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 Should I go to work today?
I've been out all week because I've had the most horrible, miserable cold. Well, today, I feel more or less okay - just snuffly with occasional coughing and sneezing. I could certainly ...

 Poll about Smoking?
Are you a :
Non Smoker
Quitter {how long?}
Your opinion on smoking in general?...

 Why cigarretes are addictive?
The stimulanting effects of nicotine:...

 Whats the best way to start smoking?

 Anyone else dreading the smoking ban?
especially in london the weather is so crap and going outside for a ciggie means drowning in the rain!...

 I dont know what to do.....plz help?
im sorry i keep asking similar questions but i told my mum i couldnt breath properly and she said she wont take me to the doctors because she says its nothin
i cant breath properly and i ...

 Is there anything to make you feel better when you are sick and have alot of flem in your throat?
any tea or drink or anything?...

 What colour is blood when it is not exposed to air????
we have one person who thinks it is red when not exposed to oxygen and another who thinks it is clear what is it?...

 My brother did this?
my brother marked me 7 times with a PERMENT black marker
now i feel weak and i fanited 2 times wats wrong with ...

 Quiting smoking pot???? 2?
i just asked a ? about my lungs itching... i smoked pot everyday for 5 years and never had no lung pains but i quit like 3 weeks ago and now my lung itch and i was just taking a shawer and i hacked ...

 PLEASE READ THIS........i need help!!!!?
about a week ago, i went to my cabin i inhaled "dust off" and now i think i'm delvoping asthma.
me and my friend shared a whole can, neither of us died or ...

 Why do cigarettes make me feel sooo good?
I love
the taste
the feeling of the smoke going into my lungs
the nicotine buzz

I've been smoking for 15 years and would feel totally lost without my cigarettes.

 Should I listen to these pharmacists?? Or go to the hospital?
About an hour ago I accidently inhaled my spit, a little bit I think and I had a huge argument with my mom cause I wanted to go to the hospital to be safe but she kept saying if I can talk i am fine ...

 If I only smoke for a few weeks, will the bad effects be reversed?
I'm 14, have never smoked in my life until this morning. If I only smoke 1 or 2 cigarrettes a day for only about 2 or 3 weeks, will there be any lasting bad effects? I got used to it almost ...

 Is smoking good for my health? Also will it make me look big hard cool or clever?

 How do i start smoking?

 Is smoking bad for you?
a lot of peploe think that smoking is bad for you but my grandad stared smoking when he was ten and lived till he was 98 so it cant be that bad for you can ...

 Ive been smoking for 15 years, is it to late to quit?
Are my lungs at the piont of no return?...

 My husband snores badly really badly!?
Can anyone help me, my husband of only six months has a terrible habit of snoring, when I say snoring he sounds like Darth Vader with a severe cold...he doesn`t like me not sleeping in the same bed ...

 Is smoking cigars worse for you than cigarettes?

What's a good cure for the hiccups?
I have had them for the past twenty minutes and nothing will get rid of them!

Bob Danvers-Walker
A shotgun barrel in the mouth will normally do the trick. If they still keep on, pull the trigger


Hold a glass of warm water in your right hand. Slowly sip the water without stopping while holding your left hand above your head. This has worked for everyone I've ever know who has tried it.

Just a spoonful peanut does the trick for me every time. ^^

Alex E
Hang upside down and hold your breath for how long you can... Drink some water.. And swallow ever time you hiccup.

Get a glass of water and take a sip then gulp it down real hard. Keep doing that it works everytime hope itworks for u!

eat some chocolate or some sugar. It always helps!

Fill your mouth will water then turn your head upside down and swallow the wter. It works.

try holding your breath and drinking water at the same time!

Your body get into a "stuck" state and you have to jolt it to get it going right again. A teaspoon of sugar will change your metabolism enough to cure the hiccups.

Sorry, but nothing. Just do something different to take your mind of it.

take deep breath and hold it for few seconds ot untill u cant hold it anymore... repeat if necessary.

Drink a warm glkass of salt water
it always works for me

Hold your breath while drinking a big glass of water.

♥Stang Girl♥
Try a spoonful of sugar. Hope that helps.

people used to say a good fright ... like the boo thing... but a sharp intake of breath and a long exhale usually works.... couple that with putting vicks on your throat... thats my advice

Eat 3-5 M&M's - I PROMISE you this works. It's amazing, works every time!

I agree completely with scorpius answer. It has worked for me many times. Good luck.

a shot glass of vinegar - works every time

Hold your tongue with your fingers... at least that's what it said on a package of my string cheese. You might look silly, but it couldn't hurt to try!

this is not fail. drink water upside down. its kid of tricky. stand straight, lean the top part of your body all the way down so your fase is parrallel with your legs, drink from the opposite side of the glass. careful not to get water in your nose

Do anything that interferes with the part of your autonomic system that signals you to breathe. It is out of sync when you have hiccups, interrupt it again to get it back in sync. (Lemon juice, a good scare, holding your breath longer than you usually can, etc.)

Hold your breath and take 10 sips of water : )

Major Tedhead. woot woot!
lick the end of a battery! it works!!!!!1 trust me

No,now try this: have a friend to put his/ her fingers inside your ears, then drink a hole glass of water, do not stop, and close your eyes. This will release any air bubble stock on your system. later...

Corporate Kingâ„¢
hold your breath or keep drinking water nonstop

A Dane's Sweetheart
have someone say to you, "I'll give you five dollars if you hiccup again." Your mind thinks, "woohoo! Money!" and then your hiccups stop.

Tilt your head downwards and drink extremely fast through a straw while not taking a breath.

drink a glass of water, upside-down...bend over, and drink from the opposite rim of the glass.....it works every time ! (your chin will be in the glass.)

~ anii bananii ~
Have someone scare the **** out of you..

A shot glass of LEMON JUICE. (not lemonade, lemon juice)

My health teacher gave us this trick. I've told a few of my friends too and they always use it and it works all the time for them, as well as for me and my family.

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