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 Brown discharge?
I'm 19 and i have had my period sence i was 11 and i have never had a brown discharge before for the past week i've been discharging a brown stuff and it doesn't have a smell either ...

 With proper treatment, can AIDS turn back to HIV?
IM doing a paper on HIV and was wondering....

 Does anyone have a website that will tell me the history of HPV?

 I this an std?
My boyfriend and i were doing "our business" and i noticed his penus is red in some places.. and he had little white spot things but was that because he was cold? thy were like white heads ...

 Is unusual spots on your face related to hiv ?

 Can std's be spread by toilet seat?
Im in nursing school and they told us that its rare but possible, by the back splash of the water. But my doctor told me absolutely impossible???...

 Is there any STD that you can get through kissing or any that you can get even tho you are wearing a conndum?

 Is it true that you can get crabs from a toilet seat?
Can you see the crabs on the toilet seat with a naked eye?...

 What are the sysmtoms of AIDs? plz help me out?

 Medical negligiance???
would it be medical negligance if a doctor diagnosed u you a serious STD that you really didnt have and even treated you for it causing lots of problems??????
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well it ...

 Does any one know anything about herpes?

 What do i do i i found a cure for aids?

 Did you know that 1 out of 4 people have herpes?
come on lets play a little game
look around
its called 1 out of 4...

 If you have a cold sore, does it mean you have herpes?
i have to ask for a friend....no...seriously.....my friend has a cold sore...
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can you get rid of it?...

 How can I get STDs?

 Umm, Well. I guess.?
Theres a womans/children health clinic on my block. Answer yes or no, if they provide these things please.

{1.} Pregnancy Test
{2.} STD Testing
{3.} Yeast Infection testing

 What will be the one thing you want to do if you found out that you are an HIV positive?

 This may sound graphical?
Is it ok 4 my 11 year old son 2 shave his weiner ...

 I have aids whre is the best place to go for vacation before i die?

 Can u still catch an std before the boy pulls out?
i just want to ...

Why are people so judgemental?
Why do people judge others so quickly when they hear they have contracted an STD? It's called carelessness and irresponsibility, but it doesn't make them horrible people. Is hatred and judgement really that enjoyable?

Also, some of you people really need to get informed about STDs. Some of you seem to think some are way more easily transmitted than they really are. And, some of you seem to think some are not as easliy transmitted as they really are.
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whatmarc, that's still no reason to be that way to treat others like crap.

Incarcerated Bert
Probably because it is preventable, where as if you get lymphoma, or something else it is just tragic.

Thanks for the education.
People are people.
It really does not matter.
Just worry about you (and your friends and family).
Do not concern yourself with the "judges" in life.

People will never change. I think that even if someone has an STD they will pretend they don't just so they can make fun of someone who does. I guess it makes them feel better. I also think that contracting an STD is not always from carelessness or irresponsibility. Sometimes people just lie or honestly think they're clean.

I think people should be well inform and yes
You can get an STD from someone you really trust
Like a husband or wive,maybe a girlfriend or boyfriend
you knows for many years
You never know

Yeah I hear you! Some people are so uneducated about STDS, it's scary almost! It bugs me so much when I see someone ask a question like "Can I get an STD if I sit on a toilet seat?" I mean seriously come on!

I also love it when people try to answer questions about STDS and they obviously know nothing about it. I don't know where they got there answers from, if they made it up or what.

And no STDS doesn't make the person a horrible person. Some people can't help it. Babies are born every day from mothers who have herpes or HIV, it's not the babies fault! I have two STDS and I didn't even know it until I started having health problems. Turns out my sweet and committed boyfriend of 5 years was really conniving and deceitful by going out and cheating on me and then bringing it home to me. Does that make me horrible? No, not at all. How was I suppose to know?

I totally agree with you here. I wish people could educated themselves better on this topic!

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