anne Frank

If you are tall Duck
if you are short look up

I have life. I have God. I am alive.

Knowledge is power, and there are many things I learned this year that all my life I did not know.

Such as:
Shout gets stains out of clothing.
College is NOT the only way.
And chicks want it as much as we do but NEVER show it.

As for happy: buying sh!t I don't need.

that's two questions.

the "best" lesson might be that everyone is the same.

I feel content that I have done and will continue to do the best that I can in all endeavours.

keep things simple

to be humble, learn lots of good stuffs from professional out there and help the needy when possible.

Cap'n Donna
don't sweat the petty things

(and don't pet the sweaty things)

texas boy
hold on tight to your loved ones family and friend and boy/girlfriends

Roberts Baby
what makes me happy is realizing:
suffering is only temporary
settle when u get tired of hurting
that things can only get so "worse" then they have to get better
no matter how bad things may seem someone always has it worse than u.

this has really helped me get over my depression that and help form my friend. no psychologists or medicines helped me. i was depressed 11 yrs and after thousands of scars that faded and alot went a way 100s of failed suicide attempts that it isnt worth it.
i am here for a reason and no one should take life for granted because u never know when it will be gone~

waking up each & every day that makes me happy as 4 learning from life since am living that means i learn every day.

do unto others as you would have them do unto you!!!!!!
people doing good deeds make me feel good!

Arch Teryx
No matter how hard you think may be someone has it twice as difficult.

Also life is what you make it.

the best lesson i learned was that no matter how bad things are there is always someone worse off than me... My children make me happy when they dance it's hilarious..

i have no idea
That the best way to get through it is with a sense of humor.

1. To live every day like it's your last.
2. Don't count on your friends always being there for you.
3. Love and surround yourself with family.

Jon P
The most important life lesson I ever learned, was to live everyday like it's your last, because you never know when it could be.

I learned that from my fathers death,.

The best lesson I've learned from life is not to be attached to material things. I learned this when I lost everything in a fire, and the only surviving things were the people that I loved, my husband and daughter. Now I just don't care about material things, because I know that they don't mean anything and could be gone tomorrow. My children make me happy.

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