I've had this pain in my knuckle and it's super annoying? |
I've had it for 3 days know. It's not swollen or discolored, but it is kind of tender. It's the first finger knuckle on my right hand. It hurts when I move my finger or grab something. ... |
I Broke my bone, Safe for Six FLAGS? |
So i broke my elbow bone about 4-5 weeks ago i had surgery in it, its still in a splint and when im out i have to wear a sling, im wondering if there are any rides for me to go on OR if its safer for ... |
My daughter is 10 and 2 weeks ago fell onto some wood only grazing her shin? |
But it's still very swollen I'm sure the swelling should have gone down by now is this normal?
Thank you for all your answers, she only has a surface wound and that is very clean the ... |
ive had a sharp pain in my tailbone for 5 years now, and i cant figure out what is causing it.? |
Ive gone to the doctors several times, gotten several x-rays and was told nothing was wrong that they could see, and to get an MRI if i wanted to, just in case it was something really small. (i never ... |
Should I go to school with a sprained ankle? |
I sprained my ankle walking down the stairs. I walk really awkwardly now. I also have two major tests tommorow but I missed the tutorials at school today bc of my ankle. And so I really don't ... |
When I wake up in the morning and stretch in bed my calf hurts.? |
When I wake up I stretch out (as do many people), but it seams when i stretch out my calf muscle (I extend my legs) my calf seems to pop out of place, becomes unbelievably rigid and hard, and the ... |
i fell down and went boom? |
today on my dads (700 v twin) I did a little wheelie and trying not to hurt the bike I pushed my self off of it landing on my back.. it hurts very bad..
I dont know what to do.. it hurts on my ... |
I Hit My Head Really Hard, What Should I Do? |
Okay So A Couple Days Ago I Was At A Show, & This Hardcore Dancer Kicked Me From The Side Of My Face To The Back Of My Head So Hard The People Around Me Could Hear It, While The Band Was Playing.
... |
whats the main point of a hickie? |
like how do you get them and whats the main point of them?... |
I Think I Broke My Big Toe!! Help!!? |
Yesterday, I was moving the couch in the living room and i dropped it on my big toe. It was extremal painful and bloody. Today it is swollen and bruised. I can walk on it but, i have to use the side ... |
Please help me get rid of my Canker sores!? |
Ok so my problem is i don't just have one canker sore. They are all on my gums, in side my cheeks, on my tongue, on the front and back of my gums upper and bottom row of teeth, on the roof of my ... |
My car fell on me while working on it from underneath. Could this be the cause of my back/neck pain? |
The weight of the car pushed down on my chest so hard that i had to take very small breathes while a friend jacked the car back up. Im guessing with that much weight coming down it could easily cause ... |
how long would a popped vein heal? |
ok so i went to volley tryouts for the first time, when i tried it i was ok, but then at one part when I hit the ball my arm started hurting, when i got back home I saw 2 dots on my arm and my sis ... |
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anunaki7777 | Foot injury, please help diagnose!? |
I kicked a tree (don't ask)
I kicked it sideways with the top of my foot (like kicking a soccer ball).
The edge of my foot (little toe side) hurts up near the ankle, and the large ball-like muscle on the top edge of my foot hurts. Swelling is there but minimal.
It hurts to bend my ankle/foot up and down.
It hurts when I move it, and hurts to walk on, there seems to be some pressure on the areas I mentioned.
Is it a sprain most likely? |

if the pain is not excruciating to move, then take ibuprofen, don't try to move the foot much. apply muscle relaxant cream and keep elevated as long as you can. be patient it will take more than a few days to move normally. |

it may be a fracture. hard to say, i'm not thinking sprain though. you may have fractured one of those tiny bones in your foot. ice it for about 15 minutes every hour, keep it elevated and try not to walk on it. i would say maybe get to a dr and get an x-ray. |

i think you fractured your foot |

it's hard to say whether you might have a fracture. that impact would be enough to cause one. gently feel along the top bones in your foot. five bones run from each toe to the 'bump' in front of your ankle. if any part of this is sensitive it might be good to get an xray. otherwise use occasional ice and elevation and stay off the foot. |

I stepped on a curb sideways (don't ask me, either) and actually broke a small bone in the side of my foot. Didn't swell much, turned nasty black and blue and hurt like heck to move or walk on. I'd get an xray just to be safe. |

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