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 Wrist piercing helpp?!?
Well about a week ago i got my wrist pierced. not the dermal, its the bar going thru the top of the skin. its not sore at all anymore but its really red around the holes, and a little hard? ive ...

 WEED im done need advice?
I have been clean for 8 days, only catching contacts lol MY question how long before the urges and mood swings stop. Im really grumpy irritated and frustrated....

 I am on Ciprofloxacin and took 2 cranberry pills?
Is this ok?...

 Is it possible for cutters to "wear out veins" they cut on or near often... ?
Similar to a drug addict having to switch spots for injections?...

 I left some Nair on my legs a little too long, and I have a little rash on my legs. What should I put on it?
I tried lotion and it didn't really do anything. It's big, but it's not that bad. Should I just leave it alone?...

 Purchased a necklace/earring set on Ebay from a seller in Hong Kong, should I worry about lead?
I know that there have been recent scares of items from mainland china containing lead, wasn't sure if it was a problem in Hong Kong....

 blood donating question!!!!!?
i donated blood at school and was wandering if they do drug tests on it. the little question thing didn't ask about drugs so do they care if you did drugs a couple days before? (it wasn't ...

 Why can you see the veins in my legs?
I am 14 and the purple veins in my legs and hands are very visible through my skin. I don't know if I am anemic or not, but if there are any other ideas and suggestions to stop it they would be ...

 Why did the hookah get me high?
I am 18. I have never smoked before in my life. I decided to try smoking a hookah with one of my friends. I know for a FACT that there was absolutely no drugs in there. There was only tobacco. H...

 I have been having a long bump on the side of my forehand (in the beginning of my hair line).?
It is under the skin. You can't see the bulge only feel it with your fingers. It almost feels like a popped vein or vessel. I only have it on the right side. I noticed it years ago and it has ...

 How does adapting to cold work?
Like to be more tolerant to the cold, your suppose to gradually get used to it, and adapt, the more your around it the more tolerant you'll be of it. How does that work in your body?...

 If you click your fingers, do you get arthuritous?

 Effects of pot on kids?
We were told in school that heroin addicts are more likely to have brain damaged children or something like that...But what effects might there be o a child conceived by parents on pot?...

 Does anyone know where to get watermelon flavored chapstick that is by the regular chapstick brand?
Okay im pretty sure i did this like for my third time now but apparently it didnt submit?Pretty pretty please help me find a watermelon flavored chapstick by ChapStick®...

 Can smelling your own breath kill you?

 Do drugs make you pee?

 weird burned tongue feeling? any idea wat its from?
my tongue has felt like i burned it for the past week and a half and i know for a fact that i havent burned it! its really sensitive to hot foods and crunchy things like when i eat chips and im SUPER ...

 Will i fail a hair follicle drug test? If I did cocaine once three months ago and I just took a hair follicle?
If I did cocaine once three months ago and I just took a hair follicle drug test with the hair being collected from my under arm, what are my chances of failing? please don't just give a ...

 Tingiling in hands + headachhes ? What is this?
2 years ago i started to get tingling in my hands i also get allot of headaches and migraines its making me miss allot of school mum says its because i am stressed but i am not, sometimes i also feel ...

 Is this sleep deprivation?
For one year (Dec-09 to Dec-10) I only got 4-5 hours of sleep (my sleep pattern is fixed now), I am 17 now, did I stunt my growth or harm myself?...

Health questions? 13yr old.?
For a while now I've been feels sort of ill I guess you coud say. It started out with dry eyes, then terrible headache. Then a dry throught and a slight difficulty breathing (at night mostly) waking up very often dieting the night, sometimes feeling out of breath. Not feeling very rested in the morning. Also feeling very weak and sometimes a little faint. A few times I've fallen asleep unexpectedly. And been very hard to wake up. This has been going on for about three weeks now. Some other probably unrealated symptoms are: back pain in the middle of the spine and small infected bumps heat my armpit but never on it. Incase the weirdo out there was wondering. I am not pregnant. And I drink plenty of water and eat more or less right. Any advice is appreciated, things like should I see a dr? What should I tell my mom and such. Thank you.

I can relate to a few of the problems you are having. You are going to have to see a Dr. Just tell your mom the truth. Please don't wait much longer because everything is easier to fix when caught early. Good Luck

Yes, you should see a doctor! And fast! Just tell your mom that you haven't been feeling well lately, tell her all your symptoms and make sure you tell here everything so she'll know what to tell the doctor ect. Goodluck and take care!

See a doctor, because you will get strange replies here.

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