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 How can we cure asthma? if it happens to kids. What is immediate releif for it is allopathay is best for it.?

 What are the symptoms of pneumonia?
my 10 yr old complains of tight chest and was sleeping all day yesterday threw up yesterday 3 times and is having trouble at times moving around
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he had a lowgrade ...

 What is pleurisy?

 I am a runner and I sneeze badly after a race and continue for about three days. What can I do about it?

 Sometimes giving oxygen to a patient can be deadly-when is that a problem?

 Do asthma attacks always kill without medication, or can it get better by itself?
I thought that all asthma was relative to the individual and that not all bronchiospasms were severe. Is it possible to have an attack or have asthma, and not take your meds, and have it all return ...

 Shouldn't we be doing something productive besides sitting at a computer all day?
Its Christmas, get out and do something!!!
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no, i spend too much time at computer....

 If someone has emphysema....?
If someone has emphysema, then has a heart attack will placing stents in the blocked arteries help blood flow to the lungs and allow breathing to be better? Are will that not make that big of a ...

 Something is stuck in my throat or wind pipe?
I feel like there is something stuck in my throat.
like it doesn't hurt or anything but i can feel it.
when i sleep i can't feel it. I tried spraying some
soar throat stuff ...

 I just started smoking, why does my chest hurt?
I've been smoking for about a month or so now. Today i smoked about 2 and a half parliaments today....

 Ventilator Pnuemonia?
does anyone know how this is treated??
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He is on a ventilator and has developed ...

 Has anyone had success quiting smoking with Chantix?

 What can i do/say to stop my friends from smoking?
they are 14.
how can i tell them to stop!
they dont listen!
they dont smoke a lot but i want them to stop!...

 ..I stropped smoking pot about 5 months ago. about 1 week ago?
I took one small hit from my old bowl that mostly contained resin. I have to have a hair test in a few days. Will I ...

 Cigarss ?!?
Is smoking a cigar (ex colts) bad for you when you only smoke one every so often .. like every 2 weeks ?...

 What is the best otc medicine for a sinus infection?
i'm pretty sure i have a sinus infection... i'm stuffy and congested, then drippy, sore thoat, thick gross mucous (sorry for the details).. what med shoudl i take? maybe its just a cold? im ...

 People Who Choose To Smoke?
I have asthma, so naturally I try to stay away from smokers. But I don't think that everyone should stop smoking, I mean if someone knows all the health risks of smoking and they still decide to ...

 First-time smoking?
after your first cigarette will you get sick? like sore throat(burning), raspy voice, needing to clear your voice and shortness of breath(harder time breathing). even if you don't smoke the ...

 Does anyone here suffer from anxiety attacks?

 Help with a question about Smoking.?
I would like to know what a "Jay" is, my friend told me he got kicked out of school for smoking a Jay so..
What is it..??

What is the health risk of mold from water leaks in a house?

it can make a person quite sick and if the person has asthma or allergies ,even worse for them

Earl O
It can be very dangerous, I heard of people having to leave there home and live somewhere else.

Possibly quite huge. The risk depends on the type of molds growing. Some can cause an allergic reaction others produce mycotoxins that can be deadly or short of that cause severe and permenant brain damage. I am sure the spelling is wrong but a very dangerous black mold is (sp)stachybatrus. I saw a program on Court Tv about a family in a 4M home that had a leak from the ice maker. This deadly mold grew and made the family sick, but left the once succesful father with brain damage. If there is mold in your house you must get rid of it. Usually this means tearing out the flooring and sheetrock. If delayed the mold can overtake the house and it can be deemed un-liveable.

Yes it can cause allergies to act up and it is bad to have in the house, but more seriously you need to remove it because it could be "black mold" which is airborne and can cause you to cough up blood and make you extremely ill. I would get rid of it as fast as possible and also find the source of the mold's cause.

It depends on the kind of mould that grows and if anyone in the house has a weak immune system. Some types of mold produce toxins (like the infamous "black mold") that can be life threatening. Some may only result in allergies. Bottom line- its never good to have it there so dont take the chance- get rid of the mold and the cause.

Stephanie M
It can be potentially deadly, especially to children, people with asthma and compromised immune systems. Any costs incurred by contacting a mold remediation company (they use thermal imaging to find mold living inside walls that you might not know about) may be significantly less than years of possible health care bills.

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